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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Stop Hacking? or attempting to Hack? I'd dump your cookies, and internet history and hit it again.
  2. If it's sold out.. it's a renewal LOLZ no really though.. Alto renewal Pre-order http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/4884-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-version-reissue.html Luca renewal Pre-order http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/4696-macross-f-dx-chogokin-rvf-25-messiah-valkyrie-luca-angelloni-custom-renewal-version.html VF-29 30th Anniversary re-stock http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/4450-macross-f-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-30th-anniversary-color-reissue.html the first two won't last.
  3. Bah don't listen to those guys, they are being super Emo.. Here, both around or under 100$, one might be slightly more with shipping.. http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/6814-vf-1a-mass-production-tv-version-1-60.html http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/6815-vf-1a-hayao-kakizaki-tv-version-1-60.html the second one should be like 98$ shipped to the US.
  4. Ebay item 251256870233 http://bit.ly/17b9p8H Did I miss something? This is still at HKC for 90$. Anyone?
  5. Collection DX is where I go to determine a buy or not.. I didn't find anything wrong with the review on the Quarter, I only bought it because it was on super clearance. CDX is the first place I roll, before heading to YouTube. Keep up the fantastic work Veef.
  6. Grabbed a set, Those bombs are pure tits.
  7. Picture says it opens in 9 mins lol.
  8. Sold! When's the Order start date?
  9. I wish they'd reissue the Monster, F paying 400$ on the second hand.
  10. I got it on clearance for next to nothing and it still wasn't worth it. I'd say it needs a renewal, but it really doesn't. It's an akward ship IMO.
  11. I'm going to be digging into 3D modeling to start making parts to turn large scale items down into 1/60 and 1/48 scale items. I have a bunch of ideas, I'll just have to figure out how to make them a reality. I want a whole universe. Screw waiting for Arcadia or bandai to actually use a good franchise. Good idea, we should start a revolution and creat our own universe inside the Macross Universe. maybe even inspire Arcadia to stick with 1/60 scale valks. I'm going to break out the Shell box tomorrow to start dreaming up some interesting ideas. one of the first ones I've got on my table is turning the Avengers Hellicarrier into a 1/60 Quick launch Carrier.
  12. Better to pay 175 USD then 290$ on the E-blahy. According to then Yen rate I bought at, and now, it's only a loss of 3$, I'll live with that.
  13. I mean completely new vehicles just Fan based, and not even necessarly incorporating Base valks. Even non-transforming items Bombers Ground Tanks Ground Based cannon / weapons systems Mobile VF launch pads (similar to the Shuttle crawler) Weapon Depo's (mobile dropped Pods with cannon's ect for the Valks) Civilian aircraft Transports Bases, Silo's, maint. Bays. Stuff that's never even been put into the Macross universe, but would fit.
  14. Just Wondering if any of you custom make your own non-cannon Macross items for fun? Like Take off plat forms,Crawler pads, tanks or large Civilian bombers, cargo valks ect. I was going to start brain storming some things with this huge piles of misc fodder I have. Just wondered if anyone here has ever dabbled in creating their own universe inside Macross.
  15. Yeah, at Toys R Us, your paying MSRP + 10%, + Sales tax. On NY, it says if you don't pay your pre-order, they may cancel all your pre-orders. Better to just pay it, and be glad you don't have to pay the actual scalper prices for these.
  16. dude - 1/48 VE and VT --- maaaaaaaaaan Seriously though Arcadia... VE-1 with Option parts ASAP. and 1/60 Monster, Kthxbye
  17. Now when's the VF-27 renewal and Super Parts going to hit, Don't want to get too comfortable here...
  18. I'm pretty sure it translated to the design being the physical shape of the 29, and (not very fighter looking) Who the hell knows, All I know is that the Green was far more enticing than the purple. Hopefully someday shape ways will offer green translucent material, and we can get some action that way.
  19. from what I remember it had only been changed because the Green didn't fit the design (well rough translation)
  20. the ship date is for April 2012, I don't think I'd expect to have that order actually go through on that site.
  21. I can't find any open pre-orders still.
  22. NY sells 100X more units then HLJ based on stock numbers given out. That's why it seems like NY has more issues. If the defect is one out of ten units. Then for every one issue HLJ has NY has Ten. I think it's just perception because the minority here are Peeps with HLJ orders.
  23. Do you guys think they will ever re-release the VB-6?
  24. I wish you could get the green tinted canopy, I like that look a lot more than the purple.
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