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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Please, Please.. Super Ostrich!
  2. I just threw one in my private Warehouse, hard to beat a 17 inch long cruiser for 100$.
  3. I'm a macross, Transformers and Aviation fan, with out all three, I'd never spend 300+ on a 1/60 valk. But due to the other two loves, I had to buy. plus the price WILL go up, and I don't want to regret not paying the 300$, when that become a steal price.
  4. I had one warped wing, and the front gear doors are looser then the VF-29 alto, other then that, it's a bitchin' color scheme.
  5. You can get white erasers at Office max, Staples and Party City.
  6. I just got mine today from NY, Box was flawless, Haven't transformed it yet, but the paint apps in Jet mode look perfect. Now to wait until after work for a proper swooshing! Seem's as sturdy as the VF-29 Alto, so here's hoping it's quality is on par at least.
  7. HLJ has the VF-4 on "Order Stop" looks like it's over for you if you hesitated.
  8. I don't think the original crew will be back, they are too fat, old and drugged out (Fischer) I think they will start with some new characters, perhaps the Solo kids, and have some appearnces by the actors. Without a reboot, you can't fast forward 40 years, and believe Luke gained 100 lbs, and Liea got drugged up and wheelchair bound.
  9. That's a fantastic custom box, what a great display piece. and no one is ever an Ass for calling out fakes, it's needed in these toy hobbies. It's too easy to reproduce now.
  10. This guy agrees...
  11. NY just shipped mine! nice, means I should have it by Monday! Gonna look good in the Fokker Library,
  12. I'd be all over the VF-9 or the Vf-5000. Bring it!
  13. Yeah, I'd rather see them go 1:32 or 1:24, before going smaller. I doubt they will phase out 1:60, it's too strong of a market, it's like the 1:144 gundams.
  14. I was going off the pictures which seemed to suggest four major parts had to be taken apart to transform. It was a kneejerk speculation on my part though. until there's more accurate showing of transformation, all we can do is guess.
  15. I finally ordered mine from NY, with EMS, so should be quick.. too bad he is a xmas gift to myself.
  16. NY isn't going to beat 55$. Plus I was throwing it in a large lot, so the shipping would be reasonable in regards to the amount of product.
  17. Paying 300+ for a dismantling transformation. I'd hope in nearly 2013 we could have perfect transformation. It's a hope, probably won't change the purchase decision.
  18. This is pretty sweet, hopefully the Pre-orders will be obtainable.
  19. I've seen these pop up and be gone, sometimes I think they may have been in private warehouse and then someone cancels. on Saturday the 1:60 VF-1S came from backorder into stock, but I got cart jacked before I could keep it.
  20. That would be great if it's perfect transformation, but I have my doubts, still.. holding on to the Pre-order regardless.
  21. Count me in for at least one, but more likely three. Is this a home made venture or shapeways run?
  22. Looks like the ultimate "parts-former"
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