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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. The part looks pretty simple to model: semi arc + a rectangle.

    Without a model in hand, it is difficult to model a perfect replacement part. The best a modeler can do is to something very similar but you would need some sanding to fit.

    Would you provide some info about the size of it (take measures of the other part as comparison would do the job) and about how it works: does the semi-arc acts like a clamp, does it attach to the gun or to the plane with the clamp or with the rectangle?

  2. at a completely lower level, I just ordered this in color White on Ebay for less than 3USD.

    It has a 2x CR2032 case + integrated button with 3 flashing modes. It looks small enough to be integrated and I hope it is easy enough to remove the cloth and use the LEDs inside my models :)


  3. I had to make a pause with the yellow because the spray can emptied... Using the can instead of the airbrush uses 6-8x more paint...

    Well I will make some detailling until I receive the new can!



  4. I meant this one:

    Haha yeah I understood perfectly that you were meaning this logo :D My point was that in Macross, they hate using occidental company logos as is, and they usually make a new one that is similar enough to be recognized ...

    Anyway I will give it a thought because even my pal said that the my workbench looked like a futuristic CAT, so it may deserve the logo.

    Edstuff, yeah Sketchup is a free program so you can experiment it to your heart's content.

    Thanks aaajin!

  5. I don't know if Kurisama is still committed on the full upgrade parts of the VF-1X++ from Macross The Ride, but if he isn't that's something you should take over!

    Sticker side, I would love to see a custom sheet with a bunch of different size NUNS kite logos, No Step markings, yellow&white markings ala Gundam stickers.

  6. Same here, that 03 colors is just perfectly tuned.

    Considering that Hayate rides that 02 more and more, I can't imagine what kind of pre-order madness that would be: Instant 1sec window!

    In comparison the 262 would be nothing...

  7. This one may work better since there is no small surface details. Hopefully i can get the arm to look ok in shapeways. Not gonna put anything up on shapeways that doesnt come out really nice.


    If you go with fud from shapeways, make sure to use strong/reinforced structures, because this material can easily snap.

    For instance, for the arm and the antenna, I would have used metallic bars: 0,6-0,8mm steel bars and brass/copper for larger ones. With detailing end bits 3D printed if necessary.

  8. There is one that still got this valk on pre-order but at an indecent price of 260$, before shipping...(http://www.hobbyshop2go.com/en/shop/products/dx-chogokin-vf-31j-siegried-hayate-immelmann-pilot---d10025bb9-1783-415a-a866-a65601673afd.html)

    Since they don't put an hard deadline, it is hard to know if they don't have enough orders or if they are not legetimate.

    At this price level, this is a form of stealing to me because this is from an online shop...

  9. God how hard is this toy going to be to get? Is it going to be like Ozuma VF-25S where it took ages for reissue?

    It's all just based on luck again isn't it?

    BTW still haven't even stated watching the series yet so I don't even know who the cool guy is that everyone wants first and becomes an absolute pain in the butt to obtain. Might watch some eps now actually.

    IS the series better than Frontier? VF-31 looks like it doesn't need any strike cannons or super packs. Have destroid bomber pilots with thick armor finally been upgraded to fly with Valkyries like we all dreamed could happen one day? (think of it as a combination of the boob fighters mixed with the destroid tomahawk)

    Or does Kawamori only think Valks should be allowed to do that?

    Do pilots actually die in this series like old gundam and original macross shows or are virtually invincible super heroes like Macross 7?

    Hayate is probably the character that could replace Alto in Frontier. Not the coolest char, nor the most skilled pilots, but the one that young dudes would likely identify themself to. There is probably the "Super strike addons" coming later because it was shown in an episode of the TV show.

    For all the other questions, you should watch and discover them by yourself.

    I will probably try to get this one because it is the first 31 and that I prefer to judge it myself, but if I cannot, due to the pre-order madness, I won't regret it too much because this is pretty sure they will re-edit it if it sells like frontier renewals...

  10. Looks like a photoshop error for someone trying to make the nose shorter than it looks.

    I have mixed feelings about this release... The design would require a lot of improvements: would it have a renewal version and should I skip first revision ?

  11. sorry if this has been mentioned already but im not really liking the rear landing gear arrangement.. looks like they consolidated them with the knee cap covers which is fine if they were struggling for stowage space, "two birds with one stone" I get it, but when deployed they do look kinda crappy.. almost like an afterthought.. :unsure: ahhh crap guys we forgot about the landing gear! :o:rolleyes:

    Yeah this was discussed when episode 02 showed that the rear gears were designed to open with the knee cap. Really it looks like an after-tougth!

    I saw this picture which looks like a fighter-only model. This gives me some hope that the design can look better than the gears in the 1/72 transforming model.

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