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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Well what's stopping the factory plants from producing an alternate forward module that could be attatched to the orbital section? The way I see it, both parts are manufactured seperately and then assembled in another facility. This way it is possible for one plant to manufacture say a starship combat version while another manufactures the familiar air assault module. Since the aft section is the orbital command package then either one could be fitted to the back section. Then there's the possibility of changing the back section. I have ideas, I just need to get started
  2. This might be yet another pointless question post, but I thought it would be interesting for discussion. After looking up the Queadol-Magdomilla's stats I found that the ship has different manufacturers for both the bow section and the orbital half. It also said the ship has a unique modular system. That being said, do you think it's possible for the Queadol Magdomilla to have a different bow section module? I know there aren't any alternates to the 'cannon' Queadol Magdomilla bow section, but I thought I'd bring it up in a discussion pending a project I'm planning on doing in the Art forums.
  3. I assumed it was VF-X2. I don't know which game it was specifically. But I do know it was one of the games, where apparently you fly a VF-19 against one. It doesn't matter, as it seems anything the Zentreadi can come up with in terms of variable devices outclasses anything the spacy has by at least twenty years. So since the VF-19 is on the market, you can probably expect something twenty years more advanced then that to appear in Zentreadi hands. It'll probably eat your new VF-19 squadrons alive, since it's likely a renegade or Anti-UN agent probably bought one and shipped it back to wherever it is they made the Eva.
  4. No word yet on when the -19 will fly on our desktops? I'd still like to get a hold of the prototype -22 model even if it isn't textured.
  5. Match and surpass, not dominate and destroy. If someone knew the complete capabilities of a VF-19 fighter, then would they design a fighter even better than this? Say for example a nation were to know the complete specifications of an F-22 fighter, one of the newest and state-of-the-art fighters in our arsenal today (With passive stealth and whatnot). This supposed nation with that knowledge would do it's best to exploit it I'd think. So if this is a rouge batch of Zentreadi what if they have their hands on a factory sattelite or say this is the same group that made the Pheyos. (You might be thinking 'but they got killed off!' well there wasn't anything stopping them from passing on knowledge) anyway, if they designed a mobile nightmare fighter that cased havock against a VF-19 derived from a mere VF-11 imagine what they could do with the technology they gained from a VF-19. If the 11 was state of the art when it was stolen and threatens VFs almost twenty years later in VF design. That being said, what can an enemy Valkyrie designed off the VF-19 do to threaten future Valkyries twenty years down the road? It would mean such a new Enemy Variable machine would most certainly rip apart VF-11s, Demolish VF-19 sqaudrons, and be on-par or surprass the Valkyrie design preceeding the -19. And I assume in VFX-2 you fight the Eva with a prototype or early VF-19. So if such an enemy variable craft was designed (or based of of) the Eva it would cut down on design time tremendously. Or even if it was designed from the ground up as a new fighter it would still be able to destroy the widespread VF-19s (Whcih they were designed to destroy) and back-burner VF-11s. Thus the only way to stop these new monsters based off the VF-19 data would be to deploy the sparse next-gen fighter clearly superior to the VF-19 to 'Match' the Eva2. This would only be made worse if the Eva designers (The Anti-UN or defectors?) somehow managed to alter or fix a factory sattelite production plant to manufacture these monsters.
  6. That's kinda hard when it's not commercially available
  7. What's the use for the speaker system? Defense against the varuta (in space!?) Or maybe it's just an amplified speaker system to allow the pilot to yell at criminals at a longer distance?
  8. FYI Azrael I was being sarcastic. Obvioulsy the Phyos is a Zentreadi designed variable fighter based on the existing VF-11 prototype. If the Zentreadi can reverse-engineer a VF-11's transformation capabilities to make a terrifying fighter craft, what's stopping them from reverse-engieering a VF-19P and making something dangerous to even -19s and -22s?
  9. What about the Phyos? I see, that was stolen from the UN Spacy too eh? I lost my post last night that went to ask why the VF-19P was a production version. I think I reasoned that the changes to the design were necissary to keep classfiied information out of the commercial market where it would be all to see.
  10. Well I suppose the stats are innacurate as far as the DYRL? versions are concerned. Well before this thread dies I might as well ask where the missile launchers are. I assumed they're in the inside area of the bracket at the back 'wall' but I could be mistaken. Or do all the Anti-ship missile launchers in Macross need barrels?
  11. My bad. I haven't seen M7, so I assumed they were pirates. So maybe it's a (P)rivate production type? But it begs to ask why would the UN Spacy mass-produce and sell a state-of-the-art fighter that is to be the (ugly) replacement main fighter? If renegade Zentreadi or the Anti-UN remnants get a hold of one they'll know everything about the next front-line UN Spacy fighter they'll be up against. But I assume that explains why there are changes from the Production type -19 and the 19P type. Even so, the only reason I can think of for the UNS to sell 19 types and not surplus production stock (Say the -14 or more -11s) is to cover their outrageous cost.
  12. VF-19P = Production type VF-19P = Pirate type??? It seems rather silly for the Zolans to have their hands on a state-of-the art VF-19 fighter when not even the Mac7 Fleet has them in widespread use. At least they don't have their hands on the VF-22.... Another possible reason is that the pirates stole a shipment of VF-19 and/or the parts to these aircraft and were forced to use more primitive avionics and systems to keep up with maintenance. the VF-19P designation would then be from UN Spacy reports of the stolen VF-19s.
  13. Yesh, all this is my fault. 3 modes? How? Unless you mean Concept>TV>Movie? I wonder if I should CG this...(Given the angry Zent...). I could draw up technical plans because I have illustrator, but as you probably already know they're classified And I wish I had a gallery of my own but I don't. All of my images are posted on my comcast account. The MacrossArt site however....
  14. Oh come on! I gotta leave something for you guys to do.
  15. Boxer

