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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Yeap, I broke out the S and the P last night, probably the greatest transformations ever. tight, minus the arm extensions, they are finicky. I still like the P the most, but I like the Blue Angels look of the S. at 135$ @ HKC, the S is worth more. it's a serious bang for your buck.
  2. That's not a detailed enough request, your gonna have to add more details..
  3. Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of that article. I'm a little concerned over the Tomy deal, 10% decline? Yikes, that's really bad. I can't see why the Transformers are down. Hell the MP's this year have all but sold out! Why not make a second run? Takara should sell stock to TRU US.
  4. It's the same for the option parts for me, they rock, but unless you display in Battlroid what's the point of em?
  5. Thanks for the info, I ordered a second, since it's 60$ cheaper, but I won't cancel my NY one because NY always comes through. Hobby Fan is known to get shafted by Bandai and be forever on Back order. If I get two, I'll just sell my NY one for cost to someone here.
  6. HKC is half the time of HLJ, and for the same cost.
  7. I still Prefer the P of the three. that color scheme and helmet are just tits.
  8. Most impressive! too bad there won't be any copies, even if it's just the figure and not the c'pit.
  9. They have them all, except the VF-19P, so i don't know what he's talking about.
  10. Never ever, ever change the scale, if its not 1/60 or 1/48 to match Scale already full established, then don't bother. Arcadia doesn't need to make new items, rereleases the limited ones like virgin road, the 1D with option parts and different figures. Max and Miriya super sets, VT with OP. This stuff exists and has value, make the money Arcadia. Then start making renewals and new VF's.
  11. the G1 Jetfire / Valk toy is not even a representation of the Jetfire in the cartoon. So I still don't see why there is so much attachment to the Bandai mold. Paying 600$ for a modified Yammy is absurd, but with adults and toys, absurdity rules the day. I don't even want a MP Jetfire, his jet mode was absolute crap.
  12. well IMO, the VF0's are crap. Loose and floppy, Holding out for a V2 release of these in the future. I bought a VF-0S and the Ghoost Booster and it was a terrible toy IMO. Wouldn't even stay tight in jet mode. VF-25 is not as bad, but still has floppy joints and the VF25F yellows easy IMO, V1's are pretty easy to snag, Renewals are easier to find, only at 450$ and up. Anything under that is pure lady luck. I'd hold out for another release of both, before paying the money, and in the VF-0's case, for a renewal version.
  13. skullmilitia

    Its Official!

    doesn't mean anything, it's the SP one if it's complete. There is a VF25S at BBTS right now in the Vintage section that's the standard V1 release, but it comes with the Super parts , which is weird, but it's pretty cheap for the full set at 175$ and in the US.
  14. Seeing that 100% of their prices are way over-priced, I highly doubt your going to get what's shown. and being a simple store, they don't have to honor squat. Still good luck.
  15. Yes, but it's not running and hiding as suggested previously, at least with actual bankruptcy the Debtors get some money back.
  16. Well, when you actually "File" Bankruptcy, your acknowledging all your debts, and paying them off at a reduced settlement. So it's actually all silly. I haven't seen any evidence that Yamato actually went out of business. They may have just wanted to start over with a Fresh Name.
  17. You guys are silly, it's all normal to change into another company after bankruptcy. If anything they are trying to leave the name behind in order to move forward without any stigma attached by financial institutions. I can guarantee you no Japanese company would ever try and dodge creditors, unlike American business, they have Honor.
  18. I try to have one of each style, so if I have 2 different VF19's, one stays in fighter, the other in Battroid. my 1/48's are in Fighter because they are so detailed in that mode.
  19. In 2008, five years ago, which makes sense, because generally speaking, depending on the chapter at least, Is meant to allow the restructure of the company and to pay off debts. If they have the old Yamato employees, Working at the new company, that means they must have had a strong restructuring! That's good news! Plus you guys forget VF-4G was made to number to make a profit, then they pushed the dateline forward due to higher Demand. They aren't letting that mold die, it will come back. It's business.
  20. My Emerald's arm sliders are terribly loosy goosy. I can hardly pose them with out sliding out. The Zola on the other hand is Boner material. Such a lovely looking Bird.
  21. it's the same price, it's just the Yen fluctuation back and forth.
  22. scalping as a description of selling practices can't really exist in a domestic/foreign market. BBTS has to pay finders, and distribution fee's on their JP stuff, but that doesn't make them scalpers, that just makes them a domestic company selling non-domestic product. NY may have higher prices because.. 1) It's what the Market will dictate. 2) Taxes on Exported items. 3) Finder's fees 4) Maybe even tips to get larger amounts of limited product. But as I said in the Renewal thread, pay an extra 20-30$ now, or pay 200-300$ more later once they hit the dreaded "Sold Out" JUST DOO EEET!
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