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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. OK, I received the Shapeways parts yesterday. Sorry for the not-so-great quality photos, but I was trying to shoot these with my camera to show some comparisons.


    This is really quite a good attempt, but the ultimate angle of the reaction missiles when mounted seems off by just enough to not let my OCD let it go. I also might need to try to put some Future floor polish on the connection peg which goes into the armor pack booster, as it is ever so slightly thinner than the port and doesn't hold securely. If I were to jostle the Valkyrie while on its stand, the pylons will fall out. This is so close to being a solution to my problem, but it needs just a *slight* bit of adjustment.

    After this review, I placed an order just to make sure that your sample was not a default.

    I just received it and as you said, it is a too far "OFF" the original dimensions. I have removed it from my shop until I fix the design. 1) The main tab needs to be enlarge and slightly recut= Easy fix.

    2) The pylon extremities need to be angled a bit more, and to make it right that would some take time because I don't want others to test a faulty design.

    As soon as I fix the design and tested it I will make the model available again in my shop

  2. Thank you guys!

    Concerning the Cheyenne, this Workroid shares a LOT of common parts with the Cheyenne. I made the design so that it is possible to upgrade the Workroid into a Cheyenne.

    -replacement of the current head part + reactor in the back

    -arms replacement

    -shoulders upgrades

    -feet upgrades

    But, I am not so into the Cheyenne compared to the Workroid right now (I loved so much the Workroid since its first apparition in Macross Delta ep01!) so I don't have plans to design these parts for the moment.

    Perhaps once I got this Workroid painted and buffed, who knows!

  3. Seeing this part, it reminds me that I use to sand a bit the inner part of the "plastic" part. Please check the "sanding.jpg"


    Apart from that, everything look good.

    To insert the Supers, I usually begin to insert the front portion, with plastic part first on the angle of the air intake. Then I insert the rear hook into the hole, I use a flat screw to check that the hook get inside the reactors thruster correctly.

    illustrated as below:

    STEP 1


    STEP 2



  4. Unfortunately at this point I realized that a shoulder is missing, so it is uncompleted.




    Next steps:

    1) I got to get the missing parts asap

    2) assemble the hydraulic cylinders that reinforce the hands and feet articulations (2 caps are missing together with the shoulder) so I can't attach them

    3) Priming, sanding x3 times before

    4) Painting

  5. Latest update:

    -22th September 2016

    Pictures of completed project.









  6. Here's my offering... Xigfrid did an absolutely fantastic job design wise on this. It was a fun, fairly quick build. I am thrilled to finally have one in my collection. Ordered the Yetistand adapter today and will definitely be putting up some beauty pics with my 19 and 21 when I get all them on a Yetistand in a couple of weeks. Thanks Xigfrid!!!

    Woah! I will now call you "Master of glossy finish"!

  7. Edited first post with Wmkjr ghost photo and the following info.

    The production is finished.
    I have available in stock 2 Painted Ghosts and 6 last Unpainted Ghosts. Landing gears are also in stock.
    Feel free to PM me if you want one, even if this post don't get updates, I will be keeping the spare Ghost in a cool, dry place for the future until they got sold out.

  8. If you pull the canopy, it will go out easily. Try to wash it gently with soap and see what happens.

    I don't think there could be such a mistake as manipulating plastic parts with dirty hands in a factory, it is probably some dirt that came during the final assembly step.

    I had cloudy canopies to come transparent again with an acrylic gloss spray. Don't try Tamiya's TS 13 (lacquer base), it can melt the paint if applied too thick.

  9. After this 13rd episode, I am now convinced to get a 31F and I would love to get both Hayate and Messer figures in it! But still my 2nd choice: 31A had some show time also, and this grey scheme and delta wings are lovely!

  10. Yeeeeeeeees!!!! Xigfrid..what do i need to order to get the Ghost attached to a YetiStand???

    Make sure that you got either the "Ya Banking" or "Ya Standing" adapter on your YetiStand, then you can buy from my Shapeways shop the "X-9 stand Adapter".

    To insert the adapter, you need the bottom/rear fin deployed and open the missile traps, once installed you can close the traps.

    beautiful shot Xigfrid! :o That drone looks amazing! :wub:B))

    These shots are from Wmkjr's Flickr! All the credits should go to him.

  11. I tried looking for screenshots for color references. Maybe grey or black in the exhaust port and black in the 2 little dips in the rear?

    I just had a look at your pictures link, and couldn't resist not sharing this one... Such a great display and my favorite angle shot.

    27332530151_45ab295eca_k.jpgMacross Plus 5 by Wm K, sur Flickr

  12. Besides the reactor exhausts that can be greyish, and sometime I saw the top of the supers having yellow accents too, all red seems the official way.

    That's also my favorite color way

  13. Just got to open her as she was here a couple days. Totally awesome. Love the little hacking Sheryl too!

    Thanks for all the effort Xigfrid!

    You are welcome and enjoy this nice bird!

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