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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. For those who doesn't know, Shapeways can 3D print in full color using Sandstone material or Full Color Plastic.
    -The first material (Sandstone) is not solid enough for small piece and moving parts to my knowledge and the description
    -The second (Full Color Plastic) seems very promising BUT this is only a pilot material for the moment, that means only the designer can order his designs in this material (to his own risks also! link: https://www.shapeways.com/materials/full-color-Plastic)

    I was excited enough to spend some time in the week and the whole weekend to texture/upload/debug Shapeway's full color 3D printing option. This damn thing is very buggy by now, but finally I made it and the whole design had to be exploded in individual parts due to the material limitations.


    You can have a look at them here: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=VF-171+NUNS+textured

    Unfortunately, because each part is printed as an individual part, and also because the material costs about the double as White Strong and Flexible, the cost for the whole textured set is something like 15 USD. Add to that shipping costs from Shapeways to my place (only I can order it), then shipping from me to you. The price is prohibitive… until Full Color Plastic becomes available to the public.

  2. Hello,

    I made a replacement parts that once assembled (preferably using glue) will replace the original triangles of the VF-171.


    Additionally, I wanted to make a replacement of the "lower" triangle which is supposed to brake also, but couldn't figure which material could do the job. If you have ideas, let me know.


    I made on Shapeways a few models:

    no texture: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=VF-171+NUNS+no+texture&s=0

    #1 Optimized for Strong and Flexible materials, this model has a cavity to fit the lower triangle available here: http://www.shapeways.com/model/2965873/vf-171-nuns-triangles-with-lower-triangle-fit.html

    #2 Optimized for Strong and Flexible materials, this model has no cavity for the lower triangle. This design is stronger than the one with a cavity and is sleeker for any VF-171 that would have both upper and lower triangle broken: http://www.shapeways.com/model/2939051/vf-171-nuns-triangles-wbk-sf-version.html

    #3 Optimized for Forst Ultra Detail material, without the cavity. You will have more details and smoother surface from this material: http://www.shapeways.com/model/2921408/vf-171-nuns-triangles-fud-version.html

    I ordered and received the model #2

    Detailled ASSEMBLY Instructions here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42000#entry1171040




    NUNS Triangle without Lower triangle fit:


    I forgot to put a cavity on the model #2 so I had to modify it with a cavity to fit the lower triangle. I have updated Shapeways with a new file with these modifications to fit the lower triangle.

    NUNS Triangle with Lower triangle fit:




    Additionnaly, there are fully colored models available here: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=VF-171+NUNS+textured

    Because the material used for Full Color Plastic is, for the moment, available only to Shapeways designers, you should PM me if you want one of these models now.

    I have put a few pictures of the Colored triangles with lower fit here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42000&page=2#entry1180759

  3. Nice addition VF5SS.

    The upper triangle design is quiet easy and almost finished, but I couldn't find a way to make the lower triangle. I don't know which triangle has the most failure rate, so I don't know if only the upper triangle fix would be enough

  4. Cool mine broke as well so i'm interested in getting this. How hard is it to take apart the gunpod? Anything to look out for so i don't break it?

    The toughest part was the seperation of the gun canon from its cover. It is needed to have access to the pin, they are glued together and you need to seperate them gently using a small screw-driver. A bit scary but the plastic is strong and pretty flexible.

    I dont want contribute in bad news but transforming my 25g found fractures at the junctions so very careful with your messiah

    That's scary!

  5. Well speaking of breaking stuff, the moving arm of the gun of my VF-25A just broke. The little C clip:


    Is 90% broken off. I put tape on it to make sure it don't disappear until I get some ABS weld. That arm is always the tightest joint of the whole unit.

    I am sorry for you, it happened to a few guys on the forum, including myself.

    I made a replacement part of it on shapeways some time ago and recently updated it to match the new design rules from shapeways. They are now available again on Shapeways.


  6. I hear ya. I don't know what the 17's design is like but I'm certainly curious. I'm also wondering if something could be scratch built that would also work. You're right, the part is stupidly complicated and the tolerances are very tight. I'm guessing resin is about the only thing that would be able to capture all the detail in an easy fashion. I doubt very much that it'd be strong enough though. It almost should have been die-cast metal in my opinion. Then again, the EX releases all seem to be fine as far as this part goes.

    And yes, I know you sold off your 171 toys. I bought one of them. ;)

    I own the Alto version, it doesn't have any issue. I can have a look at this part to be printed in shapeways if Kurisama doesn't mind, but I have no clue where to start? Do we speak of making the "main" triangle that hold the shoulder piece AND the "small" triangle that fold into the chest in Gerwalk/Battroid mode?

    If both have to be designed, the "small" one is impossible to print with shapeways. So it should be somewhat articulated with the "main" triangle. I don't have the VF-17, should be interesting to have Kurisama's insights about it!

  7. Very nice Kurisama! Perhaps you can gather more love with additional/optional smaller chicks -just like you made 2 set of antennas-

    I really love the paint scheme of Hikaru's MTF, but too much paint to do for my sake!

    If it can be of any help, there is a $10 gift for Black Friday using "DESIGN20" code until this Sunday!

  8. I've always been a supporter of NY since they have never failed to secure any of my preorders/orders with them, even though the item is no longer available at most other sites. I find their markup understandable when taking into consideration the amount of effort that goes into their business model. Besides, their prices aren't exactly hidden when I push the order button. I know full well what price they're asking for and by making an order with them, I am telling them that I am willing to pay that price since it's more convenient and reliable for me.

    That's about how I feel about NY.

    But I can't help thinking that past the initial low-price pre-order, NY is articially rising the demand and the online price by buying the pieces alocated/reserved to other e-shops.

    Up to now I agreed to pay a significant markup price to secure a Bandai release that I absolutely want. I am thankful that the more absurd this pre-order rage is, the least I still want to buy it.

  9. This is a nice add-on! There is a great MTF head I found on Pinterest, sorry I couldn't find who made this model, so I can't give credit: 68fbe8b50c356cab6febdab3597b05f3.jpg

    This head is not very accurate to the MTF line art, but I think it got the most important design point: the visor is menacing!

    Could you modify the form of your visor to make it more like a cone: larger inside, smaller on the visor side. (That wasn't clear, I just made a quick drawing of it if it can help ;) )


  10. That is something that can be done on Shapeways, but you will have to sand and paint the pieces. Or just order a colored material, but the surface is not very smooth.

    If you want a good, finished replacement parts, you can ask to commission a guy here who owns a 3D printer and have it done entirely ;) (Chaotic Yeti by exemple)

  11. I think that there are much more 1/60 VF1s than 1/72. Just because 1/60 is highly collectible and ... transforms ! At least this is my feeling when I look back at the dozens of dozens airplane models I assembled and threw away but still having my first 1/60 transforming macross toys ;)

    If you don't own one of these VF1, Arcadia is still editing these VF1, using the exact same molds that Yamato used. There are already a bunch of VF1 under Arcadia license: the 30th anniversary rainbow VF1J, Roy's and Ikaru's VF-1S, and next year there is the Ikaru VF-1J with the reactive armor coming. These VF1 are selling at 150-200 USD tag price, so an Atmostpheric launcher at 200+ is not shocking at all!

    There are still great deals on VF1, your best bet to get one cheap (and don't mind the color) is to look for an "Arcadia VF-1J 30th edition" or one of the Yamato Unpaint VF-1A kit still out there (but Unpaint kits need assembly).

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