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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. The Arcadia is also spotted attacking the space elevator at the end of the Orguss series. ...is that ship everywhere?
  2. Being a fan of anything Orguss, I'd buy it... After all, it was the Orgussvalk that got me interested in Orguss in the firstplace. Somewhere out there, on a Japanese site, someone did a reeely good bash of this.
  3. Stamen: No. CA is officially Armored Cruiser, but nowadays everyone calls it a Heavy Cruiser. I think the enterprise line always held the Heavy cruiser designation until the D version, where it was upgraded to luxry line...um...'explorer'. Picard's constellation honestly enough was supposed to be a Constitution refit instead of the four-nacelled excuse they have now. They even had to dub over Geordi's line in that episode to fit it in. Apparenlty the staff was too lazy to pull out and redetail the Enterprise model for the shot- even though they did it countless times with the excelsior and reliant models.
  4. I'm sorry to hear the SDF-1 won't be able to transform... If it can't, can we stick it in Storm attacker mode? It was more impressive that way... At least the fighters can transform... otherwise, what would be the point?
  5. There was a lot of discussion about those 'ships' a while ago in the main thread. I maintained they were new ARMD classes, but some people thought they were part of the main ship/some new kind of vessel.
  6. FINALLY! If you need anything guys, just say so. Since the MOD's kinda been gone I've gotten into other things, but if I can I'll provide some 'creative talent' on your behalf
  7. Hey look! The world has color now! I don't suppose anybody could convince you to do a DYRL? Macross after you finish with this one...
  8. Hmm... *Thuds the HW2DYRL?MOD's chest* We need a heartbeat! *Thuds again*
  9. Yes it is. http://anime.net/macross/mecha/index.html Scroll to bottom. All the codenames and infamous names are down there with links to where they should be. And to answer your question- apparently both.
  10. Ugh... I hope I can still junk the ugly Packrat and go with the better looking UNS miner craft. That thing was... primitive. And the cargo box looked ugly slung underside like that. Why didn't I put effort where it was due? Hopefully, again, I can get around to doing more concepts sometime. But like everyone else here, Real Life is a big intrusion into my freetime. Unlike everyone else, it's more like personal issues and proper motivation (To borrow a term from the oh-so-great PDS Mod ) How are we looking on the three sides? I should also point out that if there is any vauge wish to include the supervision army, I'd ask that we knock that in before moving onto scripting an SP campaign (Unless one is already in progress). Like I said above or elsewhere somewhere, promised SP campaigns kill mods if they don't have the resources to do so (Which is nearly everyone... since I have yet to see a SP campaign modded for HW2). Enjhoy.
  11. This is a *BUMP* If it is considered necromancy, kill it for a respawn. If not, what else needs to be drawn/designed? And while we're at it, anyone remember the obscure heavy atmospheric attack craft in that hanger scene? Y'know, the flying wing next to the laundry craft? My DA page has it.
  12. Supposedly Lestat and co. are working on the HW2 version of this Mod (With some designs coursey of me), but they haven't posted here or in Relic's boards for a few weeks. I can only assume everything's all right.
  13. Then all the people who have no knowledge of good old movies would shout back that you spoiled it for them. But all the tom cruise fans would still go in to see it, anyway. True, the TV Zentreadi mecha have some kind of organic feel to them, IMO, but the feel isn't as strong as the Inbit. Even though the Inbit have panel lines, whoever designed them used them well enough to make them seem... I dunno, organic looking. The Iigaa looks more like a mass-produced inferior combat creature than a robot. Same thing with the Gurab and the Gamo- despite the metal bits and pieces. As for Escaflowne, I haven't seen the series, but the movie version seems to scream techno-organic at whoever's watching... even moreso than Eva.
  14. Wolf- my point was that they were not entirely organic. Since they need that energy source they have to have some bionic enhancements in some way. It's not, say, a Zentran with armor and a cockpit module with a brain-cockpit interface My understanding of Dunbine says that they are more organic than even the Zentreadi. They use grown muscle tissue to move their ara battlers, instead of synthetic myomer muscle found in Battletech robots or whatever Gundam & co. use for thier machines. Despite this, I think they are thought of as bug machines with pilots. Z-M: My information is second hand. I wasn't too impressed by what I heard from those who have seen it. I would have been impressed with one closer to the... wha, 1980s version? The flying wing was awesome.
  15. Chrono has a point... never noticed that. Never saw WotW- I'm not much of a horror fan. Besides, from what I've heard it isn't as close to the origional story as I'd want to see... the martians are feeding gigantic plants? They come from underground, instead of from mars even? Enough on that... WolfX- I HAVE seen most of the Eva episodes- and I refuse to watch the movie because I don't see it as canon (I see it as Anno's retribution to fans who raised a fuss about the TV ending). I know that they bleed, have organs, and what not- but if they were truely biological creatures then I doubt they could be simply switched on and off and run off batteries and an overglorified extension cord I asked earlier if the Inbit designers have any books out. Is there anywhere where I can find some more lineart for the Inbit?
  16. Bah! Real life is so troublesome! yes, of course RL is always the problem. Of all the mods I've contributed to, MDYRL? is the slowest that's worked on, but the highest-quality graphics wise (Even when stacked next to Angels Fall First!). It's also pretty much the only Mod I'm eager to have played on HW2. And most of the mods that aren't complete anyway have very high demands. Usually it's 'We MUST have a SP campaign!" or adding xyz that makes the game into a small movie (PDS has pulled this off though). Point is, high demand = Much delay on Mod. That's why a Mod like the Point-Defense System mod is so sucessful- they started small and added periodic updates. DYRL? can't really do this because it's a total departure from the HW universe. If I commanded my own mod (Have some of my own HW related ships I'd like to see modeled someday) I'd want to have just a new fleet released and nothing else (Well, maybe new effects). Mods that get in over their heads tend to flop- both from fans and from within.
