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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Haha don't get too excited man, most likely it will sit at NY until Monday. They always send shipping notices on Friday and don't actually ship them the same day. At least that's what they are known for. The email should just say "yo we made a shipping label".
  2. First movie was good, second was stupid but had some great lines. Third can stay unmentioned. Still not seeing this. I've had enough Bay. He hasn't had a good produced or directed movie since The Rock. Plus there is not enough alcohol allowed in a theater to be able to watch Fox's acting inabilities. My TMNT died in the early 90's. That's what I loved, and I'm not gonna taint it.
  3. This... I can get behind. Lol I swear everytime I touch mine it feels more likely to break. Of course nothing stays pegged on mine.
  4. You guys are so 20th century. I get text alerts from Chase when I buy from CDJ and Mandrake. It just asks you if you tried to make the purchase and you reply. Easy!
  5. I hope they ship these out before the holiday. I'm guessing payment emails are going to start going out tomorrow.
  6. I think we can all agree that the Macross / Robotech crowds aren't really all that different. We all love the same mecha, same characters (even if the names have changed) If things were just done with some common sense. We could all be happy. Here's what I would do if I had money into the license: 1)Lobby Cartoon Network / Toonami to start running Robotech. Perhaps even running the full series In the correct order to garner new interest by younger viewers. 2)Partner with a new company to produce some new high end collectible toys. These toys will mainly be the mecha designs, and will mainly be from The "Macross Saga" This will double dip with fans. 3) Redo the web store to lose all memory of the old RT negativity. Revamp with a exclusive yearly membership that includes a exclusive Merchandise offering like a action figure or custom colored mech. This insuring a large returning customer base. 4) Frank can hire me to clean house and finish the rest of this list. To at least make the license profitable. Never do something you can do for free! Seriously it's not that hard, and idiot with merchandising experience can do. It's shocking that the way it's run now, still have the same employee. And.. Kevin don't steal my ideas.
  7. I still think anyone who doesn't transform variable robots is just shy of insanity. Why not just collect statues? Or model kits that never need to be opened. Just don't understand the point. Kicker is the only one with an excuse, because Museums need back ups!
  8. Damn I missed it. Even though AmiAmi is a decent amount cheaper. I already have stuff in my PW. Argh!
  9. NY just raised the price, now at 18,000Y. I have to say, they have learned their lesson on gouging.
  10. man, they sell those at Hobby Lobby for 10$, and those one's can turn two valks. Funy enough it's just a 12v fan motor with a rubber band attached to the plates pulley.
  11. What do you mean? being a Gynecologist is how I learned proper composition!
  12. Yeah, I hate to say it, but based on the twitter responses I think he is just taking a personal drive down Nostalgia Lane.
  13. I think it's just like the bracing with the tornado parts. You don't *Need* them, but they do give you a little more confidence in less bending of plastic from sitting around and causing..
  14. Then he's lucky. Nothing kills DX purchase's like marriage lol.
  15. Yeah, well I knew I was out when they claimed these Helmets would be ECE approved, but that requires sending units to have testing done. Yeah I'm gonna say that's not happening here, especially with 3 production delays. Again, I'd never ride a moto with one of these, and if you're buying just for Cosplay / Display, it's reaching Yamato helmet pricing.
  16. They had already posted on FB that due to the re-tooling, the original pre-ordered price couldn't be honored. So you're definitely not getting in for the original PO price from the Spring. I think the early bird people are sitting at 325-350. New regular price From March and finally, with the fine print, from December 13'
  17. the YF-25 is definitely one of the nicest renewals. Solid in every way. I do think it will end up fetching a higher price down the road. There's been a lack of interest in it. Same thing happened to the Bandai models of the Yf-25, they were fetching a premium price after sitting around. Plus once they actually get around to doing the correct armor, I'm sure there will be a panicked buying frenzy much like with the 25G and 25F did with the tornado parts release.
  18. I have to shoot photo's for work, so when I get home I get lazy. You're being all professional with watermarks and mirrored bases. I don't think my procrastinitory instinct would allow me such work after work lol. plus I cheat alot and just use key's to make nuetral background's. So you're actually doing it the way it should be done!
  19. I'm still open to helping you get these mass produced at a much lower cost oversea's. I've got a guy in China. Once you have something you're ready to be good with, I can always pass it along for a quote/per piece.
  20. Google search "BBTS valkyries" It will come up with the menu page direct link. BBTS stopped selling Yamato and Bandai because of a C & D from HG, and probably had more weight from having lots of Toynami brand products, not just RT either. I remember the good old days when you could PO Macross DX tamashii exclusives. Not to mention they had a whole line up of Yamato goods.
  21. That's a first, only two different hands given, closed fist and a Gunpod grip hand. Obviously I haven't played M30, but I'm guessing it's because you don't see much hand action with the '30.
  22. The trick is to not use flash, you need more natural lighting via diffusers and lights. I've never bothered to do good looking valk shots. I'd rather just take a quick shot in a case because lazy. I'll let Saburo have all the glory. Besides I like his compoistioning.
  23. I'd say when it's confirmed we are getting a VT, I'm sure a VE won't be far behind. Not only is it still a DYRL anniversary year, but they share the same mold. Just different heads and super parts.
  24. From what I know, it was the initial reports of broken shoulders right out of the box that made the V2 SO a shelf warmer. Which lead to it being super cheap at one point. Plenty of people want a good SO, so with fixed shoulders, Option parts, and hopefully some better pilot figures they will sell well.
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