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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. And just in case. CHUG = Classics Heinke Universe Generations. Although we are going to have the new Tak "Legends" line. So now CHLUG? Lol
  2. Do it, because I have a feeling the next Arcadia release announcement is coming in early July. Regarding the M & M 1/60's.
  3. It was good, but it wasn't as good as the over-hyping of it was. It was different, but it wasn't anything award winning. I don't even think it's worth buying as a digital copy. I give a rating of "not bad" out of Crap stupid eh meh not bad awesome epic essentially a 3.5 out of 5
  4. It's on the sliding cover back piece, and from the pics posted it looks like the hole arm is ball jointed at the base.
  5. You guys are silly, this will be in a standard DX box, that Radar dome will be detachable. More then likely the same for that ultra large under fin.
  6. If we are going this route, then it also needs to include a fully articulated pilot. Spring loaded gear suspension, 180 degree rotating front gear, articulated ailerons, and speed flaps. removable engine covers and access panels. If we are gonna do this once, lets do it right. and yeah, make it 1/24th. Super Ultra Mega chogokin. Make it fully transformable, and I'm in up to 500$.
  7. I'm still wondering why they bother giving Luca a gun pod lol.
  8. I'm saying right now, this is going to be roughly 28,000 Yen to 31,000 yen MSRP. So between 26-28,000 yen from suppliers. Brand new spanking mold optional payloads probably 3 figures (Shin, Edgar, and Shin helmetless) We can't base prices off the YF-19, because it did use some pre-existing tooling.
  9. I don't always read Janglish.. but when I do, I have no idea what it means.
  10. Then again, everyone is arguing over which anime magic moment is the correct proportions. Regardless of master files, proportions changed all the time in the show. It's like arguing boobs.
  11. Honestly if they started off with something matching the renewal VF-25A's, I'd be all for the Chogokin VF-1. But I'd want proper length gear, if not a telescoping latter, ad attachable one. Correct hands, cable arm, a better working Gun arm attaching gimmick, and of course die cast in the right places.
  12. It's sad, but it's true, most of the people I know around here who are resellers and some that have earned "Scalper" nicknames. Have no jobs, some don't even have cars, but they are in front of the glass door everyday 5 minutes before they open. I never had time to do it, I just made friends with one of them, who thankfully collects Hotwheels, and once in awhile stumbles in before the resellers make it. Nothing more pathetic then a dude riding the bus, while holding giant bags of kids toys, he's not giving to charity lol. * this is based on a true story*
  13. So I found one more MP03, ended up giving the other one to a local friendly Hunter buddy at cost. Opened this one, and I was able to somewhat tighten the hips, but still not enough to anything pass Very basic posing. First one is only good for Dino mode, which is fine, because I wanted to display Both modes. Still, very disappointed in the lack of stiffness, Hasbro needs to drop Viagra In the mold.
  14. I feel your just going to waste typing power on rationalizing man lol
  15. It's just cost cutting, blending silver with grey to get a less monotone grey.
  16. I'd be willing to bet, once UM is released, were going to see a new Decepticon mold, but then A certain Porsche and a certain Yellow Italian concept. I only say that because I have been told Tomy just aquired rights for those two vehicles. And to expect Takara to want to share. Now I got this from a absolute hardcore Tomy Diecast Collector / seller. He buys direct from Tomy. Grain of salt, but think possibility.
  17. Honestly the lack of rubber tires isn't that big of a deal, you really don't notice them in a display case. Plus less things to worry about like degrading rubber over time.
  18. I ordered 2 as well, one of the few doubles I went ahead and got. Because Lancia.
  19. Yeah, I'm taking one. It's the ultimate edition of a main hero valk. Just enough to make it different, and cheaper than the original release of both pieces seperately.
  20. Maybe his, but most of us have the first intention to check the screws. It doesn't do anything, and it wont do anything until you apply some sort of friction inducing solvent.
  21. I figured it out, people think that the original Disney cartoon is the "Holy Book" of the Story of sleeping beauty. Then again most Movie critics are not film makers, so It's the same as a Hot Dog Vender telling Kobe Bryant how to make a proper free throw.
  22. Not sure what crack these "critics" are smoking, but for a guy who doesn't like Disney movies. This is a solid two thumbs up. Thoroughly enjoyed the Movie. It's a relief to finally watch a movie with A good story. See it, even if you don't like Disney, it will surpass your expectations.
  23. You confusing me with your statements, but Evasion is AOE, unless you mean no Voyager AOE's. That I could understand because it looks like TRU seems to be the only place stocking the crap out of AOE. Boohoo Dave! haha. You gotta make a group of collector buddies in order to survive the Re-seller onslaught. Here we fight scalper employees, eBay resellers, retail store resellers, and Toy show swap meeters. In fact the only reason I got MP-03 is because a Hotwheels collector friend spotted it when he was on the hunt, and had them held for me. Then called me and said they are yours. That happens because anytime I see a rare or Treasure Hunt, I just buy it and throw it to him. It's a parasitic relationship. I don't hunt anymore, I just get my prey. Much easier lol.
  24. Give them time, they know it sells, they just need to figure out distribution, and stiff joints!
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