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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. OR... it means they intended to make the weapons pack slightly cheaper, and make it easier for you to decide to get it, since you already have the wings! lol. I'd be shocked if they didn't use this as a chance to repaint the RVF ghosts into a pack.
  2. ... that means it's only a matter of time before the tin foil hatters come out to blame HG for the delay... lol
  3. I wonder if Bandai will ever do a 25F Super bundle, in blue, and call it the "Gilliam custom" That would be kinda cool.
  4. skullmilitia

    Macross figures

    I don't see a company name, I wonder who is doing them?
  5. Don't forget, if they come out with a RVF-171 General machine, the super parts are different, they have the normal super parts, but also had dual fold boosters on the wings. I'd really prefer the CF version over this Luca version.
  6. Kirkman playing with fan emotions for the LOL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/25/robert-kirkman-walking-dead_n_6046564.html I've been reading some interviews with Kirkman, and he doesn't seem to be hiding the fact That this season ends with getting to Washington. I'm not sure if that can even be a spoiler, since the group agreed to it, but it looks like that story line is going forward. Also, he was asked about Gareth, and Kirkman said Gareth is a smarter, calmer, less reactive Governor type character, and his intelligence is higher, but dealing with a different kind of Rick. Makes me think i was looking to deeply into that Bob bite, I'm gonna say now that it's not going to be an issue. There's no way a guy smarter than the governor is gonna make a fatal mistake in the 2nd episode of the season. I imagine he will either be around till the end of the season, and maybe even be a background A-hole like the Governor was.
  7. Because these opinions already exist in the stand specific threads they are posted in previously. This isn't a new stand, it's been discussed in both VF-1S release threads. Relentlessly. If you're not going to get it great. Go post about how much better those stands are in thier threads. Otherwise merge all the damn threads together into one big Emo thread.
  8. If you guys want to debate stands, there's only like 10 topics already, including a flight pose thread, and a yeti stand thread.
  9. Dont be so quick to think it's HG, Bandai is big time friends with BW, HG doesnt own Frontier, so there's no reason they might not sell DX on this site. Tamashi could put them up for sale, then HG would have to bring up a lawsuit, and then BW would get involved. then HG would get shut down on this bullying crap with falsing that they own the name.
  10. I'm in for four. Sweet Price, going to paint the lower block grey like a taxi-way.
  11. That hasn't happened since DYRL, so shame on you!
  12. Meh, the KO is pretty much spot on, especially with the shoddy paint the first run had.
  13. Bandai: ok here's a Konig Monster, less accessories than the SP, but more expensive... BUY BUY BUY. Consumer: eh Macross Fan: I'm buying 6 Transformers Fan: It's out of scale Robotech Fan: is that from Academy?
  14. Needs more 1/24 scale.
  15. It'll be Elma. Didn't Mylene leave Macross 7 to go looking for Basara? I thought in the Manga she took off to look for him. Damn the Galaxy is full of lost idols and pilots.
  16. Honestly It feels like Frontier got such a new audience huge following for Macross, and has such a huge looming finale, that I would suspect, cash wise, there will be some resolutions from Frontier in some way, some how. I mean that huge, young, women fan base gained, wants to see the real end of triangle. Even if it's another fleet ends up finding the "now" Vajra home planet, with Alto. giving him a cameo, as he gets folded back to Frontier and Sherly. Even for a quick cameo would make a lot of newer fans happy. who knows.
  17. Damn treed by Kaneda's Bike
  18. You guys totally missing the point that space bridgeing a planet next to earth, wouldn't exactly just sit calmly Next to us. That whole physics thing. Obviously not a study of Bay's, made so by Armaggedon
  19. Perhaps a UNSpacy , SMS fallout. .. Almost another triangle Left Earth's civil wars, to fight Aliens, to win to civil war again. Perhaps a civil war, that leads to actually meeting the protoculture. A civil war between SMS and NUNS would be pure mecha porn. And broken wallets. Lol Orrrrr we are just way overthinking it, and it's just the name of another city ship lol
  20. It'll come out eventually, along with the 1/60 monster.. you know, in 2013
  21. The 19' was pretty much Yamato, and finished by Arcadia, the VF-0D is more Arcadia than Yamato. Still, at this point we still haven't seen a pure Arcadia concept come to fruition, and so far, most have been met with controversy. I hope the VF-0D does well, it's really all going to determine what happens next. As far as what they should release next? Honestly, not sure.. I mean what valk hasn't been made, to date, that would sell a ton of units? I know you guys all wish they would make X, Y and Z models. Just remember Hero valks are what make money. There's not many left. The VF-4G FB2012 is in licensing hell, but trust me when I say, they want it. Be prepared for more re-releases of Hero valks from SDFM and DYRL. I still think it's a long shot to even see a 19 repaint, they are just a huge risk. So if You want to play that what could be next game.. just use this list, and check off what's been done. Bold = Yamato release Strike = Arcadia release 1) Hikaru's 1J (coming with Armor in Jan 14') 2) Roy's 1S 3) Max's 1S DYRL 4) Kakizaki's 1A DYRL 5) Max's 1J 6) Milia's 1J 7) Hikaru's 1S DYRL Hikaru's 1A DYRL 9) Hikaru's VF-1D SDFM 10) Isamu's YF-19 11) Isamu's VF-11B 13) Basara's VF-19 FIIYYYAAA! 14) Hikaru's VF-4G FB2012 15) Shin's VF-0D 16) Shin's VF-0A 17) Roy's VF-0S Still a chance that we might see a VT at some point. Considering the VE-1 was one of the last Yammy releases I highly doubt they will risk a re-release yet. the lack of standard easy to release VF-1 re-release's make me think something else might be going forward.....
  22. It's not transformable, it's not the VB-6. It's also 22 inches long with the barrells, that should put it near 1/72nd ish. Under 100$ sure, but for something that ... not so complicated, I'm not paying resin style prices.
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