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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Na, the VT-1 played a critical role in DYRL's story line. Luca is geeky teenager who barely fought. Plus the RVF variant is a half assed design. It's just a VF-25 with a Radar dish and antenna. Where as the VT, is a VE variant (already a rare frame) and unique super parts and head. Without the VT-1, Minmay would have never been captured and in return never have been used by the a zentran as a weapon. Without Luca (in the TV show) it would have just taken some other nerd to crack the code. Without Luca (in the movie) nothing would have changed. Not hating on Luca, he's just a super weak character.
  2. Unless your planning on making stop motion movies with it, I'm sure the articulation will topple most peoples imaginational posing abilities.
  3. I always tweet him in Japanese. Although my translations fall flat in regards to Conversational Japanese. He gets about 90% of what I write him. It's funny everyone is freaking out with negatives. I'm just happy the VF-0D is confirmed!
  4. Need more results!
  5. THIS.. Is not a good idea. lol Without getting all interior designer In here, you can always go with a neutral Color like Dark tan, or medium brown. It tends to disappear as a background color To your eyes.
  6. I just want to know Hoooowwww does one get this. I'm about to go all Skull style on my bike. Nothing more geeky Then riding wearing a DYRL helmet, but then add shoulder pads!? Must have.
  7. Yeah I don't think anyone expects the Bandai inquisition at WF.
  8. Great Michonne episode. Carl's always going to be a little douche nozzle because he's a teenager. Can't wait for next week to find out what's going on with the rest.
  9. The included city makes it cool. Steep price, but.. It is the SDF-1.
  10. I expected to see at least one reissue announcement. Weird!
  11. It'd probably be a watermelon in order to scale correctly!
  12. That's actually a really good looking bird. I'll definitely drop the money for the Tak version.
  13. Rumor is... We are getting the Tak MP Grimlock at TRU for 75$ And MP-11 Sunstorm. It's a rumor, but it does explain why all the BBTS and TFsource MP reissued Grimlocks Are being shipped in Hasbro shipping cartons. Prepare for a war.
  14. Twitter would be the output in order to let MrK know the dis-satisfaction with the color.
  15. Yeah boyyee
  16. I think you're forgetting, it was just the second design they were working on before the company split. It'd be cheaper to finish a prototyped bird, then start a new one. Personally, I think the VF-0D is a gamble. Regardless, I'll buy it, so bring it on!
  17. I picked up the Leaderclass Predaking Dragon dude for 7.89$ At Target yesterday. Still debating if it was worth it. Lol
  18. Don't underestimate the power of the Ozma.
  19. Bandai is also a world wide multi million dollar company. Where as Arcadia is a small Japanese only company. We can stop comparing prices now!
  20. They didn't, it's HG, they just told BBTS the line was canceled, and probably killed off any momentum they had with the pre-sales. And yeah, I'm saying on the boat till 2016'
  21. Uh, why is Hikaru is cosplaying Pop?
  22. It Also helped that Hitler was sending Rommel off to Africa searching for the Spear of Destiny and the Ark of the covenant after Himmel convinced him it had super natural powers. Wacko bird.
  23. No, this a trilogy and the end starts to show that. The thing you see floating over Lockdown is probably another Decep monster like Shocky's driller.
  24. Tis' my one little random macross drop secret lol. I've scored a few times in the past. But this one Definitely takes the cake!
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