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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Boxer

    Macross PS2 Game

    I figured because of the big mess HG made with Robotech, Macross items are rarer here than they would have been if Robotech never made it into existance. Sure we get plus and II, but I think they would have come faster (Along with other Macross items) If HG didn't raise a fuss. I mean, have ANY macross games made it to the states? Ones that you've seen in stores, anyway?
  2. I'm a heavy armor and big guns fan, so naturally I like the Destroids. The Spartain and Monster in particular... I would have written a fiction with Destroid pilots in starring roles, but I can't think of a situation where Destroids would really shine against VFs. Underground caves maybe, or inter-ship warfare. I still don't know why Destroids like the Phalanx haven't become the VF's worst nightmare. They're anti-aircraft aren't they? An upgraded Phalanx with a larger missile payload should make any VF pilot break out in a sweat, especially if that Phalanx was fast or well hidden.
  3. The wings might fold for storage, like the VF-1's wings and tail fins fold for easier storage. If it's worth anything, the YF-21's wings fold down for some reason.
  4. If you find another copy, let me know.
  5. After digging some I finally found this: http://www.robotechresearch.com/rpg/mecha/...4_Tigercat.html I'm curious as to what it really is, and if it's cannon. I'd also like information on the other planes in antarctic press...and what it's really about. Thanks.
  6. I'm pretty sure that no Monster was ever destroyed onscreen, at least in SDF Macross and DYRL. And unfortunately the monsters that actually survived were used for target practice. This reminds me of the story of Battleships. The Battleship was king of the sea until the weak little carrier came along with it's swarm planes. Now it seems all the Battleship and it's big guns are worth for is museium peices, scrap metal, and target practice for fighters. Shesh, Destroids deserve more respect.
  7. Even if they were Cannon Fodder units, they shouldn't have beeen needlessly cut. *Thinks* Wait, have we ever seen any of the monsters on the Macross destroyed? I can't recall a Monster getting blown up in the second DVD box set. It would be cool to have a main character piloting a Destroid in the next Macross series.
  8. Gotta wonder; if a hundred homing missiles are an aircraft's worst enemy, why retire the Phalanx? And until the design of the Koing monster, do we have any large-scale moving howitzers (Let alone four) in the Macross universe? Besides, inter-ship defenders packing more than a simple gunpod might be a tad more dangerous and readily avialable than hoping your VFs will fly in after ship invaders.
  9. Who says you can't be a fan of your own material? Should this become a cannon plane then It would be rather remarkable, seeing as VF-0s are rather rare in the UN Spacy at this time, anyway.
  10. Boxer

    Macross PS2 Game

    Arg. THey gotta release this in the U.S. for us un-modded people. Stupid HG.
  11. Nothing here. Move along...
  12. My defeatist and pessimistic point of view shouts 'Of course! Why would they possibly spend hundreds of dollars to make thier flagship remotely threatening?' My romantic and optomistic side says 'Of course they rebuilt them! why would they leave the Macross, the title flagship of the seires, become nothing more than a flying statue of liberty?" Usually my Pessimistic side is correct Then again I could be wrong...when was the last battle of Macross city?
  13. You have to remember that they're human save for the ability to shrink to human size, at least I think that was said in the series...
  14. YEah, how come these designations have no planes? Maybe they're the leftovers from the NOVA project...hmmm...
  15. Technical problems. Please move on. This is why this forum needs the 'Delete' option...
  16. I have the Escaflowne collector's edition, so I know how you feel. I wish he went forward with Calvalry Air Chronicals (I think that's what it was called...) instead of Escaflowne. The main mecha at the beginning of the book would have been an awesome counterpart to the VF series. Of the NOVA series my favorite has to be the 3000. I'm still mystified as to why the 5000 was selected over this cool plane for Macross 7. Maybe the 3000 will make it's star appearance in the next series? I'd love to see a Macross version of the Silver axe...
  17. But you have to remember that despite it's age and state of repair, the SDF-1 Macross is the flagship of the UN Spacy...even though it will probably never see space travel again.
  18. Didn't notice that one. Just found it in my book. I'd call it a SDP-11 though On the topic of HK drawn fighters that may or may not be official, was the Nova competition series deemed Cannon or not? It seems only two planes lived to cannonicity from the Nova competition: The VF-3000 (Coolest plane IMO) and the VF-9. Were any others considered Cannon (And was the Nova project itself Cannon?) By the way, you may already know this, but the Stampede was listed in the HK book under 'game&Advanced Valkyrie' So was the VF-4...
  19. I had the impression the fuel pack was optional and could be ejected. No SDP-11 huh? Well there goes that thought bubble. Is the SDP project official within the Macross universe?
  20. Forgive me for being the Orguss fan, but I couldn't help but say something. If this book existed, it would explain where some Orguss line art came from.
  21. Dual didn't have the same concept of dimensional oscillation (I.e. mutliple universes all in the same space) You'll get to battles much later when the Mu show up, and when the Emaan actually start fighting. I started an Orguss thread a long time ago to discuss just that: Here I think we came to the realization that since Orguss was so different in terms of story it couldn't have possibly been included into Robotech. How could you explain the Emaan without butchering the series' content (Even moreso than Southern Cross...)?
  22. Zjentohlauedy and Meltohlaudey are romanizations of Zentran and Meltran, IMO, and might be the real spellings of the names. But I do know Zjentohlauedy was the way it was spelled on the model kit box to the Zjentohlauedy ships...
  23. Someone say Orguss? I was sucked into the story the moment I caught wind of the Premise. It's my favorite anime at the moment... I liked the idea of Dimensional Oscillation, which no other Anime has yet to capitalize on. The Orguss itself is an interesting mecha, as well as the other mecha designs. Even the Emaan are interesting... I suggest watching the whole series through before making a decision. You might like it. If you have the collector's box thing you might experience some subtitle errors, but blame that on the neglect this series was given- it was buried under Macross. Another reason you might want to watch Macross is for the sheer amount of Cameos that appear throughout the series. To date I've seen the VF-1J, Misa, Shammy, Minmei, and even Captain Herlock's Arcadia. I can't take screencaps though...
  24. That is what I'm afraid of. Unfortunately, I see this kind of fate happening with any sort of re-make of a novel. Take for instance the supposed I, Robot movie that was mentioned in another thread. heh. The only exception to this seem to be Lord of the Rings.
  25. Nevertheless it was a good translation, if not a direct movie-from book. If this flab about a remake of WotW is true, then do you think they might try to stick to the book? And if so, do you think they'll get a descent director to make it? (Chances are, unfortunately, not...)
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