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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. What I don't get is that with all the Grimflopping, the knees are like reinforced steel. I'm afraid to use the joint, tighter then a virgin in winter.
  2. It's not a matter of if, but when. MrK posted CADs of the reaction missiles on Twitter back in December.
  3. I have to give credit, Evasion mode Prime is one of the best movie figures to date. It's got stuff joints, a great alt mode, and a pretty decently articulated Robot mode. I simply love the extending ball jointed neck. Gives for some sweet poses. But that's the only AOE figure I plan on buying.
  4. Funny, as I was just talking about over-reactions.. your timing is one of gold!
  5. I don't go to TFW because I'm not firmly frothing with Hasbro's **** in my mouth. Suiting the infants there would criticize You don't need to clarify your actions man, We are adults here and understand profit and loss. You'd be a fool to avoid profit, for internet fanboyism. You did the right move, Forget them.
  6. I haven't decided if i'll keep both or not for both modes, since I sold my other Grimmy's. I just wish the hips weren't such failures.
  7. I snagged two of them in store for 59.99$ ea. First time I've ever found an MP this early at my local Scalperemployees"R"Us.
  8. I hate to say it, but that would look Rad if you could mount it to the dog collar, and then put speakers on it. Have to the dog run up to people with Basara shouting "Listen to my song!"
  9. Tak usually only does 2nd runs close to the original releases. I would have doubted Tak doing a 3rd run of MP-10, and a 3rd run of MP-11. This is true, the last two MP's (soundwave and Acid Storm) had about 9000 pcs in the Regional Warehouse. MP-03 shows only 3000. That's between all of California, NV, AZ, CO, and NM. I'd get in early, but it also might be that they reserved more for online sales, due to all the complaints about lack of ability last year with MP-01 and 02.
  10. It's got the Dinobots, the whole thing could be complete Shat, and the Dinobots are worth the ticket.
  11. I'm 50/50 on Wolverine: Days of Future Past. Although I'm now 100% sure, I'm ready for the Fassbender/McAvoy stories, I'm seriously over Stewart and Mckellen. No offense to them, but it seems less corny with the newer actors. I wasn't thrilled, but I wasn't let down. I guess I give this Movie a firm "Meh". Typical Singer movie.
  12. I've been trying to tighten them, but it does nothing. I honestly think the mold is done. This whole thing feels like a KO.
  13. I never had a transformation problem after I figured out the process. I think the VF-171 is one of the funnest. Too bad the CF's just left a bad taste in the mouth. I truly hope they don't F*** this up.
  14. Hips, all of the hips, leg swivels, shoulders, elbows, tail, Rex arms, claws, neck, ... Hips are the worst, he only stands if you stand him straight up. If you try any posing even Like a aggressive stand pose, he splits. Trex mode has such week elbow and shoulders that the tail is to heavy And he can't do any posing outside of the center of gravity.
  15. I just picked up the TRU Grimlock. Wow, what a piece of pure s***. The floppiest pile of garbage yet. That's it, I'm done with Hasbro. Takara has my money, Hasbro can go blow it out their ass. Can't stand in any mode. I know it's not just this one, because I bought Two, and they are exactly the same. A loose floppy mess of crap.
  16. Bandai is really ripping out variations. I'm all over this, will think twice about a CF version.
  17. Wow such feeling many prorotype type grain made of china
  18. I just thought it was funny that both Godzilla and the human dude felt the need to take a nap after the fight. My only deal with the movies, was outside of Bryan Cranston, none of the characters were relate-able, and I honestly didn't care for any of them, but Bryan Cranston's. I take that back, I did love Ken Wantanabe in the movie, but he wasn't a character that was meant to have to much emotional impact. It was cool to see news the next day that a 7 story Titanasaur had been found in Argentina in the real world. Apparently Godzilla did have some friends in South America lol.
  19. I guess this was a joke then? If it's the same only metallic, then huge pass-o-MYTE!
  20. How about anything new from Arcadia. lol
  21. It has to be an improvement, it's got removable intake covers now...
  22. The real issue here, is if there's a second run of a E-hobby exclusive... wouldn't be through E-Hobby? Also if Takara made an E-tailer exclusive, then it's even less of a chance that they would go around E-hobby and sell the same thing again. There are contracts and stuff when you deal with retail exclusives. If anything it speaks to it being HA even more.
  23. This. The more I look at it, the more I like it. It's the ultimate version of Basara's rig. It's a needed display piece. Plus the FB figures! Hopefully EXO can make some drums!
  24. Until it goes up for PO in Japan, it's not Takara involved. I'm not putting faith in it because 1 store outside of BBTS and TFsource says it be true. He probably has the same distributor as them. "yeah it's totally a second run, Takara asked what else they could make for the markets they don't sell to!"
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