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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Kah! Now all we need is to give the movement order, hear the commands for the engine startup in the Background, and then take the ship three seconds for the engines to wink on then go to full power. NICE! Now we need it to transform, angle the main guns, and plough a hole the size of a battlecruiser in the side of one of the stock motherships!
  2. Umn...not yet man. I'm at school atm and can't get to my scanner. Besides, the only real significant thing my scanner does is turn my artwork into eyesores. Should probably look at the images while I'm drawing them too instead of working from memory. 'sides, Lestat's beautiful Macross could blow anything show-related I could come up with. ...just wait until the Protocultures get the go, THEN you'll see eye-popping stuff.
  3. Yeah, insignificant me is still around. Though all I do is make the ships pretty enough to hopefully impress Kawamori to the point of getting them into canon. I took a stab at the 'canonical' asteroid miners today. One looks like a big barrel miner thing with legs... nothing special there. The other one looks like a kind of deformed TV Zentreadi pod.. I sketched something and called it a 'prospect pod' that would only survey and not mine. Figures, since Plus takes place after SW1 and would use leftover technology.
  4. Don't you know? Ape entertainment weekly... The fact that they dumped shows like Gundam, Ronin Warriors, and the like in favor of a hybrid space monkey with superpowers must say something. (no offense to DBZ fans of course, but too much is too much.)
  5. She looks awesome Lestat! And one of the advantage of HW2 over HW1: The engines don't stay on all the time
  6. Isn't this something like the third time she's been textured/mapped? I'd love to see her transform... but if that can't be done my dissapointment must go to the wind. In any case, here's hoping for an eventual release.
  7. Well Lestat, I'm sure if you can sucker the world's most fantastic programmer into doing Macross, you could pull off a Macross RPG with ten discs! I can see it now: play as Hikaru all the way to the mysterious ending! if it gets anywhere near the Evangelion treatment, oy... This is what it is. I'm greatful for even that.
  8. In addition to copyrwight issues, I should point out something that people like you tend to overlook: Common sense. Before you get offended let me explain: A computer game can only do so much on so many discs. When people come out of the woodwork saying 'Make a game that can do EVERYTHING! A FPS and Flightsim with capital ships!", you have to remember the scope of most games that are being played nowadays. Sure, some games exist that attempt to pull this off, but I have played Starwars Battlefront 2 and I can tell you this wouldn't be a happy place for Macross. Why? Well, observing the enemy fighters, more than half of them are shooting at thier own capital ship, or shooting at nothing at all. There are occasions that I've died to enemy fire, but most of the deaths have been to auto turrets. While the Zentreadi perhaps shoot this bad, I'd like an enemy that's more...how shall I say this...intelligent? Even Unreal TOurnament has more beleiveable AI than Battlefront 2. Then there's the amount of data to load on your computer, let alone the fact that a 'skybox' is needed to keep the data from spiralling out of control. Trying to render an enitre SDF 1, with crew and everything, and a working space model, either means long load times, cut-out of some aspects (You can't visit earth or invade Zjent ships) or just many, many discs with a lot of space. *Sigh* That isn't to say that some things Macross can't be put into a wonderful game somehow. This mod is just one example of pulling it off really well: 3-D RTS combat. While it isn't perfect, there isn't a FPS aspcect, it really shines in the feild that it's supposed to portray. There is a reason why many of us would rather play Risk as opposed to D&D. Manual size might have something to do with it, as well as complexity of the rules. Surprisingly this also applies to computer games. Oh, and don't go to sierra. They're the reason why Homeworld 2 is incomplete and will never see the light of work again.
  9. And I thought the Lego second death star was drop-dead impressive. Might be worth a stop by the Lego store on the way to Games Workshop... And about Galactica: The new or the old? Seeing the classic battlestar in Lego would be t3h w1n... seeing as I built a Lego battlestar when I was around eight.......and it's still intact to this day somewhere in my room years later.
