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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I don't care what quality it is, I'd play the crap out of that daily. I would buy at 3-400, but unless it's made from the cheapest model mold, there's no way in hell.
  2. Damn! the 25th! argh, well maybe holiday bonus can take care of the cost. yikes that's soon.
  3. Wha? I can't even find any on the site any more.. must have sold out quick.
  4. They releasing a Regult?
  6. Oh nice, loading cart for under! nice. and yes the pilots are nice, those are sweet, just need a couple of generic guys for.. Driving the cart Loading ordinance Cat officer Launch captain just some generic folk that do the job of getting the Valks off the ground. I've started visualizing converting a Avengers Helicarrier into a Macross Deck. It's undersized, but it could be one of the rear decks, they seemed smaller. But imagine one of those with 3-4 valks with a deck crew prepping for battle!
  7. That pic seems to illustrate the wingspan to be at least, 10 inches long
  8. Why not just send an email like "OMG WTF WARE IS THE NEW SWHAG"
  9. as per that online link, only a Stand add-on piece is included.
  10. He broke down who was buying the VF-4, something like mostly Macross, some Mecha, and Some robot transforming fans. I was kinda like.. duh, I will tell you, rusty Japanese to english is quite funny to read. This is the first paragraph I translated..
  11. reading that page, the thigh flaps are articulated, and fold back during transformation. Mr. K recommends not trying to remove them, they may break.. This test shot or T2 model, has too much weight in the nose, and doesn't stand on it's own. As of now, that T2 has been sent back to the manufacturer with the last mold modifications. Pending that the T3 has no other deformations, then it should still be a Dec, by Christmas release. Also, it looks like he says the Amount of per-ordered VF-4's exceeds manufacturing numbers. So They did sell more then they made, and not the other way around like people have claimed.
  12. that's what she said.. I think if we don't see package shots by Dec it's gonna be held back.
  13. I tend to think this will be the next release, it's the last of the DYRL "unique" Valks
  14. already out.
  15. Yeah, I went hog wild with some of the cheaper stuff, Nabbed a few random Bandai figures just to check em' out.. (Can't beat 6$ Kamen's) snagged a Revoltech Movie BumbleBee for some chump change and a bunch of random poo. Added to the already growing poo pile in my warehouse last time I checked I was over 100$ for shipping. oh well, might as well make it worth it!
  16. Have they realesed dimensions on this? Shouldn't this be bigger or as big as the YF/VF-19's?
  17. it means demand was over-whelming. basically, they are doing a second run.
  18. Either way, if they release a Skull VF4, I'll end up getting that as well. Also had just picked up a lot of Comics from a local 2nd hand reading store here, found some Wildstorm Robotech issues, one of which prominently features the VF-4G in length.
  19. HLJ has these on "Dec Re-stock" so order away, just secured two more sets! http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00241
  20. After long thoughts I ordered a VE-1, to replace my V1 DYRL, now to sell the V1 off! This means I have a fairly huge Private warehouse now, gonna see if the VF-4G makes it in before the 60 day period ends.
  21. Choose Wisely.. vs.
  22. I like the VF-29, it's a good blend of both worlds. Both color Schemes kick ass, but I'm a Fokker collector so my choice would be 30th VF-29.
  23. I wonder when they will re-stock the 1/60's again, since most seem to go on Backorder then Flood in all in one day.
  24. I wonky part is that my FedEx shipments go to Anchorage AK first, not exactly on the way to the SW U.S , but Whatever works for them It always gets here in 3 days.
  25. last time I shipped something from HLJ (mind you I'm in AZ, so it's a shorter trip) For the Option parts VF-1S, it cost me 27$ for FedEx express. Fedex has been cheaper for me, ebcause I have a business address, but EMS is usually within 5-10$ of FedEx. Only with a ton of multiple items has my shipping ever been close to even 50$ for Express. Where as Nippon for a single 1/60 EMS was 45$. hope that helps. I hope that the VF-4 gets pushed back slightly, there's just too much crap I want coming out!
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