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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I'd rather transform 100 VF-171's, before transforming a 22'. That's just painful.
  2. I don't know, If you go my delay + deniability, it's possible the lack of VF-1 reissues maybe a sign that something is coming. I vote Off-white. Then again, I'll buy anything.
  3. HG wished they could make something close to par of a Michael Bay flick.. and that's saying something.
  4. If anyone has the right to be a Macross designer, it's the company that falsely claimed to own the name trademark. That being said, the design is very telling of just how much originality they have over there. Which is close to none. If I had tons of time to waste, I could literally pick out every piece of that design that's stolen a direct element from a previously designed "ship". I'm not calling it a mecha, because that term has become way too trendy.
  5. I must not have been paying attention to this thread, didn't realize the whole front fuselage was different from the previous. That's what I get haha.
  6. So is it against the rules to ask about the possibility of recasting these? considering MrK has said these will absolutely not be mass released because they were unable to aquire the Frontier license, even for the 19's packs.
  7. Wow, I though you guys were playing around about the Spy tier... that's just..
  8. Lol, they built the academy on a moon that's going to eventually slam into Mars. That's funny on its own.
  9. Lets try not to have the bad Juju of the 171's in the 30' thread!
  10. I've said some pretty awful things on the RT FB page and not gotten banned... Yet.
  11. The stands for the Arcadia Roy and Hikaru were just for those releases. I wouldn't count on them being included all the time. There was nothing Cryptic about the pictures. You'll know when MrK means to give you hints.
  12. I like how ever time they get 5000$ more dollars, they are "blasting" to the goal. I have a morbid fetish for watching other people blow their money on nothing.
  13. I can tell you right now, the big studios including WB, are not interested in anything that doesn't have a proven record Of selling tickets. Sequels, prequels, reboots, and remakes are all they really want. It's really tight right now. Kevin Smith got turned down by the Weinsteins To make Clerks 3 with only a 5 million budget. I don't think WB will ever do anything with it. Ever.
  14. Don't buy the light mates, they eat batteries like a fat kid in a cake factory. I bought a set, and now they just sit in a box. It'll cost you more in batteries than Just buying wired LED's.
  15. Gold! What if you ever became an actor? could the movies get sued because you're a Robotech character? HAHA
  16. It'll be shipping on the same boat as the Bandai reissues and Glaug Vinyls.
  17. I really wish they would have tinted the windows on the Datsun cars. With no interior, there's no need for clear.
  18. Triangles aren't hard, right after you've pulled legs down, either using the gerwalk joints, or detaching the hips, you push in the triangles. Remembering them when going from B to F is the hard part. That's how you break stuff.
  19. I have a copy of Shadow Chronicles I'll happily "Donate" to HG.
  20. I was thinking about having a set powder coated by a buddy of mine who does powder coating. it might require you removing the gear to get them done, but if successful I could get a quote for a group deal. I need a spare set of gear though lol.
  21. August, WHY YO SO FAR!
  22. I honestly think the first 1000 backers were probably all Tommy Yune's email accounts he uses on RT.com I imagin there are no nay sayers on RT.com right now. They are all probably starting to scratch build their Academy Cosplay outifts as we speak.
  23. After Robotech, it's clear Westerners need to stay out of making Anime. Lol And how is Robotech more linear? Robotech, until the end of the SDFM footage was terrific of course. But then they just take two random, not even associated Animes, make up some terrible Character names, and a really terrible storyline and say that it's all one universe? Have you watched it in the last 20 years? The whole show turns to crap as soon as the southern cross footage starts. Macross II, made more sense in 3 minutes than all of the Masters and new generation. Macross 7 is glorious, like an Oscar winning, Tony award winning Space Musical compared to Masters and New Generation. I have the whole series, I've seen every stupid thing HG has done, and the only enjoyable things from All of it, is basically watching SDFM with soulless 80's voice actors in English. Still, most of the real emotion in the show is lost with the English versions. Anyone who thinks Robotech is superior, has simply not seen any Macross. Or just have terrible taste.
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