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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. I have a request. I can't read Japanese, so anyone who can who has the Design works might be able to help me. MAHQ does not list the nationalities/names of some of the designs in the book. One example is the one on pg6. underneath the Silver Axe. It looks like the SeiRan-99K but it's insignia is different. Can anyone identify the nationality or designation? Plus can anyone tell me anything about the background story? I don't know how much Kawamori went on this before he changed it into Escaflowne...
  2. Grand cannons are earth-based weapons. What would the UN spacy assemble to take on say another base the likes of Badolza's ship? There's a VF-11 with the SDF-6 on the side. I know fighter units use VF as their fighter designations, so is SDF a kind of fighter group registration no. or is this reference to a fan SDF?
  3. I already saw this in my old Marine Biology class. They wanted to play it again too
  4. They did. The III-C Baron Rouge is also known as the VF-X-10 (From Advanced Valkyrie) and the VF-9. The AF-49 Silver Axe appeared in Macross as the VA-X-3. Unfortunately according to the Compendium the prototype dissapeared with it's creator and only one part and a number of photographs exist. A shame, the Silver Axe is a very cool design. The VF/A-14 also has it's roots in the ZaiBach Empire. Actually I would love to see this and Advanced Valkyrie made into real series. The ADV Valk series would be test pilots and prototype flight units, but they're cool enough to warrant their own series (Heck, the VF-3000 is more than worth it!) One request if anything: Transformation notes for these fighters
  5. Unless your an advocate of drone ships, then the UN Spacy would become more like the Jovain armada from Nadesico Or we get a hold of a Zentran cloning chaimber, either way Or we have another baby boom....
  6. So in effect Earth has a second moon. Probably parked it in outer orbit somewhere to prevent the station's gravity from messing up Earth and the moon.
  7. Some of them are in the design works. The Serian 99K is located at the very front of the book, complete with all it's armor variants THere are more in there in the color works. Others can be found in the developmental lineart of M7 and then again in the very back of the interview in really tiny lineart format. IMO, I would rather have seen Air Calvarly Chronicals finished than Escaflowne.
  8. Was Battle-5 configured for a total full-size Zentran crew? (I'd imagine a Zentran fleet is geared more towards civilian full sized Zentreadi.) Again, it hasn't been mentioned but I assume the Earth UN Spacy does not have any capability to produce Zentreadi ships (Only ground mecha and pods from the Factory Sattelite) Is this true? I don't have the latter DVD box set to Macross, so I can't tell.
  9. ....I did not say supervision army ships. I was implying that the factory sattelite would produce copies of the SDF-1 or vessels based on the SDF-1 design. If I was talking about the Supervision Army ship that the Macross came from, I would have said ASS-1. Unless people here don't like that designation.
  10. Huh. And of the New Macross Battle sections it seems that there's another variant from the Zentran and Human NM Battle sections- if you take VFX-2 as Canon. Battle-13 seems to be another class that looks more SDF like. I'll bet it's better armed too.
  11. Wolframbane; can you bring up the article to confirm this? And does KAwamori say ONLY two SDFs? And at what point in history (Or does he even say?)
  12. Landing gear...meh. THe cockpit needs a sky reflection and then- Best mimicry of Real Life I have ever seen. There's some minor points that need fixing, but otherwise this looks like a real VF-1 on deck. In other words: Fix. Make Better. Look nice.
  13. So the New Macross ships are the heaviest. Well I suppose that makes sense, but I would have thought the UN spacy would try to make some sort of heavier battleship based around multiple Particle beam cannons. Sure it would be a monumental project, but then again the UN Spacy did construct the New Macross Ships... Aside from the New Macross fleets, has it been confirmed that the variable battle carriers were constructed seperately for fleet purposes? I know Steelfalcon mentions something like this, but I want to know if it's cannon.
  14. Obviously this is developed from the Newbie questions as a discussion. I have some questions about the UN Spacy fleet: 1)Super Dimensional Fortress (SDF) class ships: To my knowledge only one Super Dimensional Fortress was completed, that being the SDF-1. And I know the Megaroad is the incomplete SDF-2. My question is do other Super Dimensional Fortress-type units exist in the UN Spacy? I don't count the New Macross Battle sections because they don't have the SDF designation. Also, is it possible for unmentioned SDF-type units to exist within Macross (I.e., nobody said the Macross was the only SDF.) 2) Are there any heavy capital ships in the UN Spacy? To my knowlegde the United Nations Spacy seems to depend on a dwindling amount of converted Zentreadi ships and a handfull of Cruisers, Stealth Frigates, Escort carriers, and other medium and light ships. My question is that are there ships (If even non-canon) that are heavier than a cruiser that aren't zentran? 3) The Factory Sattelite: I know one was captured in Space War one, but were others also captured? If so do these factories produce full zentran ships or only fighters? And if they can produce capital ships do they build heavier UN Spacy origin ships also? Heh. I probably asked questions not many people can answer. EDIT: Yes I checked the Compendium before asking this question.
