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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. english / fail. It's something I'd have to translate and email. I could try twitter, but it will more than likely just get a "cool" response. lol
  2. Everyone vote, I will pass the poll info onto MrK. for what it's worth.
  3. They need to redo HotRod simply because I want a non exploding version.
  4. They need to work on what MP's they release. Sunstorm is hideous. Prowl is overpriced. Meh to this year.
  5. There is no safe guard unless Hasbro did there own version of a web exclusive and opened an actual web store. HTS is not Hasbro, so that's irrelevant.
  6. I'm at 5 and growing. Lol Like valks, you gotta get them all.
  7. Cool, I was just wondering because he has been showing up in a ton of big budget movies here, and I've seen him in quite a many Japanese movie posters, and of course he's on the Ashioma box for the Hayabusa probe from the movie.
  8. I'll have mine tomorrow! has anyone tried to fit the Arcadia 19's extra armaments on?
  9. Yeah that and Jackson eventually dropped out completely because Microsoft included too much control over aspects of the story that would have had to be molded to fit in a 3hr movie format. Microsoft's huge licensing cash needs ruined it. If there's anyone that could make that story work it's Jackson combined with Blomkamp's combination of background and mechanical imagery.
  10. Woah, you're forgetting that Alien was like a foot taller than ol' hair lipped Jaquin. Plus that Alien had some serious muscle. I'm sure it could have easily taken Merle out to the shed in a few seconds. It was that entire ending of complete bulls*** that just made you want to kick the seat in front of you. overtly religious over-tones, combined with "there are no co-incidences" WHAT A TWIST! Aliens can fly light years through space, but can't bust open a wooden pantry door WHAT A TWIST! Aliens who die from water land on a planet 70% made of water WHAT A TWIST! Preacher lives on a farm, that doesn't farm anything, yet full corn fields WHAT A TWIST! Aliens have a hard time opening doors, but successfully use a attic ladder WHAT A TWIST! Little Baseball player guy defeats huge alien with a baseball bat... a f**()*)(*& Baseball bat.... WHAT A TWIST!
  11. I'm still mad that Microsoft wouldn't give Jackson and Blomkamp the go ahead on Halo. Blomkamp has proven his cinema scope can easily support the range needed to do Halo right. While District 9 and Elysium were not epic award winners, they were both great Sci-fi films that kept me interested the entire length of the movie. That in of it's self is hard to get out of movies these days.
  12. The Transformers Franchise is like Justin Beiber, it makes a lot of money, but has no respect from anyone. Like the universe's special punch line to every "what's worse than" question.
  13. I'm just in here to say, I hope some day in the future we finally get the Scott/Cameron Aliens sequel some day. Originally they said it hinged on how well AVP did.. so basically no. However hopefully if Scott can pull off a good sequel to Prometheus, maybe they can revisit the original final act for lt. Cmd Ripley. and yes this game sucks, I only know because some other fool bought it, let me play it. yak
  14. I'm not, it only had to have a story that wasn't as badly put together as AOE and it would pull in the same crowd.
  15. I don't know man, Signs was a great Alien movie... until the actual attack happened. I still remember being in the theater and getting a chill up my spine when the Monitor was making the noise. Even bigger chill when they Alien walked by at the birthday party. I can pin point when they movie took a nasty turn, it was literally when Shamalayaman ding dong showed up "don't open the pantry". It all went down hill from there. The ending was one of the worst ending's I've ever had the displeasure of seeing. Another great movie ruined by the ending was "Knowing".
  16. I still want a proper 1/60 DX monster. I'd pay a decent sum of cash to have the entier Frontier crew, which isn't complete without Canaria.
  17. That's what happens when you get a little chubby Edgar!
  18. Sorry your both wrong, iGear totally made the perfect MP-3/11 mold. They combined the best of both worlds.
  19. I think it's about the lack of tact of saying so, while in a thread where people still don't have one.
  20. They should use him for G.I.joe and other Explosion filled no brainers. Transformers seriously needs some substance, story and heart to get more money.
  21. I know that this is more of a tease then a hope, but... PLEASEEEEEE! http://www.theverge.com/2014/8/11/5991603/transformers-5-michael-bay-may-hand-off-series-to-new-director
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