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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. The bottom brown is just the see through portion of the fan. It's box lol.
  2. Harsh man, harsh!
  3. VF-1J with GBP armor.. With a extra grey visor head. In DYRL colors...
  4. Who's so naive to think the 2nd Death Stars destruction meant the end of the Empire? It's just like any group, new leaders step in, and the pride keeps the elite still gunning for power. Not to mention, technically speaking, there's always a Master, so Palpatines death, meant another's Awakening.
  5. Who wants to take a stab at the next announcement? Note* the top of the bluer is not a hint, it's the 0D From the other flyers, it just looks like it's part of it, but it's not. Not to be confused with the 0D flyers in the box behind it.
  6. Yeah, I'm apparently in the Majority saying it's a cool looking upgrade, almost more realism (WW2 style center lifting gears.) shorter nose, more refined engine intakes and dampeners. Plus a dirty, scratched up Rebellion look, which is what it should look like!
  7. Then what? they will do it again for the second episode, once the first one gets denied by Networks? This logic of selling robotech to networks is, IMO stupid. Robotech is not something marketable right now. Look at the most popular kids shows, then look at any of the previous offerings of Robotech. It's doomed from the beginning. No offense to anyone, but this whole stupid idea, is purely based on people's attachment to nostalgia and nothing more. Look at the only real anime, it's played late at night on weekends. Shows played during prime kids entertainment are purely already sustained properties from huge production companies. Most are even just continuing shows. Most of it all being corporate entertainment, held by the biggest names in the kids toys and games. If it was 500K for a DVD, ok, but 500K for a pilot to sell to a network? it's like it's been done on purpose to fail.
  8. I mean that he might have known what else was on the "cooking" up list that was at Yamato. It would just lead more clues towards what might be next. MrK has been stern in not hinting on any VF-1 repaints, so it's really weird we haven't even seen a teaser for a re-issue.
  9. So I wonder, if you used HG to buy a house, would they later claim you bought it in Macek's vision?
  10. There is, it's called Macross. Sorry I had too. * not debating, just saying, 1/3 Robotech is SDFM, and there are plenty of Macross Sequels to quench one's thirst. I am a 1/3 Robotech fan. So Don't think I'm just hating to hate.
  11. Graham probably knows what's next, or would be next, as he knew about the 19' and the 0D from that Yamato future line up. Maybe he knows what has third on that list. One has to wonder if the prototypes shown through out the last few years of Yamato got kept. Ghost X9 and the Sound pod from M7.
  12. I really wish someone would go to the panel from here. Raise thier hand during the Q'N'A and ask... "Where is the drop off box for Shadow Chronicles returns?" On a side note, has anyone in Japan told Big West that HG claims Plus and DYRL? Is it possible HG has a chokehold, because big west doesn't know?
  13. I'm not even sure what would actually sell well. Set the hype of high secondary market prices aside. What valk completely sold out and is no longer in stock? That never say around or went to a sale price? Only existing mold I can think of is the VF-4. With that being said They should be focused on getting licensed to release a repaint. I honestly even see the VF-0D being a slow selling object. Which isn't good. Again outside of the hype of a new mold, the Zero line didn't exactly do awesome Numbers. Outside of a completely new VF-1 schemes that would be non-show schemes like Minmay Guard. They are going to have to reinvent themselves in order to continue. I'm still expecting a more advanced And detailed VF-1 mold. I mean not even a Kaki or Max repaint to follow the Roy and Hik releases, seems to foreshadow What maybe coming.. Reinventing the wheel. If someone can think of a specific release, that sold out, and then sold out at retail in a short time With no sales, please add. It's a short list. No exclusives, they don't count.
  14. I heard from a Bandai rep that this is the first DX to have been 100% sold out From Bandai. Meaning the retailers for the first time bought the entire allotment Of YF-30's. Not only does this mean a second run, but most likely another repaint. And probably the repaint being released before Ozma 25' haha
  15. Nah they will all be during the credits rolling, but only after everyone's names from HG in Bold dance across the screen.. TOMMY YUNE everyone else who helped make this a reality
  16. Cels are IMO for the truest of enthusiasts. Cel buyers transcend collectors, as they reach into what made the connection to the collecting. Anyone can buy a mass produced item, but only a few can buy original Cels. I'd love to own some, some day. I have a hard enough time buying prints from my favorite artists, much less Cels. Heck some prints I'd like are worth as much as a decent used car.
  17. To be in looovveeeeee....... Yay Robotech Art! it's the BEST! I can't wait to see what amazing concepts that have for uS!!!! >_> 0_0
  18. I asked MrK via Twitter about the announcements of the next VF-1 releases and he responded... "It's still a secret" Will they announce something at WF? only time will tell.
  19. I highly doubt that. I think you should plan for 30000y, and then if it ends up like the 19 For 25-27000y then you'll be happy. Over 300$ is usually a market cutoff for collectibles.
  20. Yes, Bateman used the Macross Pod Casts globally dominating news reports to openly lie about Harmony Golds insufficiency at production. He did this so he could write a book called "how the biggest corporate giant in the world hates me". I don't get it, are they that unable to realize their own failures? That's just more bad signs.
  21. I thought a proper Shin release was one missing the wingman. MIRITE! haha, that just happened.
  22. VF-0D, where the D means Different color.
  23. Shut up and cancel your pre-order!
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