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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. If I understand this correctly, the VA series were developed for the ground-attack and air supremecy role, while the VF series were space-superiority models. This correct? I wonder if other VA designs exist other than the VA-14 and VA-3? ...and thinking of which, didn't the VA-14(FB2012 ish?) come out before the VA-3 (M7?) So does this mean the VA series is NOT in order?
  2. Wow. The wise duck is a monster that throws things! Yet another obscure mecha that's cool! *Clicky!* And this is only a DC game? ADDITION: Well, capcom did Steel Battalion, so I guess it makes up for it (Only problem is I gotta shell out $200.00 for it... )
  3. Well the Destroids don't count. They weren't hero mecha in the sense that they were constantly blown up And none of the main characters pilot them for long (If at all...) The Bronco doesn't count either because it didn't even make it past the first eleven episodes of Orguss. And it's not the title mecha. And is the Crescens piloted ALL THE TIME by the hero mecha? Does it kill hordes of smaller, unfreindly mecha? We need a hero mecha without arms just to prove that you don't need arms to be cool.
  4. Woa! Hey Dangard, any chance I could get the lower right sample enlagred for a desktop? On topic: In all my searching on the internet for both RT and Macross I haven't seen this image anywhere on any of the individual boards. Not much to offer, but it's another testimony... Might want to check some of the various artbooks done by some of the artists. You could browse throught MW's images/artbooks pages and try to find the authors, then look for the books they have available.
  5. Anyone notice how all the hero mecha have arms? At least all the ones I've seen- it's only the villans that have the non-armed mecha (Ishkick, Regult, etc...) Or can anyone prove me wrong? Discussion?
  6. I watch my DVDs on the comp (Family won't let me on the TV...) so that might be the problem. But yeah, I ran to the menu to activat the subtitles instead of by remote. I got the boxset here: http://www.animetoxic.com/prodetail.cfm?itemno=J202-394 It wasn't the cheapest, but I already got an order from them in a short time so I thought they'd be reliable. It might just be my computer problems...I got two computers in the house that can run DVDs plus an X-Box and a PS2 in additition to the real DVD player in my home. One of them is bound to work.
  7. I finally got my hands on the Orguss DVD boxset.... Only to encounter some problems. One; the English Subtitles (I can deal with them...) cut out at the end of DVD 01 and leave you with just diolauge. ...and DVD 2 has nothing but Chinise subtitles no matter what option you choose (English or Chinise) ...Help?
  8. Steel Battalion was the best commercial Mech simulator TO DATE. http://steel-battalion-clan.pippin.us Used to be the page. Folded indefinately because of the expected increase in posters. Despite being expensive, SB had A LOT of fans that played the game. The next Sb game, Line of Contact, used the same controller but was the next game in the series. It also had internet-capable play, wheras Steel Battalion did not. But now it's GONE! And I have no idea where everyone on that site went or are going to! SB had the GREATEST mech designs I have ever seen! They even top Macross! GAh! ANd it was the DEFINATIVE guide to Steel Battalion! It had everything from walkthroughs to the Vertical Tank Guides and to the latest of the up-and-comming LoC (Even a countdown timer) now, like GUndamproject, it's gone...
  9. I don't belive this! The Steel Battalion boards i used to visit are shot too! Not only that, but the ENTIRE SITE FOLDED!!!! Shesh, what is it with guide sites? At least MW seems stable for now... First Gundamproject...now Steel Battalion Central...
  10. After a hundred years, the only significant development in firepower was the yeilding of the VF-2 and the Metal Siren. And yet Plus in, what, twenty-seven years or so we have the VF-11 and up-and-comming YF designs with thier own Pinpoint barrier generators! That and there's been a massive amount of space colonization! I think M+ has the advantage, where MII seems to have not gone anywhere in terms of interplanetary development. Most of the fleet appears to consist of defected/recovered Zjent. ships.
  11. Hey I remember Kash. He liked to pick an arguement with a freind I invited to the boards about Transformers. Boy... Well, maybe I should be asking where all the barbarians went and if there is any way to protect against them.
