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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. I was actually there when Paper starships was formed. It's home was on the Relic message boards for Homeworld. My name is Ceade over there and I haven't visited it in quite a while... I had plans origionally for a HW minis game that would have used these paper starships.
  2. From a technical standpoint it could explain where the VF-17's laser adaptation Gunpod came from. But you can just excuse it as an anime error
  3. Huh. Forgot about that one. I stand corrected: This is the first EARTH submarine we've ever seen. Is it just me or does the Rorqual look like the Disney version of the Natilus?
  4. I saw something like this machine somewhere in Studio kappa actually... It's interesting that it's official.
  5. Are screenshots an impossibility?
  6. I can't wait to see the -22!
  7. Behold true suceessors to the SDF-1. I wonder what a deadalus attack with one of them might be like...
  8. Didn't think the compendium included that one. My bad. But has there been any shots of a hanger inside this thing? I think in a pinch it might be possible to crane one into a launch tube, or have it transform into fighter mode from battleoid mode inside the tube...*winces* Otherwise it might be safe to speculate that more of these ships are running around as general OT SSBNs and that this one was purchased from the Russians and modified for launching SVFs instead of missiles.
  9. Another use for the head laser
  10. Other than it's the first Macross submarine we've ever seen? Looks big. Any statistics on how big this is? (It might be a remodled Typhoon SSBN. Russia had very few of these in commition in the collapse of the soviet union.) If that's the case then who got a hold of the hull/ship and had it remodled? And how did they get the stealth technology (See below)... Anyway from the overal look it appears stealthy and streamlined, somewhere along the lines of the 'projected future' of US Navy subs... (Streamlined conning tower & body). The only thing is that it lacks it's own underwater drones... Does this thing have a hanger underneath the launch tubes or are the SVFs launched and loaded into the tubes? two cents.
  11. The ultimate crossover! Now imagine a TV series running around this one
  12. Hm....did this come from the FS2000 model by any chance?
  13. Please, there's enough damage to cannon already. Does the whole Romulan war have to be trashed too? Next thing y'know we have the Ent-D wandering around to help out. Or even better yet, the refit of the NX-01 will just be Ent-d turned upside down with original nacelles! If they decide to continue this sherade called trek they'd BETTER make it good in order for me to come back and watch it. The Romulan war might be a good excuse for this to pick up, but with the way Ent's handled the Andorians and the Vulcans, and then there's the unforgiveable fact that they brought back the borg... On the other hand the romulans were handled well, and so were the Tholians. If they have independant writers making the script then there's still hope that Ent might come out of the abyss it's fallen into.
  14. Well if those ARE four seperate flagship hulls then they SHOULD fire independantly. Then again this is the Macross that had leg parts and the ARMDs necissary to fire the main particle beam, which IMO is not cannon.
  15. Protoculture indeed! Though actually I was thinking about something else... a fanfiction I wrote a while ago. 2001 anyone?
  16. I allways assumed these things were on big ships like Battleships, Carriers, tankers, etc. I thought it was a sonar array.
  17. That one's nice! Here's another; I belive the Macross Cannons were built out of parts manufactured from the captured factory sattelite. It would explain why they look Zentran, but perhaps they were slightly modified in the assembly line for better performance? Besides you don't need to complete the hulls if you're going to build a bigger ship out of it. I wonder if these things have fold drives...
  18. I got to see some preview eps in the newtype disk. I need to get my hands on this one Not as off-the-wall as Excel saga, but good enough to keep in my house without worrying about it being confiscated As for Subs Vs. Dubs, well, i'll agree the Dub's a little horrendous. I'm glad I watched in subtitles first I didn't like Eva's dub either but I thought Nadesico was pretty good. There's a few anime I'm willing to accept the Dubs over Subs (Vandread comes to mind...)
  19. Hmm...glad to see some realists here. ENT died when they brought the Borg back. Or even beforehand, when the designers realized it would be easier to port a vessel from the distant future and try to deceive all of us by changing some parts around to make it look different. There's a big argument against the "Akiraprise", which also mentions that 800 signatures condemned the design. I personally don't watch Enterprise anymore. The only memorable episode for me is when the Tholians appeared. Even then they stole from Dr. Who in that episode. I turn my Trek interests to the Starfleet Battles cannon (AKA Starfleet Command). No borg, no cliche situations, and full recognition of already established cannon (Up to TMPs) As for Paramount's universe, Trek ended at Movie 6.
  20. If you want to get technical, (Ja') is JA-Prime. If the cards fall correctly the JA project continues and produces this prime variant, which is also armed. In addition to the massive hammer it comes with a shock ring that I belive can snap AT feilds. It has it's own form of connection plug too, it's needed for coolant to cool the production-type reactor. Hmm...can't find any book related to the game on Animenation...
  21. I got the impression that the JA' was a pilotable machine to Fight the MP evas, which would have been cool because I rate the JA' over the MPs anyday. Newtype says amazing things about this game. Suppoedly this is the closest that game designers have to abducting Anno and questioning him for everything about Eva (They did, acutally, and it lasted longer than ten hours so Newtype says) The scripts for the game are more than a foot tall. The game supposedly allows you to re-play the entire Evangelion series, any change you can make can and will effect the rest of the story (As already said). As for screenshots the ones you can find here and there are random clips, nothing really revealing (Other than the return of Eva 03 and yes, even the silver unit 4.)
  22. I happen to think anything with a hammer that big is cool. I'd love to see the JA' in action. No, I'd like to have the game it's supposed to appear in XD As for the equipment, newtype says that's AT control feild equipment. You can't have a Full Armor Eva, so they came up with this nifty gear instead. All they said about the JA' is that it's smaller than the origional and that when using it, spin the entire torso around so that the hammer does the most damage. Of course, the screen shot showed it bashing the crap out of a M-P Evangelion unit, so i'm happy
  23. Woa. Maids in space and a machine that looks like it came from Junji Okubo's back yard. This is Gunbuster?
  24. Only thing missing is transformation sketches. Of course weather they really exist or not is a mystery...
  25. If that were the case you would be a magnet to enemy fire...even if it was pointing in the opposite direction. Or you blow up with one hit reguardless of location, either way.
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