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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I translated , and there's nothing to support it being a exclusive. Plus Tamashii already has the Nov. Release web exclusives on their site. Stay prepared for heart break.
  2. So what you're saying is, it's the same stuff you can find at used video stores for a couple of bucks. i still have a bunch of ADV Macross episodes from the .99 Only store. Honestly, I might actually buy just a straight BR release of the original Macross as it was, in Japanese with English subs. I really don't like the ADV dub. IMO, the English versions don't have as much emotion to them as the Japanese versions. Maybe it's just me. But seriously, I have like four different Robotech sets from the past decade, and I feel like I just had dejavue from literally 1 year ago when the super-ultra-mega-fun-time Robotech Box set came out.
  3. * face Palm* Gak.. it literally... LITERALLY says what it is. lol
  4. You guys with + 3 need to take one for the team, and let some of us get at least one. you run out of excuses for more after 3
  5. If you don't think Animated and Beast Wars weren't the two best shows in the history of the franchise, you just haven't seen everything. G1 was a show built only to sell toys, In fact it was the First time a Toy Company was allowed to make a cartoon based on retail goods. G1 in hindsight, is pretty bad, it's great for little, little, little kids, but the Love everyone has is Definitely for the childhood sake. If you really think that the G1 series was a masterful cartoon, I have a DVD boxset of Masterpiece Bugs Bunny for you too. In regards to concept, story telling, and the ability to produce a good program, while also sell merchandise.. it's definitely nothing but Animated and Beast Wars. The Animators and writers behind those shows, were trying to tell a story, and not just sell to kids 3 and up. Let go of the bricks!
  6. Wow, They employed the artist of the team they supposedly shut down. Honor, what's that? Also, I'm excited for the re - re - re -release of Robotech on DVD. LOL There's so much fail at the HG game, it seriously is hard to take them seriously at all.
  7. Not leaving much of a window there are they!
  8. I can see this being used by Arcadia in the future.
  9. Gah, I can sense the loose floppy joints in the damn photo. Hasbro, why can't you make tighter tolerances!!!!? Is that a Space Shuttle leg on Superion? Is that a SUV leg on Mensor?
  10. I'm pretty sure Tommy is sitting around a Ouija board asking Carl about his ideas. LOL
  11. I think when they decide to do a Ozma re-issue, they will probably restock many times, just like the F. I think in time, Both Ozma and Michael will get reissued, probably next year.
  12. This is the only time I have bought from AmiAmi so I'm guessing I'll get a payment request on the day they receive it.
  13. Lower corner, from Arcadia's WF booth. Speculate how much licensing they acquired!
  14. Looks like Arcadia has acquired some form of the Frontier license. Check out the lower corner of the picture.
  15. Crap, I just realized I bought the 25G toronados and not the 25F's! Doh!
  16. MrK very mysterious.. Lol
  17. Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if it's just a 0D battroid mode lol.
  18. It's not even confirmed, we are all going off a very bad blur'd out image.
  19. Woohoo, bought. Even though I checked the page before I saw it here. I've had that damn 25F page in a tab for the past two weeks lol.
  20. Maybe, but no one knows anything, Takara is normally pretty tight lipped on things they are partnering on. 3A + Microman took 12 months to get a actual product shot, to know what you were going to buy. Hell, we don't even know what Transformers they will be from.. movie? G1? Beast Wars?!.. KISS PLAYERS?! lol
  21. I'll wait for 3A's Transformers line, Not a fan of how many issues HT has with rubber.
  22. It's Cosplay OP, it's the trendy leader version! * I know why he is wearing it, but like I've always said, I'm not buying transformers for their not transforming feature. I already got cryed to on the HT Facebook page for asking why they made a non- transforming Transformer... I apologized and remembered that the TF Fandomicide would buy anal beads if it had a autobot logo on it.
  23. This is why Flight Pose exists!
  24. GBP is the likeliest choice, hero valk, perfect bundle. Last time it was released it had broken shoulder syndrome. Lucky for them, I need one, so there's a sale. Lol
  25. MrK has always wanted to finish the Destroids. They just don't sell lol.
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