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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. Woah nice diorama set! I love the small vehicles
  2. That’s a cool color scheme, my only grip would be the small fins emblems. I don’t know how you will do them, I am waiting for more updates!
  3. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Whoa! Love these supers But I kind of think these nukes are not fit for the 31E
  4. Here is the link to purchase the adapters: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=Gundam+Adapters&s=0 Shapeways is a great print service for US residents. But for Europeans or Asians it may be too expensive, if you really need these you can let me a PM and see what I can do.
  5. @tekering I have also noticed that all the 1:50 diecast models are really much more expensive compared to 1:64 ones, I really don't know why there is such a gap! Unfortunately, there are less choice about engines in the smaller scale. @spanner Glad to hear you would come back ! I think you can begin with the DX 1:48 line if you want to keep the display tight. I can't see Bandai making anything bigger than the VF-1 in this scale.
  6. Even if this is a DX VF-19 ? !
  7. Hi! At this point, I am still working on the model. In fact I have recently purchased dedicated inputs for my 3D modeling and I need to get used to them before going back to complex designs such as the Ghost X9. setup : 3D Spacemouse and keyboard on left hand + MX570 trackball and classic mouse on right hand
  8. Hey thx for the picture. That’s more confusing because this picture tells the Asuka is below the 300m length. Well well!
  9. Sure will do so as I plan to make at least the Control tower portion of the Island. That sounds great as a reference, can you share any link or is it only a Japanese / paper reference? It's nice to have more image reference, thanks! honestly, I won't build the whole ship ! But I can detail as much as I want the model, that's what is so great with 3D and Virtual world. Perhaps someday my model will be detailed enough so I can make a usdz file, just like what I did with the Drone fighter.
  10. I am much comfortable with these dimensions (except for the too low width) when comparing to the show.
  11. a few inconsistencies between sources though such as the asymmetry of the front catapults.
  12. Or the fight takes place into the Human bird room, and they go outside through the back door of the Asuka. The complete back of the Asuka opens in a rectangular shape, but this is not excluded that there is a larger rounded door for the Monster elevator. And in this case, the anime magic would be solved!
  13. Thumbs up everybody! I have been taking a few screenshots from the show too and was in the process to integrate the detailing into my model. A few remarks, @F996 I could have sworn that the animated version only had 3 Cheyenne and not 6. Great screenshot where we can see the two rows of tubes. I should be able to fix that since the Island can be longer without impacting a lot on the design. It looks like that human bird is stored at the back of the Asuka with a double deck height. That’s exactly what I had imagined to carry the Monster. However the Monster wasn’t shown in this room at anytime in the show, was it? @Seto Kaiba I will look closer to scenes in the lower deck, in particular when Shin makes a duel with the gal and see how the VF-0 are stored. I had the 36 VF-0 count from macross.fandom website, that was the highest number I could find and I was ok with it because we can also see a couple Grumman-like aircrafts too. Anyway, we have a serious issue with the elevator hole height. In every scenes these doors have a standard height, even when Ivanov tries to enter the lower deck he needs to crouch his valk. I can imagine how the VF-0S is being equipped with the armor at the back of the Asuka, next to the Human Bird, but he can’t be standing and passing through the elevator hole ! That’s typical anime magic! Perhaps the original animation was that Roy pushes Ivanov out of the entrance in a ‘flying superman’ stance. But the director decided to add a robot-fighting scene inside the carrier to improve the thrill! Lol
  14. Hey guys, don't worry: it seems they have already planned a 2nd batch. Not August release, but if you can wait Sept/October you can grab here!
  15. @MechTech I think there is enough room for the HWR-00-Mk.IP. But to allow the Monster to be under the higher deck, there must be a special larger room made for the Monster, and somehow the Monster can even be crouched, making the required space smaller than what I have drawn. And since the Monster cannot go through the standard elevators openings, there must be at the back of the Asuka II a dedicated "external" elevator that can rise the Monster to the higher deck. I have also checked with the actual 276m length that the Asuka II can carry the 36 VF-0 + 20 QF-2200, and more room if needed.
  16. Haha I don't know if it is called dream or nightmare, my wife is telling me this is a nightmare :P exactly 4m60 yes
  17. small update. However the whole island with the 3 Cheyennes is 1m long!
  18. It looks like I can’t proceed past the shipping option, then I can’t finish the pre order... sad
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