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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Hehe... I was first introduced to Dr. Who on the fifth doctor story 'englightenment'. It's grown on me ever since... my dad wasn't sure if I'd like it because (being a trek fan at the time), it had no starship enterprise The thing that I like most about Dr. Who compared to ENT and the new BSG is the quality writing that went into the episodes. At least for the '05 series, it had a perfect blend of tie-ins, humor, and drama that made the series all the more an awesome comeback from it's hiatus. In fact, if we had Dr. Who in the states, it would be the only science fiction show I'd be watching now. Nothing else deserves my attention. But fortunately for us, it's UK produced, and not mangled by american writers and directors
  2. That's because it's the Miyatake book, not Kawamori. ISBN4-89601-629-7
  3. That's true. In a way Dr. Who is to the UK as Star Trek is to us. It's bound to do better in the UK than the US because nearly everyone in the UK has heard of it, and many currently in the Who staff 'grew up with' doctor who as a constant. I'm glad it's out of the rut that it was in for a while. It's a good replacement for the failed Enterprise and less-than-satisfactory battlestar galactica.
  4. Um... further down this forum?
  5. Meh. You've seen this design before early on in this thread. I just detailed bits of it, turned down the shading, and drew a Regult for scale. I liked this one better than the automated one that was semi-modled after it was accepted.
  6. Well given the fact that the '8th doctor' has only just that movie as an appearance is kinda evidence to that fact. Still, he's considered canon by many circles... though you know since this 9th doctor hasn't called himself 'the 9th', I suppose they could just bump off the movie to make room for anothe regeneration. Could have done better remaking the Dalek invasion of earth than doing the '96 plot. And speaking of Daleks and inavsions, what do people here say to the rumor of Daleks V. Cybermen for the second season finale? The cybermen exist in the new series (not impressed with the design...), but how and in what position remains to be seen (after all the cybermen were on the verge of extinction in the stories they have appeared in).
  7. Huh. It's gunhed without an A And I have the design works book. I just find Miyatake's book much more satisfiying. It might have something to do with the fact that it has SDF-1 and Orguss artwork in it, but I can't be certain And Graham, are you sure it was just live action? I just ran across something in that google search; Was an anime produced from Gunhed? The main mecha also looks like the mecha off the cover of the Japanese Battletech manual.
  8. And I always liked the origional mineral pod anyway.
  9. Heads up.
  10. MOD TEAM: Done some archive dreging and posted some goodies in the concept art thread. Take a look if you like.
  11. Ah right... sorry about that mixup... Still, the Daleks are iconic to who, and Blake's Seven was (For a time) a good TV series... What are eveyone's reactions to the redesigned Dalek? I'm surprised they went with the siren ears of the movie. Wasn't too happy about the emperor Dalek design but eh, beggers can't be choosers. And what happened to the cool Imperial Dalek ships we see in RotD? They were replaced by gaudy saucers... why? Does it go with the 'alien invasion' factor? or is it simply becase we've heard of more 'Dalek Saucers' (Twice that I know of, INvasion of Earth and one of the 3rd doctor stories) than conventional spacecraft?
  12. Hehe... VA-3M "Floot" Heh. Never heard of Gunhead before. Anyone got a link? And as I have yet to be wowed by M0, I don't think I'm going to shell out money for this book unless the other art amazes me. In terms of Macross, Miyatake's book was far more satisfying than Kawamori's.
  13. I guess it should be noted that Terrance Dicks created both series, so I suppose the masterminds behind the Whovian-verse could inevitably fit both series in.... Then again, Blake's Seven doesn't really accomodate the existance of other races, does it? Maybe they're the 'second' bountiful human empire... or something to that effect. The history of the future has never been established As a matter of fact, doesn't the new series break cannon in a number of ways? As I said earlier we never saw the real end of the Dalek Civil war (Cyberdaleks V. 'natural' daleks), the cybermen may or may not be on the virtual edge of extinction, and nothing is said of what became of the Movellans. I also wonder, if the Doctor is the 'last Time Lord', then what happend to his other incarnations? Were they elliminated from the timestream also or could we face another 'Five doctors' scenario? (Dissapointing though since Doctors 1-4 are effectively unable to participate).
