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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. Making some tests with Tamyia TS 38 spray paint, this paint is very tricky... beautifully tricky with lots of reflections!

    I also made some test with the yellow paint... and now I understand why everyone says painting with light color is difficult. I gonna need several layers of yellow to completely cover the primer I guess...




  2. It's available on your Shapeways?

    Yes it is listed here

    I listed it on my shop just to let know what is the average cost of such a large figure or you can rotate the models and have a closer look how the parts are made.

    There are 12 parts, only 11 for the Workroid, BUT you need to order 2x "05_feet". The "2 part container" is great if you can't make your own container with card board or laser cut polycarbonate sheets. I made both options, and I much prefer paying the extra for Shapeways solution!

  3. Nice work. What is this WH lesson? Online?

    Here in town, we got like 10 or 15 warhammer shops, each of them sell figures, which are not painted. They almost all offer painting service and sometimes they also offer painting lessons with small groups of 4-6 attendees

    That may have to be in my Mac Delta collection! Damn your too good Xigfrid!

    Well it is now available online, you can decide by yourself whenever if you want it later or not! Not what I would call cheap figure, but don't forget that shapeways also have a permanent discount of 15% with extending manufacturing time for WSF. And twice a year shapeways make its 20% discount on all orders.

    I don't push on selling these figures, they are very expensive for what you get.

  4. I have some free time this weekend and thanks to the great weather and this morning sun I could make the first primer layer and sanding during the same day.


    This is the first time I have use a thicker floor finish layer prior of the primer and combined with the use of the newly implemented 3D printing orientation choice: you can obtain flat, near perfect surfaces right out of the 1st sanding. Pretty happy with the time saving and the result!


    I also attended a WH painting lesson with acrylics for beginners, and I will highly recommend it! They have such incredible paintis and techniques, in particular these metallic in acrylic that are so easy too handle with a brush! Quiet proud of my first figure hand painted. This one is about 4cm height


  5. Here is where I am at after a few hours. This is really an early sketch, it needs refinements and detailing but some lines are pretty, I will try to share it through Sketchup Warehouse later.

    This can be a resin kit once printed and refined. Who wants to take over?




  6. OMG. So much skill and talent.

    Did you use line art for the design?

    I have used mostly screenshots from the TV show ep01 mixed with a bit of the Cheyenne II line art. Thankfully there are very few complicated curves and most surfaces were flat.

    Designing it was very funny, specially because I tried to make the articulations sturdier than standard ones found in toys. This is some sort of test shot for the coming larger Vajra.

  7. Speaking of it, I received the missing parts: shoulder, new front arm and decided on the paints: Tamiya spray TS-47 for the yellow and TS-38 gun metal for the grey parts. I will probably make use of different shade of primer (white or grey) to obtain the light and darker grey areas.

    I haven't assembled the hydraulic cylinders in the feet and hands because they would be a pain to remove before painting, I will keep them for the last moment.

    This workroid can do so much !

    Handling cargos:


    Loading a VF-30 or VF-31:


    Fighting and... even replacing a Cheyenne!



  8. Received the new pylons today and I tested them quickly. They are much better now, perhaps a little too tight: I had to slightly sand the peg before inserting it into the armor part.

    Axelay leave me your address in PM so I can send you one FOC.




  9. In the ships Hull is where you hide the Neopixel. Use a strip so you have eight addressable Neos then run high quality fibres with lens ends. The Neos and the Trinket board can all run on a tiny lipo or hide a two wire power cable into it though the stand. You could even add motion activation as I'm using on mine to turn on the effects when someone passes near.

    You MUST make a video of that happens!

  10. Really nice from you to open a thread on this matter.

    I have a specific setup in mind for some time, perhaps it has already been done.

    I would like to make lightings for 3D printed parts, I imagined it could be done very easily by making pre-drilled holes in the models into which you can pass the optical fiber. Making this way allows the system to pass the fibers from a center point to any other position in the model, even through articulations. It needs several color light generators I presume. How small can be the control device, including batteries? How do we solder the fibers etc? Perhaps there is somewhere a tutorial for that specific setup?

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