  10. Hmn... I saw the Empire at war demo a few days ago and it looks kinda interesting. From the videos I watched I wasn't too impressed about combat though... looks almost like a cross between C&C and Dawn of War. I'd still like to get my hands on a demo to see how it plays out. I just hope the in-game text is as witty as the unit comments on the preview site. Those in themselves are hilarious to read. ...and is it just me or do the rebels get an independant han solo clone under another name? (Even though han and chewie are still units ingame apparently). I also wonder if we'll see some clonewars units in there. I thought I saw an ep2 assault ship in one of the fleet screens. In reguards to Rebellion, count me as another one who liked the game, but I agree that the 3-d strategy was a flop. If they could have moved it closer to a homeworld or homeworld 2 system then maybe it wouldn't have been so much of a disaster, but as it was the only things I liked about space combat were the fighter sprites and the ominous death star (Blow up the moncals!) Rebellion does have the potential to be a great game if they went back and refined some things. For example, setting ships to explore on their own would be a plus instead of having to manually send them to new places. The manager was just annoying, and keeping tabs on maintenance was bad. Also the tendancy for your advisor to stuff your planets full of mines was annoying. That said, Rebellion was enjoyable for a while. I can only wonder if Empire will fill the niche for the 'universe conquerer of the year' slot.
  11. Hey my resource pod! I forget what I named it, since it has been lost to time. Try thread-digging to find the origional art in the concept thread...which was also buried. Aaand even though I got those miner pics, life's been more than happy to keep me busy with other thoughts *coughexgirlfriendtroublesandshtuffcoughwhezehack* Uhm...yeah.
  12. Signed up... just PM me if you want more concepts...
  13. Hmm... so I'm not in on this?
  14. The mod, as always, appears to be stagnant at the moment as the real dev team puts their collective heads together to decide what they're doing. Rest assured, material exists, just be patient.
  15. Whatever. I'm just pissed off when people easily write off the old BSG as 'just another campy 70's show' and claim the new BSG is the greatest thing on television. I've seen this in more than one place, and I thought I might as well state that opinion, since it seems that everyone here loves the show, which clearly isn't the case. I guess I should appologize then.
  16. Um... I don't watch BSG. I watched some episodes of it. Even before BSG started, I heard some things about ron moore's 'glorious reimagined series' that made me dissapointed to be a BSG fan. To have Moore's travesty become first place over Richard Hatch's efforts is, in my opinion? Insulting. Rather than modernize the series for a better audience while remaining true to the mythology and moralistic values, Moore walks all over the franchise's name with the muddy boots of moral indecency and disrespect. I mean, even some of the quotes used in Hatch's first episode on the new BSG seem to ridicule the former Apollo's attempts at reviving Galactica- calling him a 'washout' and a 'has been.' who has 'dissapeared and been forgotten.' The Pegasas is just an excuse to cover for the concept artists' tragic blindness at making the 'Galactica' look like an incomplete warship. As for the PEgasas crew themselves, I'm only thankful that I didn't witness what is said in these reviews... though I probably would have just changed the channel anyway in disghust. Oh, and we might as well safely assume that everybody's a cylon. From Adama to Baltar, Everyone's a Cylon. I mean, how can we tell otherwise? BSG is a conspiracy story now, in addition to some sci-fi space opera (Don't deny it moore, even if you claimed to break this trend). Maybe it's like the matrix, and the cylons in the new BSG are trying to wake everyone else up by killing them and freeing them from their pathetic cybernetic existances. ...wait, you beleived me? LOL! ...This isn't Galactica.