  17. Blah. I tried cutting out what I wanted to talk about and it messed up the quote. No sense in increasing my post size with stuff unrelated to the topic... I'm not sure where I heard 'Sian Macross' exactly... I assumed it was MacII. Then again it has a number of other names other than Gunsight one, including the Ship of Alus (Does this have meaning also?) Checked... Blah, you're right Azrael, it's RT in origin. I dunno where I got it stuck with macross.... oh, right, I tried re-writing the Mac TV series and among the changes I stated that the origional Macross was a 'Sian ship'. Stupid me And thanks for the input/discussion. As for a ASS-2 MACII SDF-1 connection... who knows. With Spirita energy forces being used in conjunction with space whales and evil computers that can enslave humanity by singing alone anything is possible. One of the beautiful things about Macross And some RTers have already taken some shots at 'reconstructing' the ASS-2. Personally I disagree with their rendition, and have drawn some convincing Supervision army counterparts on my own (Possibly for the DYRL? HW2 mod).
  18. Heh... Here's some examples here A Confused Cel image "Conjectural Lost Invid mecha" Artemis games The latter is where it was said these designs were from Gall force. Same mecha designer as the Inbit? I also know of the Gunbuster aliens, but I think they go too organic for what I'm looking for. The same thing possibly with Eva and the DYRL? Zentreadi- I'd like to draw up mecha that look Inbit/Orguss in origin, rather than one of the hundred million Gundam Clones that exist out there (or a 'mecha' swamp thing ) Eva IS Organic from what I can tell. We're never really exposed to the inner workings of an Evangelion (There were some abandoned prototypes that looked cybernetic in construction). We know some things, but I'd slap them under cybernetics or 'synthetic organs' instead of being purely organic. The chaotic nature of the Evangelion is really something of a controversy- probably the thing that makes Eva mecha so appealing to some audiences.
  19. ...forgot about Gall force. IIRC, a robotech site out there pulled a few quad-leg Gall force mecha and called them 'invid machines.' More proof that the RT fanbase pulls anything from anywhere to cram it into the already beloated frankenstein. I'm interested in trying to replicate that kind of organic feel from the Inbit for some of my mecha and need more than just the Inbit designs. I consider myself good enough to draw Steel battalion knockoffs, so I wanted to try the other extreme. And do Aramaki and Kakinuma have any books out?
  20. Just a forum question for the mech fans out there. Anyone have any idea who drew up the Inbit mecha designs? I haven't been able to find a decent credits page for the mecha designer. Also, does this organic-like style of machinery appear in any other series?
  21. Thought that was in the official timeline. Don't see it, though. Never seen the RT RPG book, but it's possible I got it from somewhere that got it from the RT RPG. From what I've seen the RT RPG sites like to rip ANYTHING found on the internet if it's close to macross. Heck, the RT fanbase likes to beleive in the YF-19 as an unseen mecha in southern cross! The only place I've encountered any mention on the fate of the (ASS-2?) is on Macross Mecha designs- complete with interesting stats. Even the Compendium doesn't say anything specificly about just the ASS-1; only the codename in it's mecha section. Before I'm blamed for derailing the topic can anyone answer my question? Is 'Sian Macross' something more important than just a term for the SDF-1 to make it significant to the Marduk? Is it not known? Or am I going to be told to watch MacII (To which I have no real intention).
  22. I don't think the 'Folded to a different location' is really canon. It was something that the RPG Macross mecha design page put in to explain the reason why it was never returned to. IMO, it's a different ship from the origional crash Macross. Some of the structure looks different from the one pre-crash pic were we get a good glimpse of it. And according to DYRL? It was Meltlandi ship. I don't think it was boobytrapped, either. If it was, it would have powered up and fired on the flagship when it got into visual range. Unless it was set to explode when boarders got aboard... Well, here's a question I have: the term "Sian Macross". What is it? Is there any significance to it? I think it comes from MacII and refers, of course, to the Macross, but is there any real special significance to this other than making it special to the Marduk?
  23. IMO- it's fine. Just don't go overboard. I'm sure the team would be greatful for handy models being found for use. Also in my opinion this model for BaDolza's base is... how should I say this... well, being blunt, it's insufficient. Personally I'd like to see the macross mod done in high-quaility good poly graphics. The Dev team so far has suceeded in delivering on this. This model, however, looks only vaugely like the origional concept that was outlined in all the lineart. I'm sure the origional artist did the best he/she could to the abilities possible with the limited resources of the game this is in, but HW2 has the ability to feature models with incredible detail. If that full detail isn't used, then it's just a waste. And speaking of the mod, where is the Dev team? There are still plenty of ships that can be released (MACROSS!), even for a pre-release! Where are they, where is the team, and is there any significant problem holding them up?
  24. Arg! This is a forum for the Do You Remember Love Homeworld 2 Mod! Not for hijackings, similiar mods, or anything robotech! ...sorry for yelling, but this thread was created for this mod specificly, not lookalikes. If you're going to deviate further, could you move it outside this thread? For I get exited when this updates, but I want to hear about developements on This mod, not something completley different.
  25. Any news on the Mod so far?
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