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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Did someone just compare Hasbro TF's to Yamato perfect transformation? If you don't get it, you might as well walk on home. It's Apples to Crowbars.
  2. Yeah, I'm in Arizona, if I can't open the visor for stop light cool downs then it's completely useless to me.
  3. It's The Walking Dead, you won't see Terminus until the last 10 seconds of the season finale lol. I think Bob, and Carol are going to eat it. Bobs kept repeating he always the last, which is a for sure death sentence. Carol has nothing left but Daryl. In the end regardless of what Kirkman says, if your playing the part of Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn or Maggie, your probably pretty safe. I do think it would TV suicide to kill off Lincoln or Reedus. The Fandom would revolt.
  4. 317$ Is fair for that, they're like 400$ all day long!
  5. Dat Payload..
  6. Stop giving them ideas to release before YF-30's and bigger Koenigs!
  7. What, no criticism allowed? I could have missed the entire show, and not been lost next episode! It just seemed like a waste of two characters that they wanted to spend time on emphasizing the difference between the two. It also seemed to again point the finger at Carol, not being able to watch kids properly. Also, I didn't think I heard what Tyrese said.. Something like " I'll never forget what you did, but I forgive you" I couldn't here thanks to off screen screaming lol.
  8. It's not surprising, but a whole episode to character build only to end them. Why waste my time. They (the writers) need to get better at character building. I mean In the beginning there was only fodder characters, now there's too much building right before deaths. They need to find that middle ground. I thoroughly enjoyed the charred walkers though, that was fantastic.
  9. I must be the only one who fell asleep during the last episode. Meh, this is the normal slow down before the season finale.
  10. I think I've heard that the Pentagon has said the F-35 was the last piloted fighter Aircraft. That the designs in use on the 35' will eventually make their way into the future "ghost" pilotless aircraft fighters. You can build planes, but you can only have so many pilots.
  11. Actually, Amiami doesn't blacklist you if you just let it get canceled. They only blacklist you if you ASK to cancel. Trust me, I know.. First hand lol!
  12. It's for kids, it's 30 inch wing span, sealed cockpit, and no landing gear.
  13. it wasn't a full renewal, and I think it suffers from some looseness after transforming a few times.
  14. Japan is a helluva drug.
  15. Bandai Doesn't really care about the markets outside of Japan, but it looks like maybe the induction of more stock maybe a sign that Bandai has noticed international sales are selling more products equaling more money. It makes more sense, and it creates a virtual legal loophole to seling Macross products outside of their contracted area. It seems as if only a few models of valks aren't popular ( VF-27 and VF-171CF ) are hold over's. But the Hero valks still move. funny enough that 25A gets restocked at a few places and is gone instantly.
  16. Just saw that, random restocks at HLJ are awesome!
  17. Oh lawd, another F, but no S or YF-30?
  18. Rumor is 3P chrome parts to replace YOTH gold pieces. I bought one because it was in the actual store, and I had a 20% off coupon,
  19. So they are confirming them 2 weeks after the orders opened? Lol wat?
  20. I'm bored with the F-35, it's so overrated at this point, I'm over it. especially non-VTOL versions. Yawn. plus the problems that have yet to be fully fixed.
  21. So speculate Cliffjumper will come with Daniel in Exo-suit? I hope they consider more G1 movie add-in's. I still think it's the best media ever made for the TF's. I hope they renewal Hot Rod / Rodimus to fix the problem spots in the future. With Ultra Magnus coming we're gonna need Kup in their somewhere. Who's gonna tell Grimlock war story's?
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