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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I've been messing around with the VF-4's legs, and the VF-4 has better Gerwalk possibility than the VF-1. There's a hidden joint in the ankle that moves a lot, but it's very very tight, and gives you the idea it might break. In the end it gives a good range, and holds itself up really, really well.
  2. Bandai reissues included a 1/55 Super Max 1A. There's one on mandrake now for 60$ http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1245806.html And back on topic.... I finally figured out a good way to display boxes without sacrificing a closet! Duh, behind the glass! Just gotta unpack more to fill them in!
  3. Are we really spending time worrying about drag on a aircraft that spends 5% of its time in atmosphere? Lol
  4. Well, they did say that they were able to aquire a very hard to get license.. Maybe Wheeljack was only delayed in order to get the Alitalia's license. I doubt Lancia has any issues with giving the thumbs up on racing heritage.
  5. I cleaned it up a little.. I can't translate the last word correctly but it just sounds like he likes it. I would assume with any scheme, it depends on acquiring the license.
  6. Thinking about it, probably only getting one repaint of this mold..
  7. You can't get more G1 than that Bee' and yet the Fandom cries out in anger. I swear the Transfans are worse then Star Wars kids. "It's not G1!" "It's too G1!"
  8. This is only for VF-1 repaints, it has nothing to do with anything other than a response I got in an email. Let's not argue the merits, just post the schemes you'd like, and maybe after -10-20 more people respond I'll pick the most mentioned to be used to poll. 1D, VE and VT are all in the mix
  9. Arcadia knows that the Japanese retailers sell plenty to the English market. They know it, everyone knows it, they just can't advertise it.
  10. This will eventually turn into a poll. But what I want is for you to shout out the top 5 non Hero color variations of the VF-1. I will then tally them up, and start a poll. The top 5 finalists will be forwarded to MrK. No guarantees, but he'd like to know the fan favorites. Remember, Non-Hero, so no Max and Miriya or Hikaru's ect! VF-1 only.. Go! I'm throwing in mine to get the ball rolling.. 1) Minmay Guard 2) Black Aces 3) Low Viz grey, or just a grey Kit with S/A/J heads 4) Woodland Camo 5) Stealth
  11. Someone asked on Twitter about an Alaska VF-1A, the response was "not yet decided". But that MrK was hard at work getting the promotional photos for the new models together for WF. Sounds like they have speculated about Alaska. Need more Hasegawa designs!
  12. Bandai has no current orders for any DX models. It's just the two super parts sets. The lull before the Storm.
  13. Your lucky if they aren't cracked right out of a MISB.
  14. Some VF-171 magic.. Group shot..
  15. I got MP-12J today from China. First impression, I have to say, if this is a KO, it's as good if not better then the TAK versions. Tight joints, same feel of plastic, and the shoulders actually snapped into the upward position. My other Lambos don't have that! The only issue... The mid section peg is too big, and has to be shaved to fit the slot. ( giggidy) All in all, including the Takara copyright tags, this feels like it's the legit mold. It's crisp and not cheap. Miles ahead if the KO SS's and RA's.
  16. Business for UPS, FedEx and DHL is always cheaper because your on the routes the do everyday. Residential costs more because it's time that wasn't allocated already. I bought something from Mandrake for DHL and they charged me 60$. I sent them an email saying it was a business address, it can back at 28$. EMS doesn't change because the Post Office doesn't care.
  17. Sal takes forever and can get lost. EMS is the best option Only use DHL if you have a business address... And it's not a giant 1/48 box lol.
  18. All it takes is a damn google search, or god forbid, putting a DVD in and watching to understand what colors Galvatron has to be in order to be accurate. The fact that it wasn't done is basically the laziest and sad attempt by a company to make what the majority of fans want. We're not buying from you because you get it mostly right. Look, if you're not gonna do it right, don't frakking bother! The only good out of this crap is HasTak upping their game. Also, whatever happened to just being upgrades for existing figures? This is total Anarchy and a good example of why IP laws exist.
  19. Got a VF-171ex Alto custom of Mandrake for 130$ shipped. Got it to find out it's never been opened! The outer carton was open, but the valk is still sealed in its foam tomb. Sometimes you just can't beat how great Mandrake can be!
  20. If I'm gonna pay 3rd party prices for pirated Intellectual Property it better be damn near perfect. The more crap that comes out from these 3P companies the more I get tired of them getting passes for Doing it half hearted, this used to be for the fans, now it's soley for profit and Chinese manufacturing. 20$ sure, 50$ nope, 80$ seriously, frakk off.
  21. I kinda... Like.... The.... Gloss....
  22. No I adjusted the junk forward after the picture. Once in the case I realized it was no bueno. Pissed that the stupid intake cover just falls out like a bad contact.
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