  15. What about the Plus Era after Earth had been rebuilt? Surely the UN Spacy would see the need to expand the fleet and build more SDFs for the defense of their colonies... And I don't think a dwindling source of Zentreadi ships would fill the role. So does this mean that the UN Spacy defends its colonies with light stealth fleet carriers and elite fighter squads? And my second question wasn't answered: Is it possible for more SDFs to exist in-cannon?
  16. That did not stop the Earth from begining production of the SDF-2 on the moon. It was changed into the Megaroad-1 due to the need for a ready to use colony ship, so they just modified what was already done on the SDF-2. I don't consider the Megaroad a 'True SDF'. What I'm asking is why aren't there more Super Dimensional Fortress UNITS with the SDF designation. And if not, is it POSSIBLE for them to exist (I.e. nobody said there's only been one (two) SDF(s).)
  17. Why weren't more Super Dimensional Fortress type units produced? I don't think you can count the New Macross Battle carriers, as the don't have the SDF designation. Were there any other Super Dimensional Fortresses (SDFs) Produced in the Macross series? If not is it possible for more, unmentioned Macross-class ships to be in existance? As far as I know only two SDF-type units were built, 1) Macross and 2)(Incomplete) Megaroad. But with Earth's capture of the Factory sattlite and the service record of the SDF-1 during Space War one, you'd think they'd build more of these as independant flagships for fleets (Instead of relying on the Zentran ships, which IMO counldn't be produced by the factory sattlites anyway)/
  18. Or the Russian manufacturers' main fighter market is around in Europe. Either that or Russian prototypes were entrusted to an elite German Mercinary force. As for attacking the AFOS, maybe Anti-UN intelligence got the leak about the VF-0 and decided to test their planes against the UN birds by deploying their test variable planes in a sesnative area to provoke (And destroy) the UN forces using VF-0s.
  19. Boxer

    yamato sdf-1?

    Perform a deadalus attack through the windshield on a moving vehicle.
  20. That's what I thought. But I wonder where they would be from? South Pacific? If the Anti-UN forces are regeional then my guess is that the ones in Zero are probably a special detatchment from Germany (VF trial forces maybe?)
  21. But then, how do you explain a universe where nothing changed? There's one for that too Actually I'd imagine that after the resolution of the oscillation bomb it recounts that all events are possible anywhere within the time specified, hence Mimsy AND Kei are together in one universe (1rst one: Notice Mimsy is Human in that one.) While he's with Tina in another universe. There's probably also a universe where Mimsy and Athena return to Earth, but Kei and Olsen never return (I think this is the one where Jabby is looking at the baby...) There's probably also a universe out there where Kei is an Emaan. I just love being a writer Oh, right, Keith is correct....in his own universe j/k
  22. If you include precise timing in dimensional oscillation then yes, infinite dimentions are possible. Something you do could differ by seconds in each dimension, like shooting a gun. You could wait one second before pulling the trigger and *Bang* another universe (No pun intended ) Even silly things like getting up in the morning or lifting a finger create essentially the same dimention except where you waited only one second to lift a finger. This sort of dimensional oscillation goes on all the time in your life without even thinking about it. Now take this figure and multiply it by all the people in the world . Now you say that isn't infinant, but take into consideration the combination of people and events happening in the world (Such as the evolution of the Emaan on Earth... or the group development of the Mu) into your equation. Also add to the fact that even though you may not fire a gun that millisecond, someone else would and thereby cause another four oscillations (You fire a gun, you both fire a gun, he fires a gun, neither of you fires a gun). That's just between two people. Try the population of the world. Then add all the things and events in the entire known realm of existance that we don't even know about, their possibilities, and the minute dimensional additions second to second. See? Endless. Or nearly, but the number would be astronomical in the smallest known span of time (even smaller than a microsecond). Edit: In reguards to Keith's 'Limited universes'- my point is you don't need all of those multiple universes for something like that to happen. One universe alone can span an infinant amount of universes My take on the Oscillation of dimensions in Orguss is that in the expanding universe of dimensions the Oscillation bomb only interrupted those in a radius of time around the detonation, meaning it only affected universes that have changed fairly recently in earth's history or the change wasn't that great. This would explain why all the Earths brought into Kei's world are habitable worlds much like Earth and not toxic or airless earths. It would also explain why the Emaan (Close to human) and our parallel opposites in the Mu's world were also human, while we don't have floating heads or stranger aliens for human inhabitants. I think the strangest we see in Orguss is Jabby, and I think that problem is solved by preventing thier extinction from happening for a few hundred millenia. ....I think I get it. Somewhere in there is my explaination
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