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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. How? I've only seen the first episode of a fansub and it didn't seem like the F-14s were equipped with anything obviously protoculture. Unless Transformational systems are Protoculture in origin? any images of the ASS-1 I've seen seem to make it non-transformable... Is it possible that Transformation technology was on Protoculture mecha/small weapons systems? Anyway, how are the F-14s 'protoculture enhanced?' Reaction weaponry/beam guns?
  2. I have mostly origional machines and MT art. I need more Macross ideas
  3. As far as I know there is no Manga nor artbooks that are available on the internet. Yet somehow Orguss.freeservers has somehow managed to get lineart from somewhere. Any Orguss artwork can be found in the various artbooks put out by Haruhito Mikimoto should have some Orguss art in them. Finished Orguss....what a ride... Did anyone see the Arcadia in the battle in the last episodes???
  4. Well one could say the entire spectrum of U.S. television entertainment isn't that great. I for one don't watch a lot of American Entertainment nowadays...
  5. Well if we were to follow that phillosophy, then Regults must be our freinds. So would Ishkicks. I was wondering if the olive/brown was restricted to only one studeo but I don't know if this includes wing. I think someone might have been making a statement when they made Zakus green (Not cannon fodder) Or something. Am I color blind? this looks more like a tan/brown than green to me...
  6. The Z designation, do they add it after the aircraft has been decommissioned? And what designation is, say, a (P)-38? Plane?
  7. I think I've discovered the universal color for 'Kill me!' Brown seems to be the red-shirts of anime. Ever notice that The Orguss MPs, VF-1As (Cannon fodder), Mu mass production robots (Orguss) and leos from Gundam Wing are all painted brown? And I think it's the same shade too... Any comments/Discussion?
  8. I think the F designation means fighter, just as B means Bomber. A probably means 'All-things'
  9. Yes. I think the reason why I didn't kill my christmas funds getting one was because I realized 04 was comming out. A shame too. If I kept them then I probably would have bought it. Or Steel Battalion
  10. That's true. The Difrand comes to mind... You could call the ARMDs/Carriers ARMS on the Macross because they look like arms in a humanoid shape. There aren't any hero machines out there which look like a regult (i.e. no arms or hands in any shape, just a pair of legs and a body with guns).
  11. Thanks!
  12. No i'm wondering if there's a two legged armless mecha that is the hero machine of the series (Think if a Regult was piloted by the main character)
  13. Hm...Interesting. I never thought they were capable of water travel as normal carriers. Nice. No word on fighter compliment however...
  14. Not just there either. The Zentreadi get to advertise on the glass of an Ishkick. Here:
  15. Does Kawamori include the VA/VF designations in all design sketches he does (and names?) I knew about the Rafaga anyway, I posted in that thread.
  16. I wanted to get one of these for christmas. Sadly I didn't find one It would have been in scale with all my other models too- and It would have been Eva02.. Yeah, let's watch Asuka strangle the Gundam.
  17. Stupid technicalities! You could say the front legs are a form of arms. Maybe I should say I meant there aren't any pure two-legged only hero mecha... But then again I suppose some can say Zoids wasn't a real mecha show /Kidding.
  18. Ah, I see. For the moment though it looks like VA doesn't really apply- both the VA designs are aircraft (Unless Kawamori makes other Variable designs- helicopters? )
  19. Actually I got it to work somehow. Thanks! I'll talk about the story later- must watch now!
  20. And with the VF-1J kit box in the Glomar you'd think HG would jump at the offer to have their job a whole lot easier. Meh, they could have said the flowers bloomed and caused the dimensional warping to replace Mospedia with Orguss. Gotta wonder though if Orguss would have popularity here in the states if it was part of RT... *Shivers...*
  21. Not even unofficial ones? Some can say that the NOVA series VFs don't exist... Speaking of which, what happened to those series? There's a VB design in there. ANy of those considered proto-VAs? (Other than the 14, but that wasn't NOVA...)
  22. Besides, the Crecens has arms- they're just wings.
  23. Since there is no pinned RT FAQ, and since I won't risk my life on the RT boards, might as well ask this here. There's an Ebay bid at the moment on an Orguss cell that has in it's caption: Is this true? I know two of the Super Dimensional series were absorbed (Macross, obviously, and Southern Cross) but was Orguss almost made to be part of RT? (And of so, do you think it would have been popular?)
  24. ...that's essentially what I just said- bar the air supremecy role. I took VA as Variable Attacker at first, but it's been listed as Variable Aircraft in Nanashi's text. But are the VAs listed out of order? And do more exist?
  25. Here's a question not necissarily newbie but one that doesn't beg a big thread: According to MAHQ on this page: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/sdfmacross/mbr-07-mk2.htm Hikaru is credited with piloting a Spartan. Is this true? (MAHQ also credits Lap'Lamiz with piloting a Regult...)
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