  17. True, my lava-hot hatred for the BSG has cooled some, and looking at the list it does seem a little too fanboyish, but I felt that many of the points there were true. The new BSG lacks substance... and the only real argumentative points new BSG fans have to say their series is better is A) "Realistic characters" and B) Special effects. Special effects means of course that one could run an entire clip show (or a porno) to attract attention and that's pretty much it. We look at it now and ask 'where's the story?', but of course since flash seems to be the main draw of an audience... And as for "Realistic Characters'- reviews I've read seem to point to the fact that the characters of the new BSG are more sci-fi steryiotypical than reaslitic. Even the old Cylons were more beleiveable than the new ones...especially when Baltar was beheaded in the origional pilot. In the new ones, there is no clear reason why the Cylons want to kill off humanity...especially when they are using them for grotesque sexual experiments meant to make 'hybrids' (something I hear was borrowed from X_Files). Even Tigh, when he argues with his wife in one episode, suddenly turns it into a kissfest. This, IMO, isn't beleivable...unless anyone wants to point to a real-life counterpart. Roselin seemed...out of place. The whole notion of the 'Arrow of Athena' and the religious Gemini seemed taked-on, like it was a plastic version of King Arthur's excalliber. ---- The mythology of the origional BSG became apparent after staring at the series and thinking about it for a while. For example, the Lords of Kobol and Kobol itself. The ancient civilizations that pre-existed before mankind. And what of the Light Ships and the 'angels' on them? And who is Count Iblis, and why does he hate the light ships so? What of the telekinetic power of descendants of the Kobollian line? These things are largely ignored in the new BSG- which focuses on the violence, the sex, the sexual violence, and the contradictorary motives of the Cylons. One mark agaionst the new galactica is the fact that they removed strong female characters from the origional BSG series. Athena (High Bridge officer), Casseopiea (former socilitor turned combat medtech), and Sheeba (Cain's kickass daughter who was no wuss) are all MIA in the new Galactica for reasons unknown. Frankly I'm pleased that Glen Larson hasn't allowed Ron More to destroy galactica on the big screen. Here's hoping for a true sequel to the origional galactica that can really shine...much in the way the first two of Richard hatch's books have.
  18. I beleive the new Battelstar galactica is a product of a new generation bent on interests in sex and violence and less story, substance, and mythology. Yeah, I hate the new BSG. Mostly because it mangled the storyline and deluted it to nothing more than a load of self-centered characters with petty, steryotypical struggles. There's a bigger focus on rape and torture in the new BSG than actually finding earth. I mean, the whole 'Cylon God' deal, to me, seems like a pale copy of the zealous terrorists out there fighting and killing innocents in the name of God. All this is a heavy contrast to the origional BSG. Granted, it was a product of it's time, but the depth of the mythology there, inspirational Heroes, a prevailing sense of hope, and the constant search for a paradise were all key to the origional Galactica. These elements were sadly mishandled, dropped, or broken in the new Galactica. What hurts me the most is the mythology. The origional BSG held very heavy Biblical and mythological terminology, and the backstory was, IMO, very ritch (cylons want to kill humanity because of a human's love for individuality and freedom- concepts alien and frightening to the Cylons). Name-taking from mythos is the most noticeable of these things, but even some characters borrow their roots from mythology (case in point: The seductive evil of Count Iblis...who I beleive would have a feild day on the new Galactica). The search for Earth and the preservation of the fleet were important things to the plot. Granted, we had wacky 'Starbuck-gets-stranded-again' episodes, but ultimately the best of the origional BSG (Hand of God, Lost Planet of the Gods, The Living Legend, War of the Gods) incorporated many of these themes into the story to provide for rich episodes. I haven't seen a single new BSG episode I'm impressed with to be honest, and from what I've read of the reviews the new BSG isn't impressive at all. So yeah, like Seasons 1-3 of Enterprise, it seems the focus on making cylon babies and how 'tigh' is going to be an ass this time takes more precidence over filling plot holes and going somewhere with the story. And don't get me started on the appearance of the new Galactica. I'll sum it up now in one word: Insufficient.
  19. I liked all of the Zjentohaledy mecha, even the Glaugs. The exception though is the detailed-up images. I liked the Zjent mecha the smooth way they were presented in the TV series.
