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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I got a 1/48 Stealth with Strike parts, and a Chrome Yamato DYRL stand for 50$ Go me.
  2. The only true end grail is the 1:1 valk. That's when I'll quit.
  3. We need a new take on Predator, that's why I like Predators so much. It was a new take on how they hunt.
  4. I believe the Magnus being a deceticreep was from a leaked press release a few weeks back. Magnus and Lockdown are the main villains, and it all transfers to the unveiling of Unicron.
  5. Amiami shows a 15% preorder discount. That's why it's under MSRP. Same with Hobby Search. HLJ will be at 10% less then MSRP. Although, be advised, HLJ's listings sell at Amiami speed. So I wouldn't play that game if you really want this.
  6. I didn't mean anything, I was relaying what the designer had said on twitter. Even though everything pointed to the 0D, I was going off of what he said. Why does it matter? I don't work for Arcadia.
  7. If you had held your breath from the day I posted it, you would be dead. So it was still sound advice.
  8. I fixed this for you! lol
  9. Dude seriously, who cares. People buy what they want.
  10. Lol, forget a designated Driver, Optimus drives himself. What a sorry piece of crap. I hope Takara does some decent molds.
  11. You can't petition a business to take a loss. No one WANTS to pay 300$, we just have already put up a line of what to expect. If it ends up being 280$ then we feel good, because the whole time we thought 300$ Besides, the price will be the price regardless of want.
  12. 200$ shipped for any 29' is a good deal considering what all of them hit in the aftermarket. Not counting Japanese retailers, second hand like Mandrake.
  13. I thought about it, Ozma is probably the rare case, and I would be willing to bet, will be hard to get on the aftermarket. It's freaking Ozma, the manliest man of men ever to grace Macross. I think Bandai should engineer 29 Armor parts, just for the Ozma release. He doesn't fly bare Valks damnit!
  14. I think we can all agree that, if nothing else.. Grimlock should be indestructible. I'm also kinda feeling he doesn't Transform. The Robot mode would be redic huge, like Omega Supreme huge.
  15. I think the story from gathered interviews is basically, new Decepticons come in, Optimus goes rouge, runs of to find the weapons of Primus, finds the Dinobots, brings them back to defeat the evil Ultra Magnus LOL as Unicron Arrives, Optimus leaves earth for Cybertron/Primus. Then just filler of crappy human drama.
  16. Not bad, but some more originality would help. Copying some shot for shots, it's nearly plagiarizing the first film.
  17. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-105000&utm_source=MAIL&utm_medium=html&utm_content=NEOGDS-105000&utm_campaign=GOODS CDjapan. Not paying 200$ shipped for this.
  18. I'm sitting this one out, good luck to those interested.
  19. Well Ultra Magnus is a evil deception, so don't get too thrilled. Two headed Swoop is not helping. CGI looks bad because it's not done, it's just a teaser trailer. There's more in the budget than DOTM, the TF's will look good.
  20. The 171EX is a breeze to transform once you figure out exactly how it's supposed to. If they ever do a Renewal of the 17', it needs a gimmick for stubbier legs, and removable intake covers.
  21. In example of HG not giving a crap about its interests, but still bullying. Remember I have given this project grief, because the CGI wasn't that good? Well at least it's not a drawing, exactly of a shitty Toynami Toy! Same as.. And the destroyed Regult.. Err "Battle Pod" has backwards leg. Yeah HG is really worried about thier interests.
  22. I'd also add that most of those franchises are owned by investors and or large corporations. You have to remember HG is a tiny little baby company who's got short man syndrome. I think they are overly aggressive, because they really don't have much in the way of capital to actually fight a large legal battle. Point in case.. HG sues Hasbro for making a repainted F-14 look like "Jet Fire". On these grounds alone, it's a losing battle, but they try anyway. They end up "settling" per HG. HG claimed Hasbro had to stop selling Them or the lawsuit would commence. Hasbro stops selling them. 2 months later Hasbro Toy Shop unleashes 100's of unsold Jetfire repaints. No lawsuit. They just run their mouth, and hope to legal scare people. Any company dumb enough to think that a Hasbro owned toy design, Licensed from a Japanese toy company, for a Hasbro owned character Is infringement on a ultimately unknown 80's cartoon called Robotech With no current products on the market, would ever win in court. Is a company ran By idiots.
  23. Ah damn more crossover songs! Chie singing M+ sounds like winning.
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