    Enraged Zentran

    The link should work I did this with Photoshop CS and a Tablet (Both are really expensive...) and a ton of layers. Coincidently I did the VF-J on a seperate layer...So I can have Max getting the grab instead I don't have a website much to my dismay, but there's nothing stopping me from putting up more artwork. I just need to do it. That and the fact that I'm juggling line-art projects for the color scheme thread....
  16. Boxer

    Enraged Zentran

    Drawn and CGed by me. I had to go places to get the right colors for the Nous-Ger, but the VF color schemes are creations of mine (Yes, even the VF-1J CF.)
  17. Edit: I think it's too big for these forums. Try the link Art here
  18. Hikaru, so you just trace the images completely in photoshop by hand? (On a seperate layer I suppose)... I have some linearts that I'm willing to do but I wonder if it's easier to do some photoshop thing to make the crisp lines instead of going over them all by hand (Actually I'm using Illustrator for the Spartan because the lines are crisper and cleaner in Illustrator. The drawback to this of course is that I can't play with the image...)
  19. Link
  20. Is this thread still valid? Hope so. Here's my idea:
  21. I had thought those were particle beam cannons (as seen in the DYRL? Mod of Homeworld...) but I was convinced otherwise when the MII books (which are obviously incorrect) had them in the same place. In that same MOD the ARMD 02 HAD the gun emplacements on the engine mounts. it was just on ARMD 02. Knowing that not all ARMD platforms aren't alike, does this extend to armaments also? (Or is this vauge...) And yes the whole SDF-1 armament issue was tossed around in the newbie thread. Of course Azrael, ever the champion of the compendium, practically smacked me with it when proving me wrong. So my new question on the topic is this: Is it general opinion that the three-barrel turrets ARE the large anti-ship rockets mentioned? I had the impression that they were something like this. Judging by the size of those warheads compared to the turret (And the bridge!) I'd think these are the 'Many' anti-ship missiles mentioned in the stats, and the three-barrel gun turrets on the shoulders and thighs are additional beam cannons missed by the Compendium. Maybe I should just save myself the trouble and count all the DYRL? weapons instead. There aren't any 'official' stats on them, despite the DYRL? Macross IS the 'official' one.
  22. My math counts (Storm attacker, TV version) 2 high on the chest (1 two barrel version, 1 three barrel version) 1 lower body (1 three barrel version) 2 left 'thigh' (1 two barrel version, 1 three barel version) 2 right 'thigh' (1 two barrel version, 1 three barrel version) 2 On Bow-firing booms (2 two barrel versions) 2 Back part of the legs (2 two barrel versions) 1 On right shoulder (1 thee barrel version) 1 On left shoulder (1 three barrel version) =13 (assumed) overtechnology guided converging beam cannon systems =5 (If double-barrel turrets are OTGCBCS weapons) =8 (Official stats, outlined by Azrael above) As pointed out in my dedicated thread I could bemistaking some of the turrets for missile weapons. However they would have to be really big missiles, and I don't know if there's any cannon information that they are. They could be weapons other than OTGCBCSs, or they could be the 4 high speed 178cm-diameter electromagnetic rail cannons, as told by Egan (I suppose this makes sense, as Egan's notes distinguish between turrets and not barrels.)
  23. That sounds like the best guess so far, at least for the manufacturer. To confirm, you should compare the kana for "glamour" (since it's the manufacturer for several known craft in Macross) with this one. Ah, the entry is here, under "Military Vehicles and Support Equipment": http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/ There it is. I was looking under aerospace craft. They look like the Stonewell Belcom of support craft, they made the Cat's Eye and Mom's kitchen also.
  24. Obviously from the newbie questions but it wasn't soo newbish. So I post here my question in a quote If Egan can elaborate or explain why the stats differ from the appearance of the Animation that would really help. But does anyone else have any thoughts? Or maybe tell me where these five beam cannons are on the DYRL? ARMD?
  25. Isn't that the Glamour Spider Bug recovery vehicle? I haven't seen it in person and I can't find it's entry in the Compendium, but I think that's what it is.
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