  12. If they found the scimatics of the Zjentohlauedy ship, don't you think they would know about the Zjentohlauedy in general? I think all the assumptions in construction surrounding things from the ASS-1 come from what they found on the ship itself, not in it's computers. They knew about 'a race of giants' through the obvious big hallways in the construction. There's no mention of any Zjentohlauedy mecha aboard, nor if any ship designs were recovered. They were expecting giant aliens, but not specifically the Zjentohlauedy. But the door on the back and underside of the destroyer reminds me of the trapdoor found on the Zjent. command cruiser... I wonder why they didn't refine the design and make more of these. It looks like it would be an excelent DDG/Picket design for larger fleets. Just increase the missile playload and maybe replace some of the beam weapons with turret mounts. (And of course, add a fold engine...) EDIT: I wonder...if the ASS was a Supervision army design didn't they find any supervision army mecha inside the ship? Maybe that's where the VF-0 comes from...
  13. Not likely, unless they appease the massive fan horde of DBZ fans by making another GGundam... Or if they dub and release Gundam Seed. They could also try to put it on toonami, but of course nothing must topple the crowing series that is DBZ... [/sarcasm] We need more Macross.
  14. That is really a shame. Because I recall Simmon's Gundamproject site had FAR MORE content, images, story, and informaiton than ANY OTHER GUNDAM SITE OUT THERE! Including Gundam.com. If they crushed Gundamproject just to have simmons do minimal work on some books that are out there (As for the 'guide'- it's a rehash of a magazine I have...) then I don't thikn it's worth it. Sad, too. Because I've moved beyond gundam to other things- like Macross, and Eva...and Nadesico...
  15. Sadly I don't think that's far off from the truth... ...If you accept the notion that the 'barbarians' came from Gundamproject.com. Simmons had to axe the forums first because of the nonsense going on there, then the general site when things started to get messy. Can you belive people actually still posted in those boards after they went down? There was one thread in one topic and I kid you not, there were people there still posting and talking about general things! Yes, it is a shame. I knew some great people there. I always liked Gundam.com's MBs because it was a place for me to go. Ever since I've been drifting across the message boards looking for a place to chat. This is one of them. The Megatokyo boards are another. The last is over at Steel Battalion Central (Boxer there, too) but it's down for the moment...
  16. I guess I never really noticed it because I was never in the AC areas of the forums. Usually I lurked in the Luna II areas or the Anime discussion. I was around fanart and the UC forums sometimes though... In those forums the moderators did their jobs. I don't know about the rest... As for Macrossworld, yes, I know it exists, but until it's updated with new content I don't see much reason to go there (Except for model kit reference, maybe... or to see some of the unreleased Macross studd).
  17. At least it's not as slow as some places.... There's a MOD forum for the HW TC to DYRL? that updates...yearly? And then there's Gundam.com, which never updates at all. So when IS GUndam.com comming back? They updated from 'down temporarily' to under 'pre-production' whatever that means. Is there no way to find out from the runners of the site?
  18. I was happy having my circle of freinds in the Beamfish. That and the people there talked real anime too. And it had a lot more space... and a lot of people to talk to. I think the only equivelant to wingers over here is the Robotech people- and they seem fine.
  19. I think it's assumed that the Movie ARMDs were later upgrades of the TV ARMDS. Either that or all the TV ARMDS were phased out after the entire first production run was annialated at the end of Space War One. The excuse is probably the assimilation and reverse-development of Zjentohaluedy technology. ...But I wonder what the excuse for the different DYRL? ARMDs are. I was writing a fanfiction that re-told the Macross series (Still in progress if I ever get it done..) And I had the ARMDs 'Deadalus' and 'Prometheius' (Go figure) For the arms. The Deadalus, of corse, was different because it was modified for heavy endurance. Do you think this is the case?
  20. Any say on where everyone is? I haven't heard a hide or hair from anyone on that site who was there until it closed down...
  21. Well since I think it's nearly been a year since Gundam.com went down I've been wondering where anyone else went. Anyone here from GUndam.com? I was MobileArmor Test Pilot over there....
  22. Aye to the re-animation, but this would be the third time the 'origional' Macross story has been done- once in the origional and twice with DYRL? Do you think anyone would want yet anothe rehash? (Other than us fans, of course ) Maybe another sidestory to the whole universe? (Ignoring 7...) Or maybe following some of the cast from the origional series that we never hear from (Vrlitwahi? Any of the Zjentohlauedy or the bridge cast?)
  23. I don't think 02 is popular enough for the music to be released... speaking of which, how good is the music? Is it on CD anywhere? (I know it's on LP on Ebay and I'm going after it...)
  24. I'd like to see those.
  25. Max from Macross? Which one, American or Japanese? Did they keep the origional Orguss in 02 or did they redesign it? And I know I haven't seen an Ishkick in any of the posted pictures for 02...
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