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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. It took a turn for the worse when someone mentioned they should lower the consent age to 15.... Young people... so painfully inexperienced with consequences.
  2. You know you want a Dolfie Alto, ... and even a Pedifila (That name is LOL) Alto from Arcadia! Creepy dolls for everyone!
  3. I feel stupid now, I thought Gabriel had the walker farm? Or am I confusing characters?
  4. 8 years later.. Alto finds Basara on the new Vajra planet, Alto flies around, Basara yells at Aikun to listen to his song. Then we find out Gubaba actually is the keep of spacetime, and defolds Everyone in one spot. Bandai makes toys of everything. Fin. That's it.
  5. 2015 is pretty ambitious. I'd say full series you're looking at 2016. It was only six months ago that Kawamori said he was still working on a story. So it still needs story boarding, scripts, voice actors, singers, and animation Per episode usually runs 4-5 months.
  6. Oops, I forgot to pay and they cancelled my order. Oh well, I'm weirdly not upset.
  7. Roy called it a trainer in zero.
  8. The 19' had the normal production run opens, pre-orders are in batches. One run, several batches. The VF-4G closed completely (made to order), then it re-opened, twice. Followed by a Blog post by MrK about how the E-tailers were emailing them to death for more, since they had sold out pre-orders so much. They actually increased the initial production run with the manufacturing plant. Which is expensive. Probably because they knew it was the end of the Yamato's run. You have to think about a production run, some models will be done first, those models made (the quantity to fill the shipping container). Ship first, then the next group ships on the next, and so on. Usually 2-3 times. There is no room for containers, so they ship them as soon as one batch is done. That's why pre-orders come in batches.
  9. Horse poop, the VF-4G had three...3! increased runs. They sold out twice, and Yamato kept pumping more. Demand was through the roof, at least twice as much as they had thought. I imagine Arcadia doesn't plan on having more then one main run, with probably 2-3 batches throughout the release time frame. The only left over VF-4's were cancellations, that I bet people are kicking themselves for now.
  10. Alright guys, who is ready for real life Valks.. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/15/lockheed-breakthrough-nuclear-fusion-energy?CMP=fb_gu CN: Lockheed is now going to make Fusion reactors with-in a decade.
  11. The 0D will do better than any M7 fighter, because outside of our tiny group, casual Aircraft fans will pick up closer to real life aircraft. That's why people that weren't even really deep into Macross were buying VF-4's. This will be the same case, The more modern the look, the better the sell. I would not wait to see if this ends up sitting around... I don't see many of anything Arcadia hanging around. I especially don't see the YF-19 around, and people thought it was going to hang around.
  12. Bandai has been strangely quiet on releases for MF at this point. Maybe after Luca is released.
  13. No, the 0D was a trainer, and AFAIK the Boosters came in at the last minute, since they hadn't finished the improvements needed to run reactors.
  14. It's a open pre-order, there is no need to panic buy. That AmiAmi price is way nicer.
  15. My only issue with the price.. This thing better have zero issues, and not mimick the same problems the 19' had. If I pay 350 USD for a valk, it had better not have loose joints!
  16. I'm laughing at everyone assuming we will get a VF-0 anything else. They haven't even announced a simple repaint if the 19', I wouldn't hold my breath For a retool of this one withing 1.5 years.
  17. skullmilitia

    Macross figures

    It's gonna be like 2 VF-4's for one if those. Yikes.
  18. Was that Morgan at the end? Great first episode, Greg Nicotero's directing just gets better and better!
  19. That makes me think Clear display on visors HUD style are only a short time away. Pilots getting real time data on their shields, just like Macross. Eventually ending up on Motorcycle helmets and the like.
  20. Forced induction is the best! I just finally got a wideband thrown in my Bullitt, so now it's time to see how close to boom I get going from 8lbs to 11lbs of boost.
  21. Basara and Alto are similar in that they both are more interested in their passion than the women chasing them. M7 just made the triangle aspect confusing.. was it Basara/Mylene/Gamline, or was it Basara/Sivil/Gigle? It's refreshing to me, to see a lead male character stay true to himself than chase after girls like a stereotypical rock star. Basara was a rock star, Alto was a stage star. Both had ample opportunities, yet chose to stay the path to their intended fate, minus End of Triangle, but the choice was made after Alto finally got to fly in a real atmosphere. I appreciate that in this age of "chick's man"
  22. Yep, not gonna pass judgment, just based on the fact I didn't like the Clone Wars movie, but the subsequent episodic series had some really brilliant writing throughout its run. Will keep watching for now.
  23. Still complaining about Macross being Macross I see... why hasn't this been moved to the newbie forum yet?
  24. True, but with people only seeing MacroEvolution like Dogs and Cats, people have a hard time bridging Chimp to Human, even though we are nearly identical in DNA makeup. Then again, almost everything on earth shares a decent amount of DNA writing. Just invoking the ultimate truth that we are all just star dust.
  25. Yeah, I think you took me too on point. It's more of the missing piece of where we evolved from that created the Ancient Aliens theory. AFAIK we still just seemed to have "shown" up, right as Neanderthal disappeared. With some cross breeding before Homosapien took over. Until we really find that direct link between Sapien, and Simian it's going to continue fueling the theory of us being seeded on the planet. Which is a matter of perception, because technically speaking all life on earth would have became from riding an asteroid into primordial Earth. Macross Zero had a interesting concept, Even getting close to the theory of our race being genetically created by our future selves, but if you really want a cool story, watch Mission to Mars.
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