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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. that's quite impressive that it can hold up a 25 with armor parts! :oB))

    I also came to an alternate way to solve all the stability issues without the need to 3D print very large socle / bases (which can be very expensive): you can simply drill the base and screw it to a larger plate made of wood or plaxiglass.

    You can also buy one of those cheap GoPro base, but I don't like their esthetics... In fact I haven't found one I like yet !

  2. Yeah it's not the assembly that pushes the crotch forward, but the two little metal tabs that slot into it, they won't stay locked in unfortunately. Oh well.

    As jenius said, there is an additional spacer only for that matter. It is very rare that the metal tabs stay locked with the armor parts on without the spacer.

  3. Hi there,

    This is the topic for my GoPro compatible stand available to print on Shapeways here: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=GoPro+and+Macross+stands&s=0

    Why the GoPro, would you ask ?

    The idea behind this stand is to use all the accessories available for the GoPro camera. Because the GoPro is so popular that all the stand accessories are cheap and widely available on Ebay, Amazon.

    All we need was the adapter to our toys.

    I made 2 for Bandai's and 2 for Yamato's / Arcadia's. Each adapter has a specific rotation axis, so that you can tilt or swivel your toy. Don't forget that the GoPro stands also feature different angle and rotation options!

    If you don't have a stand base, grab the one I made.

    The GoPro cameras can be attached to almost anything, just browse the internet to convince yourself! In case of you want a small and pretty standard feet for your stand, you can grab one of the ones I made.

    Here is an example:

    I ordered from Shapeways:

    1) stand base (Axis B)

    2) adapter for Bandai (Axis B)

    3) adapter for Yamato (Axis B)

    from Amazon:

    4) a set of GoPro thumbscrew


    Later from Amazon

    5) a set of extension arm for GoPro (http://www.amazon.com/Goliton%C2%AE-degree-rotary-extension-camera/dp/B00H7QM5LC/ref=sr_1_33?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1418949255&sr=1-33&keywords=gopro+extension+arm)








    Almost anything is possible now!

    After some experiments, it turns out it can be used as the first known Yamato/Arcadia/Bandai Macross wall mount!


    And now with a GorillaPod:








  4. Updated first post with new design and photos :)

    Here is how to assemble:

    step #1

    Cut the assembly to free the 6 parts




    step #2

    Test the fit of the lower part and middle part. Rotate the middle part. Do not glue the lower and middle parts !


    step #3

    Take the upper part. Scratch with your nail the fixing rod to eliminate any remains of printing dust.


    step #4

    Test the fit of the upper and lower parts. In my case, the rod was too long by 2mm, so I cut the rod by this amount, do the same if needed.




    and Voila


    Fitting test in fighter mode:


    Fitting test for Battroid mode:


  5. Just received the test triangles from shapeways (among other stuff) ! They fit nicely.

    The actual version didn't fit the "lower" triangle, so I had to drill the triangle so that the lower triangle could get in. Don't panic, I made a newer version for that so you only have to choose between:

    TRIANGLE with LOWER TRIANGLE FIT, if your VF-171 has only the upper triangle broken


    SIMPLE TRIANGLE, if your vF-171 has both upper and lower triangles broken

    The main reason I made the SIMPLE TRIANGLE available is because it is a stronger design and it would be sleeker for a VF-171 that has a broken lower triangle.

  6. I think people may be willing to spend $15 for a set if they have the NUNS logos already on there. I mean, I would spend $15 to repair a toy that is $100+.

    I just checked the textured models and tried to order them, the price tag of 15$ was a mistake, it was the price for the standard white plastic. It turned out to be more around 30$ for the complete set in Full Color (excluding shipping costs!) This is mostly due to the minimum of 3$ handling commission per part.

    I think I will first review the design I ordered and if dims are good, I will try to review the Colored Plastic to reduce price by combining several parts in one.

  7. From the link he posted, it looks like the resin will be printed in color, so no painting is necessary.

    But from reading, seems like it will not be able to reproduce black, just charcoal grey. From shapeway :

    "It can display the whole color spectrum, but black will show up closer to a charcoal grey"

    But that's fine with me.

    Mickyg, aaajin is correct. Full Color Plastic is one very exciting material where your 3D prints get out of the machine with all the details and painting described in the 3D file.

    But it is experimental: it is painfull to make shapeways to accept complex forms with a lot of textures (texture is the coloration on the plastic) and also Shapeways makes it very expensive to produce a model from it with rigourous modelling rules.

    I made the model because I really hope more designers would be interested in making colored prints and I personnaly hope to find more more 3D prints from others in the near future. I don't really think people would buy it at the current price point at this moment.

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