  14. Seeing old cybermen show up would be awesome. Haven't gotten a hold of the christmas special yet. As I said we purchased the first season from the UK, so no christmas special on it Looking forward to seeing new goodies... but not too optimistic about the new Dr. We'll see. Noriko: Did Darrow reprise his role as Avon in that series? As another B-7 fan, it would be of interest to see a tie-in between the two series. A shame they trashed the liberator and effectively killed the series. Should also say that of all the old sci-fi series to get a recent revamp (BSG, ST:E, etx), Dr. Who is by far the most sucessful comeback in terms of story, chracters, and design.
  15. All I can say is good luck, because it isn't that easy to mod it when you go that far out of the engine. Transformations is one such thing not already capable in EAW.
  16. Woo. A Dr. Who thread After special-ordering the series and watching it, I liked the new who. Really sad to see the switch in doctors though... the 'new' doctor doesn't look as promising in the slightest >_> Bringing back the Daleks was an interesting move, but I'm surprised they didn't resolve the Dalek Civil war (Rememberance of the Daleks, 7th doctor). And what about Davros? He DID escape... is he just floating in space sometime during 1969 then? A little dissapointed in the new Dalek color scheme (Hoping for more of a tie-in with the origional series), but I WAS intreauged that they used the Dalek movie 'ears' (Conical sirens instead of buttons), and surprised that an OLDER cyberman helmet appeared instead of just pulling out a newer one to use. I also liked the stories before that captain guy showed up. Didn't like him really >_> Supposedly in the next season were's supposed to run into Sarah Jane, K-9, Queen Elizabeth, and the Cybermen. I have the feeling that the Cybermen might have played a small role in the Timewar, and something tells me they were on the side of the timelords (against the daleks? Don't know why...). I'm eager to see K-9 again... and would have been even more exited to see Sarah with the 9th doctor, but obviously since that actor stepped down for reasons unknown, I suppose the 10th will have to do. I wonder if K-9 is going to get a redesign (Hope not...) the TARDIS got it, The screwdriver got it, and so did the Dalek. I'm really hoping for some continuity tie-in by bringing back some of the older costumes/props (like the cybermen), to furter tie the new in with the old.
  17. HW2 is so much more capable than HW1 though. Playing HW1 after HW2 is like...going back to chisels and tablets when you have the the type writer right next to you. OK, maybe not THAT bad, but HW2 has so many more features and it's much easier to play.
  18. So then could we be possibly looking at bringing back the macross transformation?
  19. Kawamori has some 'detail up' arts from his artbook- though in my opinion I think they make the mecha look worse. I guess this could be constituted as the 'redesign?' If Kawarmori were to redo Macross (again), or set another series in between 0 and DYRL?, I'd imagine a 'redesigned' VF-1 would look something like the Sneblume (Stealth VF-1), because just about every modern innovative plane nowadays has some kind of stealth feature (points at F-22/21). If a variable aircraft were to come out today, do you think the designers would want to make it stealth-y also, or spend money to have a non-stealth transformable fighter? And yeah I was dissapointed that the Dragon II didn't show itself in M-0 (not that I've seen it...), but I'm also glad that some modern aircraft were there to tie some beliveability to the macross series. Sure, 2000 has come and gone with no south ataria impact (unless there's some MASSIVE coverup ), but still for me anyway it makes Macross beleiveable... just out of sight.
