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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I feel for it again, I picked up legends Powerglide, LOL his whole midsection just hangs there, with nothing to secure it. *face palm* Opened Exhaust, my window was also not attached properly, fixed and he's a great figure for the collection!
  2. I should have Exhaust tomorrow. I think I'm going MP only from here on out. Every singe Tak and Has mainline figure I have got in the last 3 years has been a floppy mess. I'm over it. Saw the new leader megs today, but knowing the flop, I wasn't about to test it for 45$.
  3. I did 90mph on the freeway with mine and it actually does just fine, unless you start trying to look into the sky (why would you) it's fine for highway riding. I think the strap sucks big time, it's further back then all my other helmets, and rests on my throat. So it won't be used for riding, but 100mph I don't see it being too bad, the plastics to the wind without even vibrating.
  4. Speaking of Robotech... funny April Fools day courtesy of Collection DX http://www.collectiondx.com/ Screen shot for the lazy
  5. Reactive armor yes, Doubtful on the ghost needing to be updated, and that the Ghost sat at 13$ at HLJ for years. One license question answered, and another looking really bad... yikes. In for both, obviously, so much sleeker and badass.
  6. wat? Rise of Cobra was effing terrible LOL! Nothing even close to the original, which in this case might be better. I don't want the Macross Saga ruined by western Hollywood style cheap plot lines, over the top romance, and too many names, not enough story. At least this means Mcguire is out, that's at least one bullet dodged, out of a 12 round auto-mag.
  7. Hercules pieces were under the voyager line. Plus some of the new Voyagers have been pretty tall. Still, it's Hasbro, it'll be loose, wobbly and have terrible paint apps.
  8. I hope you're a structural engineer than, because it's not that simple. DOT... lol Be careful guys, it's your life.
  9. Lol those front plastic pieces will be especially awesome cutting through your face on impact. You have balls of steel.
  10. Hilarity will ensue when Bandai releases a add-on pack with missiles and fold booster.
  11. I think everyone may have underestimated the power of Isamu.
  12. MP-10 reissue up on HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT39840/Sci
  13. He hasn't figured out that they only make these to sell to Japan customers. We are lucky to get any at retail.
  14. Even though I powered through, HLJ did have a 1 per limit on the checkout page. They learned form Ozma.
  15. I got mine, Now it's bed time! night guys! this was a fairly light battle!
  16. I'm not going to sleep until I get that HLJ email verification lol
  17. Oh thank God, HLJ comes through, relieved!
  18. Stop your grinning and drop your linen, it's about to get real!
  19. This guy is shocked at two minutes? Someone needs to film the page when you refresh at 12:00:01 and it's sold out.
  20. Yeah, I can't see how anyone can dislike Rambo, I mean that 50. cal scene, pure goreporn.
  21. I always assumed the OT saber fights were more "Knight" style with heavy swords. Where as the prequels took it to the Dojo style fighting. Either way, we can't think of what fighting happens in Rebels or Clone Wars, because that's super stylistic.
  22. HLJ, IF they put anything up, probably won't be at drop time. The real question is how HLJ will misspell it so it's harder to find LOL.
  23. They offered me a fair alternative, I'd say they are working on fixing the error. Fast response time too.
  24. I'd be down for a "No Paint" set, or hell even an armor kit.
  25. I'd be fine with some creating a Vajra network for securing Bandai preorders, worth the cost of galaxy rule IMO.
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