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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. if it means profitability, like bandai, then they should make everything "made to order" The VF-4 was obviously a success because they opt'd to make another run. There'd be less over stock, but you wouldn't have the Emo pre-orders like you do with Bandai. it's a win win,
  2. I'd say it also brings back hope of the VF-0 V2 and the YF-19 renewal. I can say I don't really care for the only repaints, but if they held onto the molds. then I expect a VF-4 repaint, and the rest of the Standard valks to be released with OP.. Max, Miriya, Kaki, VT.. ect. Iconic valks would be the best place to start.
  3. That's a good sign, if they make any PE valk, it means they have the licensing still, and the panic thread can be closed. and no I'm not joking, if they make one, they'll make more.
  4. Woah, it's not Yamato or Arcadia's fault people are panicking and paying out the ass for old product that was at one time on discount. I'd rather take a leap of faith, and hold on to my money, then panic and spend way too much for what maybe become a inferior product. Business doesn't typically release press statements all the time, and due to the fact there hasn't been an actual news report, or a financial article discussing the Yamato demise, or Arcadia replacement, should speak volumes. Website down.. new server, Old Building cleared out.. they moved. Arcadia not releasing hard information...not much is going to change. Other than the rumor that Yamato employees are working at Arcadia, there's absolutely zero things that you should panic about. however if they do start re-releasing.. Fanbase if the 1/60 is to continue, and they will promise the VT and others with OP, then I'll buy every ugly bird in the way just to make sure they survive. Still, this paint scheme, aint exactly the best way to test a new market.... it's like a Nascar made a Baby with a F-14, and it came out retarded... Also, wtf Arcadia, do you really have a line of underage looking dolls named philia, like the other half of Pedophilia... uh...whaaaa
  5. it's this week, which is why EMS fail is occurring, and why no updates since it hit the PO in Osaka.
  6. Are you saying you don't want a 1/60 VF-1A Flower Patrol?
  7. You guys forget, no one actually Knows anything. Bandai's been making 1/72 kits for a long time. Bandai making the 1/72 VF-1 means nothing about Yamato's license holdings.
  8. The second photo clearly shows a price of 2,940 yen, so that one is not a 1/60 PE anything. Also my Japanese isn't very good, but I don't see anything even remotely resembling transform, or transformation or anything to that effect.
  9. Well the one image is clearly not anything other then a model with a 30$ price point. Unless someone can actually translate, I'd say its all the same piece. Besides, I hope if they were going to somehow continue the 1/60 line. I would hope it wouldn't be with a ball buster paint scheme like that. Would be a waste IMO.
  10. What do you use to clear coat? ( might be stupid question)
  11. HG wha? you mean WB, HG sold the non-animation rights to Robotech/Macross a few years back. It's basically been WB finding the right Director, and the right Rick. However, I am telling you right now, that movie will only bring pain. American Hollywood doesn't have the soul to create a proper movie based on a Japanese Franchise. Never has, and never will. This is from Jan 2013, so who knows what the hell is going on, but it's been a long time between any updates on WB taking on Robotech. What's my point.. my point is, WB has a relationship with Mattel, who owns matchbox, who got licensing from HG in the past. What does it mean? nothing! But I know a few Corporate rats who might make some calls and find out just what HG is holding onto that license for. Meaning only the merchandising. God help us all, if Mattel starts making Robotech toys for that movie. God help us all. Speedracer toys Batman trilogy toys DC universe toys AHHHHHH * head explodes*
  12. I can't wait till you 1/60 guys buy up all of EXO's stock, so he can make the 1/48 guys for us 1/48 guys! looking awesome.
  13. It was 270$ in December from BBTS lol.
  14. I got told that Yamato USA is open, but the employees had a strange face when asked about Yamato's closing down, like they didn't know. I tried calling, but just got the answering machine. Yamato USA 2400 West Carson St Suite #115 Torrance, CA 90501 Phone: (310) 787-8488 everyone should try calling, like a flood of angry beavers..
  15. I'd love for some 1/48 love. That's where my heart is, but with no VE's or VT's the VF series is and should be done. Unless they move into a different number, I think the line is probably good for what it was. hit me with a 1/48 VF-19 just like the 1/60 and I'd get wood.
  16. I got a tracking number at midnight last night, I expect based on my last NY shipment, and that it's already in the carrier's hands. This will be here before Friday. noice.
  17. That's all funny since the 1/3000 was on sale at HLJ for at least 6 months for 280$, plus the old BBTS listing showed 288$, so it obviously wasn't worth anyone's money before this. just more perspective on how dumb consumers can be, and how possibly smart Yamato is to restructure without saying a word watching all their overstock be bought out, and prices soar, bringing Demand back with no supply.. until they return. just saying.
  18. Anyone ever bought from japtou?
  19. And just because Bandai secures the VF-1 SDFM whatever license, Doesn't mean anything good, as long as HG is around we aren't gonna get Crap outside of Japan. I think the doom and gloom will turn into something better than before. Any company seeing the prices valks are going for now will quickly turn Into the eye of profit. There's still money to be made!
  20. Anyone called Yamato USA and asked them what's going on? I mean 95% of the product they sell is from Yamato JP, so someone over there would Be aware if product was haulted forever. Just a thought.
  21. Does anyone even know: A) Yamato filed for Bankruptcy B) What Bankruptcy they filled for C) That Arcadia is not a new Yamato, but a split off of Artistic intent? Is there any actual facts that we know of 100% Or is this really just all Internet rumors and ASSumptions? If Yamato is restructuring that doesn't mean auto bankruptcy and done. Perhaps they will be too different companies?
  22. Yah, a YF that works as well as the VF-19's would be golden. And pretty sure people would buy multiple repaints.
  23. It's aviation, Art and mechanics. That's what eats my wallet.
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