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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Dobber, don't lose hope. Mine was the same, no updates beyond processing in Hong Kong on the 9th as of last night but it arrived today. Looks very nice too, Thanks Valk009
  2. Starting on the VF-0S. Not having any decal solvent I ended up hand painting the instrument panel (tried to make it look like there was stuff on the MFD's lol) and Roy's helmet since i couldnt get the decals to snug down. Be gentle folks this is my first plastic model in like 10 years, and I wasnt very good at them back then lol.
  3. Just finished a paper VF-2SS in 1/100, which is unfortunately not released to the general public. I'm just good friends with the designer. Current work is Urashiman's paper YF-19 resized to 1/100 redrawn with the fold lines removed and landing gear added. and then theres a Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0S that just came in the mail today
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