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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Yoya sent me an invoice, went with DHL. FedEx has been weird for me last few times shipping out of Japan.
  2. Luna has always had long windows on things, I think the continue to list more as they can get people to grab orders. The price usually raises with each new batch of listings. that’s how it went with the VF-1D anyway
  3. Yeah that Reddit thread was almost a year old, a lot of the newer questions about them have people getting their bandai web exclusives gundams with no problems. So its all over
  4. I went ahead with YoYakuNow, and just used a credit card so even if they pull something I've got longer than paypal's lack of resolve lol although I ended up finding a lot of threads in various forums with people not having issues, and its got a 4.9 trust rating, the same as almost all the others so. whatever, I'll order two once another more well known site opens up.
  5. I was looking up YoYakunow and can’t find anything positive lol. Is it legit?
  6. Has anyone ever found out, what the point of a made to order exclusive is, if it's limited to only 6 per business? I get regular address's, maybe to avoid scalper markets, but what is the point of limiting business's from ordering as many as they want? That is like the most backwards logic to consumerism there is.
  7. Amazon JP sold my item and won't honor the invoice. lovely.
  8. anyone having trouble with AJ suddenly not liking credit card payments? Looks like AJ screwed me, my original order was through Amazon JP fulfillment, and now its switched to a third party that won't ship to the US.
  9. BUY NOW
  10. Mine's in mile PW at HLJ, but am I the only one who was gonna display this next to Brera, and have the Sayonara look?
  11. Weird there’s no reviews from locals. I want more pics!
  12. DX Renewals, buckle up Kids. *I like the DX's, but I'm also not very picky*
  13. A lot of us wouldn't have found the good stuff without the US version. But that being said, RT is missing a lot of the emotion with the VA's that the original version of SDFM has, not too mention the english VA's really add some cringe to scenes that didn't make sense. Actually I'm lying, I found out about SDFM because I had a Jetfire as a kid, and when I went to look it up... I found a new drug. Sadly I can't just say i will call it quits with the DX line after Kakizaki, I'll need the DYRL team, and HOPEFULLY, a VE and a D they hopefully make.
  14. For anyone else wanting to know, these bubble shields are "vintage" style shields, easily found on ebay. You will have to shave the inside of your helmet to make them fit. Specifically the area near your cheek, the bubble is just slightly too big to put it back on. I'm pretty sure someone here did a write up a while ago.
  15. skullmilitia

    Macross figures

    Isn’t Frontier still a pretty big pull on the market for Macross? I know a Sheryl is out but it’s from a limited version. Seems odd we never got a series version of Sheryl or Ranka, when so many other lines did.
  16. skullmilitia

    Macross figures

    Was there ever a reason given why we didn't get much SHF figures from SDFM,DYRL, and MF? It seems like it would have been an easy addition.
  17. I'd love to see HG waste it's already shady (laundered *allegedly*) money to fight a copyright on a Grumman, much less try to say having a paint job in colors like red, white and or grey is somehow infringing on their (illegal) use of the macross name. they'll fall on their ass as hard as they did when they went after Hasbro.
  18. Wow that looks great, love the matte finish compared to the old glossy look
  19. you guys with the Masei helmets, they make a blue bubble shaped visor that looks more like the animation. you have to shave the inside edge of the visor a little, but I think it really brings the extra out of it. I copied someone on MW who did it, but it's a nice thing, and posted a long time ago, so I'll repost it
  20. you guys are making me worry, I have an SHF order through them, and Now I really don't want to bother going with them. Especially when it'll be easy to get on AJ on release day.
  21. another option at a markup.. comes out to about 160 shipped. https://ohmyprimus.com/bddxmcsspvf1.html
  22. Thanks for the update, I grabbed a set, I'll take a 10$ price hike!
  23. 21,045y DHL from AMJ,
  24. guys HLJ did this for 2 hours on the Alto reissue just a month ago lol. you just gotta refresh and stay awake.
  25. Everytime I've tried to order from AJ, It always gives me a "not available to ship to your country", but this time it just went through with all the info correct.
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