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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I don't know what you guys are talking about as far as the 1/48's prices going up during TGPB2013 I snagged a Low Viz 2, Angel Birds, and a TV cannon Fodder for 100$ ea. plus you can still find retail Stealth's, Max's and Miriya's on Japanese retail sites. Hell I saw a VF-1S V2 go for 70$ on one of the Japanese proxy sites.
  2. I got mine from NY and haven't had any QC issues. But foreals, this is my first 171, and the transformation is frustratingly stupid.
  3. My bad Save! I'll give credit where it's due.
  4. Sorry we don't sell to museums letter?
  5. the YF-30 definately takes cues from the raptor, just look at the side profile of the nose and control section.
  6. I don't think it's nearly as bad as people are whining about... it's better then this.. cred: Save and Anymoon.com
  7. Nice, mine got delivered today, no time to open until after work.
  8. If they have a copyright, then they have the licensing. So, the only question left is what lines did they keep, and when will we get more product acknowledgement.
  9. 1) the vagueness is on purpose, Arcadia is making "Yamato-like" models with gimmicks, because Yamato is gone. but they are going to make products like Yamato used to. get it? 2) If Arcadia has the license for the 1/60 "Yamato-like" models with Gimmicks (PT) then they more then likely have the rest of them. and will continue to pursue making money off the license they have paid for.
  10. 314$? You can kiss my ass on that!
  11. Mines been there for 2 days. Blah
  12. lets be realistic here, until there's a Pre-order available from Arcadia, the scalpers and resellers will be increasing prices as each day goes by in hopes of retiring early. even when Arcadia pre-orders open up, prices will remain high until there's some sort of acknowledgement that a new line of 1/60 gimmick models will be produced. If new pre-orders happen for the major five, then watch prices drop like a cement shooed rat in the Hudson river. especially if this becomes a "new" mold with something extra the V2's didn't have, then watch the V2's start selling for the V1 prices. The V1's then will become landfill fodder.
  13. plenty of diecast, rubber tires, tampo's only..
  14. Seems like business wise, the card are being played right so far.
  15. So time to start the Panic Selling thread aye?
  16. Yeah, plus those of us who missed the first round, saw the reviews and refused to buy them, will buy renewals, so will everyone who bought them in round one. give me the VF-0, and the SV-51 renewals.
  17. I have no interest In a smaller scale. 1/60 would be my minimum size. Also, don't forget the VF-4B 2 seater model! And the1:60 Monster! lol
  18. Come on guys, it's the Macross equivalent of a red bull racer. It's not that bad.
  19. Damn it, I finally got hit by LA customs, I almost always get SF. I'll see it now by the end of next week probably. Even though its technically closer.
  20. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/4020-macross-f-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-30th-anniversary-color-edition-limitee.html
  21. Gimmicks = intake covers, removable landing gear and perfect transformation. LoL
  22. Yeah, they are there, but they won't answer the phone, or respond to emails. plus I think Save said that Yamato USA was going to continue selling the same items they had been. shadow games.
  23. if they retained the licenses, a VF-4 repaint will most certainly be on the table, maybe not at the near end, but there.
  24. more importantly, where exactly do you put it in, I never see a spot all the way up to the confirm paypal payment screen.
  25. Don't tease Scyla, those parts are all out of stock and i wants them!
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