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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. The latest price is 150$, excluding options. Down from 200$. Are referring to the initial price or to the latest one?
  2. A small update I have been having difficulties with the canopy when trying to recast it. So I changed the eye design So the canopy and the eye are now a single piece printed in FUD. Once polished, the eye has to be painted on the inside surface of the canopy. The result is pretty nice: This design still has some optical magnifying effect. If someone equipped with a vaccum forming apparel would want to make the canopy that would be just perfect. I will still provide the classic eye, so anyone wanting to use either eye design would still be free. Also, I can make different "eye" shapes if using the FUD printing. Still deciding though
  3. Very nice finish Derex! This kit is very tempting!
  4. Based on the guy feedback, only one side of the knee assembly was crumbled. So the fix was to do a new part of the damaged side only. I don't remember well the details bc I don't have access to my computer files right now, I will have a look when I come back home
  5. I didn't think the knees were a common issue. I already saw the fault: the assembly of one pin in the knee is reversed and this is making the knee to crumble from inside. I was missing a measurement to finalize the Shapeways design, measure which is difficult to obtain from a "ok" knee, but obviously easy once the knee is broken, I had a guy in MP for this matter but never got the answer. So if you want to, send me a pm and I would try to make the fix quick (well not now, but feasible in a week or so I believe)
  6. That's one great fin angle Saburo! Jk apart, this head is nicely finished.
  7. I was referring to your example below that you plan for the UN Air Force. But if don't plan to make this scheme anymore, I already like the green scheme very much
  8. That looks great nzeod! I think the grey camo scheme will be my favorite of the two
  9. MT, that's quite a nice job you have! It is like getting a pay from an hobby! My Vajra got some buffs tonight from a copper wire, it can now make a few pull ups on the lamp and it isn't scared anymore of Ozma! I am still waiting for new elastics to test and very happy with the result so far!
  10. I am now officially giving up this project. I will put the Beatrice 3D file online at the warehouse. Still some refinements needed such as the wheels tires.
  11. Yes the tail is made of a silicon band. I bought two in phosphorescent blue and green that I have to decide.
  12. Hehe thanks all! I tried the nail polish on the articulation and this has tighten well the articulations. I have ordered a few elastics of different kinds to test. I would like the figure to sustain its own weight on its two front legs, but I feel it is a long way. At last resort I can pass a metal wire in the articulations but it doesn't feel like a permanent solution: the wire would brake after a few time
  13. I admire those who knows how to work styrene, putty and such. I think that once you have tasted the precision and quality of 3D prints, you can't go back! The model is quiet tricky with holes and cavities, I didn't plan to make an income project out of this one
  14. Lol, I am not finished yet! I will try to explode the model again to try save some plastic and reduce printing costs
  15. Damn... The model is great but how can I justify a print cost of almost $100 USD? Does the sake of precision and scale fidelity justify this price?
  16. I have been spending some time on this one lately, don't know yet where it will lead me to... So far a lot of floppiness until I receive a new elastic line to test if it can tighten the approx. 30 articulations of the figure! If you have any recommendation I will take it!
  17. I think Jasonc is Mr K. !! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43491
  18. Xigfrid

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    That helmet is so kool
  19. Great find! Anyway i am almost done with this model
  20. Since I saw that Bandai 1:100 Britai I am dreaming of one in 1:60 scale !
  21. That sucks, sorry to see a broken VF-0, but you can grab a spare on Shapeways. Here is the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/?showtopic=36537 You should ask VF5SS if the replacement are ready or not
  22. and independent wheels suspensions (already implemented) !
  23. I was uncertain if that was on purpose or not, now I am a Sabulieber!
  24. I have been looking around Ebay/Amazon/Online shops for quiete some time now for a B1 Centauro Tank in 1:60 scale to simulate the "Beatrice" tanks seen in Macross Frontier. Unfortunately, there are 1:72 only, and considering the difference of size between the Centauro and the Beatrice, the Centauro in 1:72 would never make the illusion for a Beatrice. Then, I decided to begin with a Centauro 3D model in 1:1 scale made by Empy on the warehouse and from there, adapting the shapes to fit a Beatrice. Well I soon realized that it would be much easier to draw the Beatrice from scratch! Today, I can share this work, still in progress though. The Beatrice will feature a few artculations/movements like: turrel rotation, canon rise, hatchs opening, 8 spinning wheels and 2 front wheels being directional and rear door openning. The model has been so far realised for 1:60 scale, but should be ok for 1:72 scale also. A few pictures to compare the "Beatrice" line-art version vs the Centauro.
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