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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Those look like 1/48, no rear winglet joints.
  2. Man-da-ra-ke! Yeah she's to be a permanent collection figure so I've been waiting for one to show up. I kept seeing Max's but always missed the Miria's. Something new for the DYRL case, and knowing Arcadia has no interest in them I know they won't be coming redone anytime soon.
  3. I picked up a Miria Que Ra today. I shipped it DHL so I'll see it by the middle of the week. Finally waiting paid off, can't be 48$ shipped!
  4. Nue owns the international IP, Lego could just have them create a new scheme from "Macross: frakkHG" series And create it. Either way, Lego is a 3+ Billion dollar company and Harmony Gold isn't even a publicly traded company. HG would run out of lawyer money trying to fight Lego. Hell I'm tempted to start a kickstarter helping to pay lego to Tell HG to go frak off!
  5. A C&D is just a threat of legal action. Wether or not they'd actually do something, or have the right to, is still in question.
  6. Legos not based in North America. HG doesn't own "Macross" they own the SDFM dist rights. BigWest has the say, and Lego is big enough to tell HG to go take a walk.
  7. I hope there's some kind of recording of it wether official or not. Definately jealous of anyone going!
  8. I'm waiting, this isn't gonna be hard to get in the end.
  9. I must be the only one... Head looks stupid. It's being flown by Ozma not Jack Sparrow.
  10. No, but it's fun the fan the flames on the RT kids, because it's thier fault for buying the 36 different DVD releases of Robotech over the years and keeping the HG giant alive.
  11. Sue over what? A crappy 80's show they didn't create? There's plenty of fan made "Macross" crap on You Tube. This is all HG, and Yune.
  12. MrK tweeted that gray molded kits are a possibility. I'm not looking down on your choice, I'm just saying the CF type color schemes in just different colors aren't Very appealing, Alaska base being one.. Is still pretty boring. Good for the collectors, but boring for people wanting More range in designs.
  13. There's far more interesting designs. Personally if they don't produce some new schemes wether it's Hasa' designs, or something else. I'm going to get bored real quick. Honestly, I think reissues are just keeping the boat afloat. I'm not re-buying valks that were on clearance simply because they are a lighter shade of white. Max and Miriyia.. Sure, but after that, it's new design time. It's a shame that the D is in the backlist. Hell, just producing some interesting 2 seat designs would be nice. No idea why we don't have just a simple dark grey, low-Viz, or standard aircraft grey release. Customizer's dream.
  14. Why does Zola look so jelly?! Lol! Blue fighter and a Pepsi Zero, nah no hint there! Lol again!
  15. I asked about the VF-1D and MrK said it's low on the list, so hope they get to it eventually.
  16. It sure is. I wish EXO would throw those up in shapeways.
  17. Stupid time relativity, April just feels further away the closer she gets.
  18. Just don't come back asking where you can find a Yamato VF-1J Rick Hunter 1/60 toy!
  19. I think he's riding on the 90's wings a little to past it's time. I was a fan back then, but seein MMPR as an adult, it does not stand the test of time. I'd love it if Bandai eventually did a Good Zord set. The Legacy one was crap, and even though The new Dragonzord looks nice, too much limitation. For as little time as the individual zords got on screen, I want fully articulated ones That also do the weapon transformations. Eh pipe dream.
  20. I got one of these for 16$, and the only non-garbage on it was Zero. Terrible subs, horrible audio, and bad compression. I'd stay clear of it!
  21. So blame pirates?
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