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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Yes, much more modeler like, not so toyish.
  2. Say what you want.. Stereotypes are like large scale surveys. There's a reason the results are there..
  3. If this holds together QC wise, this maybe the most articulated valk to date. Only fear is we end up getting VF-25 Rerenewals. I can see it now.. Bandai announces Ozuma VF-25S ver 3... I know I'm twisted.
  4. Maybe they are switching to a 1/60 tooling lololol.
  5. I grabbed one from HLJ, basically ships free with my PW so I'm good.
  6. Yep, I watched and it was surprisingly engaging.
  7. Here's a holding gun pod shot, everything looks more natural compared to both styles of yam hands. And another one just for fun
  8. Just to add, these do hold the gun pod, but the trigger hole is just a teeny bit small. Fingers have 4poa per finger, not including the finger to wrist joint. All together a single hand has 21 POA. Fingers are also on a swivel joint which allows the fingers to be spread, or pushed together.
  9. No, the fist hand is fixed, the open hand is really only for saluting, and or palm open poses. They are slightly to big to be stored in transformation. It's meant to be used just like the extra hands that come with The 1/60's. It just became a bonus the Saul hand has articulation. It's nothing big, but it's a cheap hand set.
  10. Hopefully Superion shares NOTHING with FOC Bruticus. I'm still pissed I bought that set. MP Sideswipe MP Blustreak Only thing else interesting, although they will be priced higher than Tak.
  11. I got tired of waiting for someone else to figure it out.. So did what any "guy that doesn't know how to custom make anything" does, and figured it out.. These plug into the hand ports with no mods needed, nor damage to the original ports. You can slap the old yam hands back on whenever. Still working out gun pod hand grip. Work in progress... The salut hand is the same hand in all 4 pictures. Just showing off the range of motion. These are on a DYRL valk, but they are meant for the SDFM valks, ala round fingers. * added comparison for size. It's about exactly the same, just less chicken Give me some feedback!
  12. It's called a private warehouse, I'm always buying crap from HLJ. My MP's always ship for no extra cost to shipping. The last time I paid for more than 40$ in shipping for FedEx I had the MacF Quarter, VE-1, VF-19, and a dozen Kyoto chain bases. And it was 60$. I have yet to actually get increased shipping adding MPs to my PW. Still.. AE had UM for 127$ even with outrageous fictional 60 EMS shipping it's under 200$
  13. I wouldn't want to spend 200$ on a 140$ item either lol. Yeah I'm not going support 3P products when there's official product coming. UM looks awesome, bitching about accuracy between super realistic ( lol its not realistic at all) truck with car trailer, and animation correct bloblular like transformation in animagic cartoon world. It's just the right blend of both worlds. It fits the MP line which is the only line I collect. Because I hate flop. Besides, IMO citizen shat looks like crap. Fanboylove association went apeshit with it because A) it's bigger than FP commander. B) it's the first 3P version of a full figured UM.
  14. I was under the impression, this really didn't need a renewal... Just needed to be ginormous lol. 240$? Yikes.. Wasn't the non SP only 160$ originally?
  15. Not sure why anyone would think UM would only be slightly taller, he is Optimus with a giant trailer around him. Going to be giant.
  16. 22 Jump Street was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. Way way better than the first.
  17. The Seeker mold, was the only Hasbro MP that wasn't loose for me. TC and AS are pretty much as tight as Tak. I'm worried if SunS is going to be loose, being the third use of the same mold.
  18. ROTF was just bad movie making, even Bay came out publicly that it was bad. Terrible story, awful reusing of footage, offensively bad character development. Too many minor plot points. The Fallen was on screen for a total of 3 minutes. Should have just called it: Transformers Devastators Balls DOTM was a masterpiece compared to ROTF. Yet still fell short, if Meg's knew all along Sentinel was buried, it would negate the first two movies. They can travel threw space, so why did the Decepticons on the moon have to wait For the space bridge? Why didn't they arrive for the battle of the all spark? Why wasn't IronHide listening to Sentinel when he was spouting off about working with Meg's? Everybody was pissed about the Twins in ROTF for being offensive, But no one got offended over the Benz executing the "Einstein" looking Benz. After surrendering?
  19. I can agree with a Million ways, but if you didn't find 22 jump street funny, frankly I'm not sure your even Human.
  20. Because for most non-Super ADD, compulsive disorder people, it's close enough. I mean we are talking about the most anime magical transformer of 1987. It's good enough.
  21. What!!? No love for War of the Worlds? Yeah the kids were annoying because they had A messed up life, but Cruise was great in that. I honestly can't think of a cruise movie I though totally sucked. And it's hard to ruin the memories of Top Gun and Days of Thunder.
  22. I'm talking about the fact that as time has gone on, the quality of thier product is going down. I'm not comparing them to Takara, because that's a different market. I'm talking not just Transformers, but also StarWars and G.I.Joe. I've been buying this crap for two decades And it's not gotten to the point that everything I get has an issue, wether it's fitment, loose limbs, or shatastic Paint jobs. It's new, because my Classics 1.0, and Universe 2.0 figures don't have these problems. It's been since The last 3-4 years that everything has started to be a joke. I would have been pissed as a kid if the one figure I was allowed To get was a floppy mess. Which is why I stopped buying Hasbro. I've got KO's that are less problematic then Hasbro releases, and that's just pathetic.
  23. No, in Context EOT was one of the best Sci-Fi films in decades. It's not that America is stupid, it's just people are so used to being disappointed by Sci-FI movies, it seems like people are giving up. My honest opinion, this country is full of morons, and they hate Cruise because of the whole Scientology thing. Which if anyone bothered to find out what it is, it's a smart move for folks in the lime light. More then anything people have told me they won't see it because of Tom Cruise. Then I tell them they are brain dead morons for judging movies by the stars in them. That if I judged my friend based on The life choices they make, I wouldn't be talking to ya lol.
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