  20. I think that was the downfall really of TNG. ...Paramount made those changes to comply more with Rodenberry's 'exploration of space' idea. A large colony vessel with a sizeable population, outfitted to deal with anything. Since a minority complained about how Kirk would have been shot if he were a real captain, Picard's character corrected the flaw by putting him on the ship. Obviously though this makes for boring television, and portrays the captain as a wuss who stays on the ship all the time while the rest of the crew go down exploring. I think the 'strange alien world' dynamic is better in TOS because everything was new and unsual- the Enterprise was really going where no man has gone before. Starfleet wasn't as big and Federation space was ripe with ancient evils and strange aliens with whimsical mirrors corney a bit, but it was good. In TNG, everything's been pacified. The Enterprise isn't much of an explorer vessel as it is an armed luxury liner. It doesn't seem to go many places outside of Federation territory and seems to be stuck on hand-holding missions. That's probably why the -D is the "love Boat in space'- because that's where all the drama was. Ultimately, it failed to give ST fans what they wanted. One would think Voyager was better suited for TOS fans but personally for me, it failed. The dynamic of a ship running far away from supplies was never reinforced in the series. I think the producers wanted the seasons to be more or less modular, so they didn't relate directly to one another (except within seasons perhaps, and with some characters... but no lasting damage for tens of episodes at a time). I mean even the new BSG seems to have more contiuity than Voyager did, and I hate that series even more than Voyager itself. Enterprise suffered the problems of B&B's mishandling of the franchise. From what I can tell, Archer's character was caught between the confusing, contradictorary writing style of B&B and his better performances in the fourth season (except the last episode). I haven't seen seasons 1-3 personally, since I gave up watching ENT around the end of Season one...only to pick up at Season four. I felt Archer's character in season four was a good balance between Kirk and Picard, but he was never given the oppertunity to shine in his true light because of the death of Ent. And I think Kirk looked much more convincing in his fight scenes during the TOS run. Not too long ago I was wathing a TNG episode where Picard was fighting four klingons at once... and couldn't help but laugh.
  21. Well, if you squint hard enough, you can see the Cygnus slowly blur into the Megaroad... well, the Megaroad might actually be much larger than the Cygnus, but they still have a lamp-like glass/metal construction And, uh, If I had 50$, I'd rather outfit a WH40K army instead. Besides, the kit is innacurate anyway; it's too short. And I'd have to armwrestle everyone else just to get that kit. Although it just goes to show that the Cygnus was one of the coolest sci-fi ships ever built... even if it was by Disney.
  22. You start drawing. Instead of drawing characters, you draw mechs. 349319[/snapback] So does this mean that since I draw mechs already, some company somewhere will hire me for my designs so I can 'officially' have a career as a 'mech designer?' I'm seriously seeking to find a way to get into this profession, and I'd like to know how to get there. I think this is a good place to ask, since Kawamori is obviously sucessful. But how did he do it?
  23. Kirk was a hero, no disputing that. Even though everyday captains would probably be shot for leading the landing parties, he was the central figure to the series (And franchise) and without him it wouldn't be the same show we remember. Picard seemed...cultured. He didn't have the niche as Kirk did, but I didn't like him as a captain as much as Kirk. I respect him in the light of appreciating history and respect for other cultures, but he didn't seem to take action regularly until later in TNG, as opposed to letting Riker do all the exploring. And in any fight scene, Picard comes in last for looking the part. Never really watched DS9, but my brother thinks it's the next best thing to TOS, next to the last season of ENT. I agree with him, since Sisko seems on top of things even as the Prophets shine pretty lights... Janeway...is Janeway. Someone I know idolizes her for some reason by I don't see what makes her special. Voyager is flawed anyway, since B&B hit the reset button every episode and took away the 'far off in space' feeling. I think Seven of nine really carried the show, mostly becaue everyone wanted to see her run. Archer...not much time to reflect on his 1-3 season performance (Avoid them like a bad cold), but from Season 4 he seemed like a pretty well off character and good captain... an equal balance of Picard and Kirk I think. The only exception is his mirror counterpart, but the mirror universe episodes seem kinda campy in their evil-ness anyway. But of course archer, along with the rest of the cast, were deluted to children in the last episode. I really hope we can just forget that one...
  24. One of the most creative mech designers that I've ever seen... rivaled only by the modelmaking creativity of Makoto Kobayashi. Even the Macross seven designs, when you consider the theme of the anime they're native to, are innovative and unique. Even though we think they're really out there, they could be a lot worse and really shine in what M7 is supposed to represent. Anyway, what I'd like to know is how he got to his position as a Mecha designer. I hear about this position as a career now and again, but how does one get there? Where would one have to go to earn that title?
  25. Uher... that's on the event horizon. The Cygnus broke up long before she entered the black hole in one piece thanks to the meteor storm. Depends on if you go by the novel or the movie. The movie; they survive and fly out into supposedly a new universe. In the book they get mashed into subatomic particles. But their minds exist, thanks to Vincent and Kate's psy-link. I thought it was a good movie, and probably the best sucess Disney ever had at a serious movie. (Compared to the....'content' they show nowadays). I also wish I could get my hands on a cygnus model, but they're loong out of production.
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