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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. It's different this time, this old man isn't saying the world is going to end. Even the almighty Hasbro has said they are a finite company if they don't shift to interactive toy lines. With the Star Wars and TF lines they are hitting the 3-5year old market, jumping the middle ground, and saving a few things for the 25-45 year old "collector/inevergrewup" crowd. Once that crowd moves out and on.. It's just the 3-5 market of big easy to play with figures. There will be a time, when instead of buying an actual toy, you'll just buy the right to play it in a virtual like world. Just as someday you won't be buying DVD's, but just the rights to watch it on your TV. The day is coming, and fast. The nostalgia crowd who likes displaying stuff will die off, and the spoiled brats of the entitlement generation will get their instant gratification fix through virtual reality and holograms.
  2. NY first batch is 100,000 yen Second was 140,000 yen. Third will be 2,000,000 yen Fourth will be 50,000 yen
  3. That's not the cine's job, cine's job is atmosphere and lighting. The director is responsible for the camera movement and what's in the shot.
  4. Star Wars was different, it was it's own Beast, with no other story's involved giving every Director is own stylized version of a paper story. Transformers are already plastered in time, in cartoons, comics, and now Movies. Plus, when Bay leaves so does his cinematographer and AD and ect. Changing the cinematographer changes the whole look of the film. I like the Film style of Bay's cine'. I'm just imagining some new Director who's more interested in making love story's and skimmping on CGI for realism. or worse, Stephen Sommers, Rob Cohen, Paul W.S. Anderson... yikes.
  5. I'll wait for HLJ again. I'm done with the US retailers.
  6. This. Everything I've ever bought from CM's while cool to look at always suffered from falling limbs, loose limbs, broken limbs, or badly painted. I wish I gotten some more Gashapon figures from them, but oh well.
  7. IMO, the toy industry will die eventually. All kids will eventually be unimaginitive robotically, emotionally drained empty souls. That's what too much technology does to one.
  8. It's not getting a reboot, in fact it's already been stated it's a three part story starting with AOE. Bay has just said he's leaving the two for another director. Which IMO is dumb, a trilogy should be done together or prepare for crap.
  9. Woah woah woah.. Anyone is better than Shia. Honestly I'm surprised Wahlburg bothered to be in this in the first place. I mean has he seen the others? Has anyone from all three TF movies gone on To do more movies besides Tyrese? I think Transformers is as big of a career killer as Star Wars. Tyrese is the poor mans Ford,
  10. Maybe if I can get my Kickstarter started on buying the license from HG. Lol
  11. It'll be after the DX VF-1, SDF-1 and the 1/60 DX Monster.. When they announce the 25S renewal. And the world banks will crumble as Savings accounts zero out!
  12. Ironman looks mad after loosing an arm lol!
  13. I'd be willing to bet it's ok for Atmospheric flight because the wing engines are designed to be used in conjunction as VTOL. Therefor making wieght and aero dynamics less of an issue. Where as Superparts and Armors don't have VTOL capability. This negating the fact Gerwalk allows anything, anytime, and anywhere.
  14. I got this thanks to a forum buddy! I can finally tell "micchhheeeellllllllllle!"
  15. Prophecy thread!
  16. The quarter needs to be renewal'd for sure. Also need a Monster, preferably 1/100 or 1/72. 1/144 was to small for the other DX's.
  17. The Tornado armor was just a bridge to the YF-29. It gave the 25's quad engines, VTOL and the beam cannons.
  18. While I somewhat agree experience matters, I've held and transformed Yammy VF-1s more times then I can care to count. But getting the Arcadia fresh out of the box with tight tolerances still dropped some sweat on my brow,
  19. I finally sold enough stuff I really didn't need, to secure a 25G! Woohoo! Happy Birthday to me! (Literally). I had sensed that I could do it, so I had already preordered the Tornado parts!
  20. Those sneaky bastards at NY have raised the price on the VF-25F 40$ Lol!
  21. That's it! I'm canceling David's canceled, then preordered, then canceled, then preordered order because if MrK doesn't know how to color coordinate his outrageous outfits, it's obvious the YF-19 will explode when left near anything plaid! Why you no like MrK outfit? You square?
  22. I wish they'd do something new in the Otona No line.
  23. The Alto looks slick in Ger, but the damn grey deltas just kill it from any other angle. They really needed to follow the design pattern.
  24. She had a severe wound that blood loss would have killed you. Ed is the only one who got a minor bite, and he's the only one we never saw the end of.
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