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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I'm guessing Amiami will be around 180$ As will NY's first batch. CDJ around 190 BIJ around 190 AE around 185 HLJ (a few days from now) 187
  2. Don't bother hovering at HLJ, they won't post it the opening time.
  3. So That's it I'm officially starting the "buy the Macross license in 2022, Kickstarter in 2017. Who wants in!?
  4. I'm glad to be honest, I'm a huge SW nerd, but I got tired of endless adventures seemingly happening near the same time as other stories, multiple fates.. Ect.. Now that that's out of the way, let's give Boba another chance at beating that sarlacc and continuing to bounty within the Rebel ranks. That and more Scout Troopers!
  5. This is the last Frontier item I'm buying. In for the PO. Then nothing more until DX VF-1's or a new series.. Or let's be honest, the next repaint lol.
  6. that's nothing new for DX.
  7. I'm not a fan of xenomorphs!
  8. so it begins...
  9. I always go with HLJ, I buy so much other stuff, UM will probably ship without added shipping.
  10. Yep! I paid 55$ for the Tak version. Screw you Hasbro, and your bad spru marks, loose joints and overspray.
  11. I just bought a new Helmet and checked out everyone's sizing and HJC, KBC, Bilt, AGV, Arai, Icon, Shark and Shoei are all with in a few tenths of an inch in sizing. Compared to Masei which is off by 2 inches. That's pretty ridiculous. Then again I don't buy helmets I can't fit first. It's fine if it's gonna sit in your display case, I wouldn't be betting on impact performance. It'll be hard to transform the newest valks when your a vegetable because your impractical Chinese helmet didn't Live up to even the lowest standards.
  12. Yeah, that batt is not doing it for me. But Dat fighter and Gerwalk is just aircraft pron.
  13. Because most people don't actually check their measurements. With Motosports helmet there's only 3 you need to know. DOT which is only certified by the manufacturer. ECE which is the European standard, but Helmets are tested before allowing that cert SNELL which is tested by a 3rd party group, only the highest end get this. The problem with DOT is, anyone can stamp it in a helmet. The Department of Transportation has to test a sample (randomly) And only then if it fails, the manufacturer gets fined, but the helmets already sold are being used on someone's head.
  14. Anything is better then having a movie where the fate of the human race.., is to kill a guy with a endoskeleton, to save Jon "the douche" Connor, because "he says so". That ending was like a big "FU" to anyone who have a crap about the story. That's like having a working tank, and a pinto with a bad motor, and your boss says "take the engine out of the tank, and out it in the Pinto, our lives are at stake!"
  15. I'm gonna say it now, I will never get tired of Agent Coulson. Nor get tired of seeing Skye <3.
  16. Just FYI those sizes are way off from the Standard Helmets in the US. The standard for medium is 24.01 to 24.45 inches. So go two sizes up for them if you plan on wearing one. I'd want more then a thought when putting my life in my hands.
  17. fiberglass or composite? Composite is going to be a heavy, and turbulent helmet. Also, why no size charts? you can't go off of just L, XL, XXL ect. We need actual measurement sizes. Too big of a helmet and you die, to small and you can't use it DOT doesn't mean anything to products from other countries. I'd advise anyone buying this not to Ride with it. Nothing against Masei, but I highly doubt they have sent samples in to get approved, when they don't have to. DOT stickers are cheap, US testing is not.
  18. It's not a fake cab, the cab is a full figure, and can be a stand alone figure, but everything transforms, there are ZERO parts-formers going on. Even the helmet transforms like the cartoon. I'm stoked, I can't wait to see this in final form.
  19. Indeed, pointless gimmick without. Fz-109 with green laser pointer in head. Then we can talk about gimmicks.
  20. Regardless, it was cannon fodder in Plus and 7. Unless they fix the stupid shoulder lock sliders, a less loose cockpit gimmick, And boosters (not to mention Armor) the V2 was good enough. Trust me I don't hate the 11', a guilty pleasure would be the M+ orange drones. But if they want that to sell, it's gonna have to eclipse the 19' like an ancient god.
  21. Yeah you can, Isamu was cannon Fodder before being chosen / reassigned.
  22. You guys need therapy for your VF-11B addiction, it's not that amazing. the V2 version is good enough, but enough with wanting a new version of a 200$+ cannon fodder aircraft. I want Arcadia to make something that sells. period. then they can release some new paint schemes, and hopefully get some new licensing deals.
  23. It's fan made, Takara has not shown what Ultra Magnus is made of, but the designer had said it is not a MP-10 re-shell. So I doubt it's some kind of scoop, since it already looks like a simple 'shop.
  24. If anything, we all know how Star Wars works, since the last movie was ROTJ, the next one should be the newly formed alliance hunting down the remaining imperials, while a new with threat grows, possibly already in the Alliance.
  25. If your complaining about "non-super Heros" being in the movie, well then it would have been a short and boring movie with Only two people in it.
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