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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Stop living in the past. Yamato is dead Hi-metal is dead Arguing prices is like deciding who's the most retarded on the short bus. This thread goes of course more than Malaysia flight 370.
  2. After reading this thread I'm praying for a Macross 7.5 series where we start off right after dynamite! Just because everyone hates it so much, hell I'm emailing Kawamori this right now.
  3. Are really doing this again? ( not talking to you Jenius ) It's a completely new mold, 100% no reused parts. Now let's discuss things that aren't already known...
  4. I hope that I can Teleport There, now we are both going to be let down.
  5. Gerwalk is the best! I'm also a fan of just the Legs down, .5 Gerwalk stance just like DYRL VT-1 style. In fact almost everything looks good in that mode.
  6. I like Kicker, but this is also why i love EXO. the cynical part of me just made an evil grin. I just transformed this bird at least 3 times, from each mode, and each time it feels more like a VF-19, then I transformed my VF-19S, and I actually like this new one better. I'm less scared to break something then I was at first. The YF feels more sturdy than the VF-19's. Maybe it's just me, but the only complaints I have on this are still just the rear main stabilizers are loose.
  7. I think you were meant to take that Roy couldn't beat Ivanov, if Nora hadn't been killed Ivanov would have eventually beat Roy.He was handing his ass to him, so I doubt Roy would have suddenly out shined him. Before I start a war, I mean that Roy's limitation with the Zero's faults.
  8. Bingo, as I've said in the past, if you don't get "Zero", it's because you haven't correctly equated yourself With all the story's.
  9. Yeah but now it's Arcadai, so it will be a 1/400 model limited to 5 and sold at WF for 300$.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure who they have doing the marketing over at Arcadia, but it's starting to feel like it might have been someone who should have stayed with Yamato! You have valks at 400$+ on the secondary, you ignore those, for the ones on clearance... I don't care if you're from Mars, that's just dumb. I don't care if Basara landed here and said Macross was real, and he's going to serenade us into Space... His VF-19 is still on super clearance from a half dozen places! Do Japanese residents only buy from Japanese stores? If he's that popular it shouldn't be on Clearance anywhere. meanwhile we get "VF-4 a lot of work" VT-1 "Doesn't sell" SDF-1 "Not a big market" Oh really? please Arcadia point me to where these things are just lying around taking up space in Japan.
  11. Fold crystals started in M:F. The red clear parts in the nose of the YF-19 are for cameras.
  12. They actually reopened it twice I believe, the first time the delayed the order stop date, then a few days after orders stopped, reopened again. It didn't hang around long after release.
  13. Yep, a VF-4 reissue would be gold mine for Arcadia, I'd be in for 3. Best model made, so far.
  14. Don't believe anyone when they say Robotech, it's a 30 year old dead franchise, clinging to life by some sad and lonely lawyers pretending to run a business. I wish someone would buy the rights to Robotak, just to put it to rest.
  15. Wait, Godzilla destroys city's... Because he's good hearted? Lol wat? ... And no offense, but I'm not taking movie crticism from a foreigner that still uses "Yankee" In their vocabulary.
  16. It's funny that kids who grew up on Transformers and GIJoe have so much interest in picking apart well written Anime. Chances are if you really don't like a specific series, it's because you didn't really pay attention. It's like hating the red skittles, it makes no sense other than your personal distaste of red. Doesn't make the red any less delicious.
  17. I want the figures and the sound nuke. Followed by the VF-11 Armored bundle with Kinryu Then make whatever they want lol.
  18. Of course the ankles won't work for him! He's a cat!
  19. 140$ at HKC, it doesn't make sense to me to release this... But I also don't live in Japan. So obviously somebody there who wants a paycheck did the research and it's wanted.
  21. I've got some ideas, If we can work this out, it might be a home run. I've sent you an email.
  22. You're getting hosed if that's the selling price your going for. Where are you located, there's a couple if ways to get this done. But with no need for fancy packaging, numerous arm mounts and accessories. There's no way a run of these should be that much. Honestly, you need to just either fund the whole thing for a good price point. Or Kickstarter fund it. You need to get these stands down to 20$ ea for this to be successful. Which would mean just having a 10K run on the tooling, having it paid for up front By a kickstarter like basis, and then selling the left overs. You either go big, or sell a few on here for a lot of money each. If you want help on trying to make a painless kickstarter I'd be glad to help. Just throwing in my .02 as someone who's done this with auto products.
  23. Oh mah gurd, it's prototype white?!! Canceling my pre-pre-order.
  24. Regardless of the hate... I think it's perfect.
  25. Hmm, well it appears Arcadia is hitting out all the major Aces first. Fokker Hikaru Isamu Basara Shin
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