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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. Absolutely gourgeous valk, and the launch arm is just the cherish on the cake. So fast builder! We want the next project!
  2. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Don't worry for mirage, I will get a pair of antennas for her, get your pre orders back!
  3. Amazing painting job so far! So many details for a 1/72 scale!
  4. Wow, beautiful! Come on Arcadia, do it!
  5. I wish that the reason behind these KO VF-1 is that Arcadia is fully committed in a complete new line, with new V3 molds and exiting features. That would explain why the old molds would eventually got sold and ended to be used by KO but Arcadia would still be ahead thanks to improved versions and safe from any copies of the current models. Thats my wish.
  6. If Spanner got a C, I will take the B version! Seriously, if you want to offload your VF-0, I can propose a great (simple) 0B paint scheme, just name your price!
  7. Nice pictures TCracker! I love the batroid mode in this one.
  8. I didn't really like the VF-0C, but in this color scheme I could change my mind !
  9. You are welcome Kelsain, take your time because you better let me experiment the assembling first on this one: I remember that cleaning the holes and wiring the model was not an easy task on the first version.
  10. The new nose with the blue line is sexier! And ouch I can imagine that hurts to dissemble them once painted... Thankfully these parts are not visible and don't need to be repaint in the correct scheme!
  11. Some time ago I made this Little Vajra, it was mostly based on the Line art proportions which in fact are inaccurate compared to the proportions seen in the TV eps and movies. You can still see it there: Also due to a change of Shapeways sprues policies, my model was not printable anymore, so I decide to update the whole model with: 1) better proportions, from 16 cm long to 18 cm long. The figure is also bigger. 2) new tail design featuring a 5mm diameter x 22cm long silicon hose instead of a silicon flat band 3) new "hands", more accurate shapes and more articulations with a better grip 4) simpler model with less small parts. The complete model can be bought on shapeways for a little less than 65 USD (with "Extended" production time): https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=Little+Vajra&s=0 You will need a few additional material to assemble it: 1) 3x screws dimensions M1.7 x 6mm 2) 1x bigger screw (2.3 - 2.7 mm diameter x 8-9mm long) 3) about 100cm of 0.8mm copper line for the legs and the tail, I also used a fine fish line to drag the larger copper line in the legs holes 4) 5mm diameter x 22cm long silicon hose for the tail. You can choose your favorite color.. I went with a green "glow in the dark" hose. 5) a few 1mm diameter metallic rods cut to the correct length to fit the different fingers articulations, I used 1mm x 20mm nails for that. 6) 2x magnets of 3mm diameter x 1mm depth (optional) They help secure the little legs under the belly, but they are also secured with the Jaw mechanism HERE IS THE ASSEMBLY manual if needed : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iyCkM98lGnNUwb7-1dFj-boI6miCCUoF/view Enjoy the build!
  12. Since NY didn't have the pre order opened nor the DX figure, I grab both from AE! Thanks for the heads up
  13. This is the pic of day!
  14. Yes this is a new option, you should ask Kurisama to check the model orientation prior to print it.
  15. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    haha Duymon! I though it would be too disgusting showing a picture of me peeling all the dust and other things, so I preferred to put the picture of the antenna once recovered I have finished the model and I will order it soon, unfortunately the Silver version is a bit too expensive to my taste! I don't know if Black Hi-Def Acrylate can be printed, but if it is, it should be best result out of it! I made a second version that should be printed in Steel family, they are the strongest print materials out there, it would need to be cut (rotary tool is mandatory, no cutting pliers would be strong enough to my knowledge) and it would need to be polished (high grit rotary tool) to obtain a great shiny surface. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=VF-31&s=0
  16. The paint scheme really makes it! And all the manual work really shines making it more "bulbous" compared to the latest kits... this is like the difference between the CGI frontier and the old robotech hand painting anime! Really nice
  17. Thanks again for the good comments! Kelsain, I will revisit soon the small Vajra design to make it less accurate to the line art and more accurate to the movie. Wmkjr, I have been happily surprised that when crouching on its back leg, it can supports a lot of weight, because the articulations are on their maximum reaches, on this pose all the weight is on its right back leg. here is the complete 6 legs Vajra. Now it's time to play with it before the long painting session. It even fits the Detolf, a bit cramped though!
  18. Haha thank you for the comments! It needs the two front arms + painting but yet here are the fresh pictures of the Vajra
  19. Yes! We need more more pictures
  20. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Btw, I will probably finish my model and test print it in case of... and that silver version has grown on me !
  21. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Guess what I found when emptying the dust reservoir of the vaccum cleaner?!
  22. Assembling the monster, the size is blowing all my expectations... gonna buy a bigger detolf!
  23. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Really much appreciated MJ! Exactly what was needed to finish my model!
  24. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I noticed a 3D print service shop nearby my working place and I chatted with the guy there who was kind enough to print a model I made today. I have to say that I made it by feeling, knowing how Bandai usually make its antennas. So I went for a 3mm wide, 1,5m hole and bingo this is just exactly what was needed. The result was good enough to take pictures. I need to slightly angle down the antenna and that will be it! I will try to make it in silver if possible, stay tuned!
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