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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. I think it really depends on what Pazu is up to:

    1) if only building the kit, 1/72 or 1/48: I think both could be feasible with 1/72 being more salable

    2) if Pazu can build and paint the kits, then doing a 1/60 version for Yamatos/Arcadias would be highly salable because most of us buy the 1/60 already painted VF1s. And if most of us are like me, we have no skills to paint the kit.


    If I was asked, I would vote for a 1/60 painted & assembled Atmospheric Booster + arm acting like a display stand. And if ever this kit is successfull enough why not doing the Vehicule as an Addon to this kit !

    (3D printing is such an incredible tool!)

    I would be in for such a kit depending of the price of course.

  2. - Lightnings ! They can do it for their Gundam! Comon! )

    - A "solid" anime-accurate leg attachment (not the floppy iteration imagined for 1/72 Bandai version or Yamato V1)

    - Improved arm transformation like here http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1a-valkyrie/vf-1-transformation2.gif

    etc, there are so small details to be improved, there is no need to change the scale/design to make it worth the upgrade!

  3. Sceptical about the Bandai quality on:
    -the landing gears, I don't think that Bandai is capable to match Arcadia quality
    -the canards seem folded backward in battroid ?
    -I much prefer the way T-Rex made the shoulder super parts, perhaps Bandai is fixing it ?
    -would they implement high speed mode, I hope so and this is where Bandai can out-perform the awkward Arcadia mechanism ;)

    Anyway what do we know about the differences between this V-19 advanced and the old Dyson YF-19 ?

  4. Sorry, but still confusing.

    Can you make a schematic with colored parts, a color corresponding to the complete Yetistand and other colors for each extras, just to make sure I got everything right ?

  5. (...) Original "Flight Pose" Great for posing, strength and the possibility of removing your valk with ease. Price was great too. No longer available.

    I don't know what exactly you mean by "original", but you can still order the "New" ones. But only on a pre-order basis now.

    Still the "new" FlightPose stands may probably alter the painting on Bandai DX valks where the caoutchou touches it, but nothing a sealer/finish spray can't fix. And I haven't got any trouble with Yamato / Arcadia valk yet.

    I really like Yetistands poseability, I will probably order a few for my Bandai DX ;)

  6. The bandai paint was immune to turpentine solvent, so I had not that much hard time during painting. I got some trouble with the final matte finish, Tamyia spray did react a bit with the painting under the masking tape though, by chance I did spray only on the new gray bands.

    I did the canards but didn't know for the tail fins, That's easy fix if there is no sticker there!

  7. That black border really did bother me, so I decided to try to paint it with a traditional brush -even if numerous of you warned me not to use enamel paint!-

    Ok, you were damn right guys, it was almost impossible to do it because of the paint would cover the "No Step" marks, but I tried and made a few mistakes, I tried to lighten the paint with turpentine and so on.

    Finally I reached a result good enough to my taste. A few picks of it... Not the most beautiful painting job I admit ;)


  8. I don't have much info into the new TV serie, perhaps there are a bunch of repaints in it… Because I don't see Bandai investing in a whole new mold just for one shot (exception to the VF-27!) specially for a valk that appeared only in a game

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