  20. Orguss could continue if one were to focus on one of the diverent universes. Say, the top of the space elevator fell and the Orguss was recovered... in the past. Then the Emaan show up, all that stuff... and don't forget the Mu... when reactivated units start rising out of the ground from falling to earth and getting buried in the distant past... With all the dimensional possibilities of Orguss, it's fantastic what can be done. Orguss 02 is a dismal failure because it didn't tie in close enough to the origional- almost nothing is the same except Tai, who we SAW VAPORIZED at the Space Elevator at the end. (Sorry to spoil that ) Yes I saw the Dal kit here and there. Might be one available on Ebay for the usual astronomical price THE SOUNDTRACK DOES EXIST! in Lp form. I tried to secure some of the records but alas, poor community college student funds couldn't cut it. Legend (the internet) speaks of a CD version of the soundtrack released somewhere, sometime. The image is lost on my hard drive, as well as the ISN code, but I'm sure you could dig through ancient history (the internet) to find it. And if you do, COUNT ME IN as someone who wants it. Yeah, when IMAI went belly up it sounded the deathknell for Orguss. The final blow came when Orguss 02 was put out, and now we have the 'robotech problem:' "Yeah, Orguss is my favorite anime." "Orguss? Oh, you mean Orguss II! I thought it was weird." "No, I mean the origional Orguss." "What's that?" *Slap head* because Orguss 02 is actually on shelves now, as opposed to the origioanl Orguss which is only available in a HK bootleg! And unlike Macross or Gundam, with notstalgic good feeling, Orguss' fan following is usually by the Curious and by the fortunate. Unless you wondered where some of the bits on Star Trek's Stargazer came from. Yeah, the Orguss gun is on it. I don't think it shoots missiles though...
  21. As with all things Orguss, getting the original series is the closest to a Macross FTW! as we'll ever get. My head will explode if a DVD remastered version appeared. The Emaan nation would cry out in joy if a sequel was made. The Mu would dominate the world if they made a sequel to O2. >>; What I Reeeeeeeely want (other than...eheh...Lieea and Maaie >>; ) would be some of the old Orguss models. I have some, but I'm afraid to bust them out and paint them up because they're getting rarer and rarer to find.
  22. Hehe... did it have much to do with Orguss at all? That's the main sinker for the 02 OAV- nothing to do with Orguss at all, other than dropped names and references. And I don't recall if we see Jabby with Linbulm (sp?). We see him looking over the baby, and we see Shaya happy with her husband, so *shrug* who knows? Maybe it was supposed to be assumed.
  23. Hey! This thread's alive again! And to think, the Ending of Orguss is just as confusing and frustrating as the TV ending of Evangelion, in which fans always ask: 'WTF?' In my opinion, when the D-capsule enters the huge Tokuiden in orbit it brings the past and Present Kei and Olsen into a dimensional null space in the area around the bomb. It isn't the exact location in space and time, but in the same sense it is. The bomb is gone, but the fighters remain. it is also daylight there as opposed to dusk/dawn when the fighting took place at the beginning of the series. When Kei and Olsen shoot one another the decable should be resolved, but because of certain factors, it doesn't end up that way. I argued earlier for multiple dimensions. Here's how I see it: You know how the Emaan and Terram were so concerned about 'brainwashing' Kei and Olsen? It is because they have the same effect Shinji Ikari did in Evangelion's 'Instrumentality project'- they could determine the outcome of the world. Had Kei been captured and convinced to return the world to the way it was, this is what would have happened when the Tokuiden bubble popped. If Kei wanted to live in a universe with Mimsy and the Emaan population, then this would have been the result. So as I see it, Kei wanted everyone to be happy after the resoultion of the Tokuiden, and didn't have a specific focus. Thus, when the bubble burst, the multitude of possible universes branched out once again into their own strings. Thus we see Kei and Mimsy with the baby, Kei back with Tina again, Olsen and Athena, Shaya and her lover, all those dimensions are possible and happened in the wake of the space/time Oscillation bomb. Think of it as all dimensional strings being clumped together in one point for a time because of the D-bomb (which we see in the series), but after the D-bomb's resolution and the bubble burst, the dimensions no longer have commonality and seperate into individual universes. This is how the origional series of Orguss ends, and I think it's brilliant. --------- And no, we never see Kei portraying himself as an Emaan. Presumably this is because the universe resolved itself in Kei's point of view, in which he never envisioned himself as an Emaan. ------------ In reguards to Space Island one, I'm not sure how it got there either. I assume it was built during Kei's time and abandoned up there after the D-bomb went off. Since the D-effect seems to only effect the earth, anything outside of the Earth's atmosphere must have reamained unaffected by the D-shift. It's then possible that the east and west sides, since they couldn't return to earth, fought it out and busted up Space Island one. ----- Cameo notice; Did anyone see an Emaan Amuro Rey in the Emaan city? And the Arcadia is still out there...
  24. Wasn't there a simpler logo used for the Homeworld 1 page?
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