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Everything posted by Alfie
Status: Getting there...we can only work on it when we have spare time (which isn't a lot these days with most of the main devs moving to new stages in RL i.e. starting uni, work, having kids!) SDF-1 is virtually completed, just not in-game yet. We might be slow, but we aren't dead.
Just an update: Still working on mini mod, end of financial year is just keeping me busy timewise recently. There are devs that know how to code and add stuff into game, just too busy (myself included). But we are still here, and have not abandoned the mod!
Thanks for the offer to help...much appreciated, though you'll need a copy of Maya to be able to really help out, maybe they have something at uni? As for info about modding: the HW2 official mod tools include documentation of the basics. HW2 wiki: http://wiki.hw2.info/KarosGraveyard has lots of additional info as well. As for the internal Aplha, we were considering releasing a "teaser" mod with one or two capships and 4-5 fighter class units for each side. Transformations, if any, will only have cosmetic effects atm tho. Earliest chance I will have to put his together would be sometome late May or June. Cheers, Alfie
Yes, as Lestat mentioned there is a massive bottleneck in the "import into HW2" section. I'm partly at fault for this since I've been tied down by RL work (Just started full time work and also doing some professional exams at the same time). So deepest apologies for the slow down. I agree with Lestat about the need for new crew. So please spread the word! I think Cthonic is also planning a new website, so hopefully that will also draw fresh interest from HW2 modders.
Will the Strike Cannon be able to fire? 424232[/snapback] It already does
Nope I made it glow on purpose
Good,...working on a Beta right now...hehe
Message to all devs: Please, could you all make a post on your current progress and activity status on our internal dev forums, to allow an organization of future progress and implementation of the current stuff into HW2. Keep an eye on our internal forums for more updates. Alfie
hehe, I know, you get sore fingers just selecting/deselecting the polys you want to lay out. Tho the uv mapper in Maya is much easier to use than any of the others I've tried. You might want to try using that instead.
Uh, why not use it to do a barrier system? Macross definitely has a direct counterpart to the Homeworld-series' Defense Frigate. But that's discussion for later (or, more appropriately, for the mod forums themselves.) I find that comment offensive. It's not a question of skill, it's a question of having the time. (My work relates to realtime graphics development, including modeling & texturing with Maya and Photoshop. This is also what delays me further from working on MDRYL:SWO - I have Maya and everything set up with all configs I need for work, whereas HW2-minded work needs other configs and conventions.) 371759[/snapback] I agree CMDR- I find that offensive- I use MAX to make my models- I don't have some of the skills that others may have but I keep punching away at it. So don't try to belittle anyone who you think is not up to your skill level or above. 372625[/snapback] Lol Lestat was prolly refering to me...hehe. I'm sure he didn't mean any offense by it. Making transforming ships in Maya has never been a problem. We just haven't finished the code to implement it in the game yet. Basically because both Cmdr and I are way too busy with non-mod related stuff. Btw a new programmer has just joined the team so it's reasonable to expect more progress in this area soon. Note: If you're only after simple two state (and merely cosmetic) transformations, you don't need the code
Yeah, a template is what I'm after. And yeah geocites is yuk....*shivers*. My computer-illiterate brother could prolly do better by bashing the keyboard randomly...lol Oh, Nice logo Lestat, looks like your old avatar
Robotech = Oh and regarding the website: Anyone good at making websites here, could use some help creating the base layout and site structure.
ditto 358012[/snapback] We should thank Nanashi [Grenade Crusher on new forum] for that
New dedicated website and forum for the mod: www.DYRL.vze.com
Btw, Boxer: Have you joined up already, cause I have two pending applications at the group, and I'm not sure if you're one of them. Please let me or Lestat know, thnx
Yeah, Nanashi's stuff is leet, hehe I luved those sneak peeks he gave me of his pre-release Vf-1 web content. Now you mention him, could use his help with somethin Ima workin on atm too:P
What I meant by dev are the people already working on the mod. If you want to offer your services and talents please PM me, Lestat, or Cmdr Fokker about joining up (stating what you can do i.e. texture model, scripting etc) Cheers, Alfie
Oh and make sure you indicate who you are when joining up (if you use some other alias than what we know you as on here). Makes it a lot easier cause a number of non devs have tried to join up...lol
Re: The MSN group Devs only!!!
Hey Lestat, Cdr Fokker, Major, Chthonic Started this for the devs: http://groups.msn.com/MacrossDYRLTCDev/ Please sign up ASAP P.S. Invites already sent to your emails, but not sure if they are still current. Cheers, Alfie
Hey Mjr, do you still use msn/icq, can you send me your screen name / number?