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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I just ordered my second one, It appears I'm going to be collecting Bandai now, since the only valk's I'll be missing are Ozma's and the VF-29 Alto, which at current Market, isn't unique enough to pay that chunk of change.
  2. Woohoo! Finally got a CF! I'm now good on panic mode until they announce the VF-25S renewal rerelease or the 30 becomes reality!
  3. Damn you cannon fodder! Argh!
  4. I got one, figured 220, is better then 400$ later.
  5. there's only hope you will pay a marked up price.
  6. yep when Arcadia comes out after all the old Yamato overstock is sold and goes "Ok Ver.3 eiditions ready" I'm not falling for the hype anymore, this is way to much scalping bait.
  7. Even google translate don't help on that site.
  8. A: ok B: Eat a _____ C:60$ is the normal NY mark up on renewals.
  9. Good luck dude, it's bandai, and your in BW territory.
  10. HLJ lasted about 3 seconds. literally, they must not have fixed that "limit 10" problem. I was F5ing it last night, and it hit and I accidentally hit it again, and it was out. I'm starting to think people are using scripts to buy stuff.
  11. instead of 140$ I spent 500$, once I knew I slept over the release by 10 minutes, I just went and bought the ONC 1/44 Apollo13. Meh, I'll get the VF-25F eventually through NY, I've got the G, and the RVF is on Pre-order. I'll just hold tight.
  12. You guys have been confusing the crap out of me, 1600 JST is 4pm, which is 12AM MST, 11PM PST. It's currently 2:31 pm in Japan, so preorder status in 1.5 hours, not 3-4am lol.
  13. I just snagged a VF-25G renewal earlier for retail, lets hope the luck lasts!
  14. only way to know for sure is to compare to a regular out of the box version. Generally speaking, production samples are usually just not very detailed, body still has paint apps, but smaller details are left out, and general there is no tampo stamp. I've had many different companies samples in hand, they are all different, but those two are the normal things left out on samples. broken pieces are usual, as it may be a early sample, that shows work needed on a specific area.
  15. Usually just lack of painted details, and or a lack, or incomplete Tamp marking.
  16. well if it is a production sample, then you're kinda at your own idea of what its worth, Productions samples I've gotten in the past never seem to be perfect. It could have been glued by a Yamato employee. I'd say if you can verify it's authenticity, you have something unique. if it's just a plain jane release, I'd say complain.
  17. That's some high class stuff right there, better then most company statues. Your worker definitely got more then his money worth out of that.
  18. custom, it's a modified 18inch figure ( from Hobby Lobby, or Michaels type place) stand with a weighted base and re-worked hook system to attach inside the wing slots.
  19. Ryuji, Checked out your Deviant art Gallery, very impressive! You should get hired for work!
  20. Thanks for the info, I just noticed it was Apollo 13 and not 11, looks like I have something new to chase. Ok enough OT...
  21. I can't believe I missed this one.
  22. can anyone elaborate what Bandai is saying on that Otona no Chogokin Apollo 11 re-release? God I hope they re-release Shuttle endeavor!!!!!!!!
  23. Looks like I'm going to miss this one or pay NY prices, no way I'm staying up on the guise That preorders might drop from between 12-2am. Hell naws
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