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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. Just receive the Draken, the paint job is beautiful! BUT... It looks undersized ? Looking at the front of the fighter mode and the canopy, I cannot stop thinking that this SV 262 should be at least 10% bigger as it is now, or as big as the VF-31 and even bigger ?

  2. Received the two antennas for the Hayate 31J today and they look good as a replacement. The first version is a straight one just like the original, the second one goes nicer against the fuselage. 

    I also made a steel version but it didn't fit well because it was too hard and heavy. 









  3. 26 minutes ago, barurutor said:

    Not everyone can afford KOs *and* new releases at the same time, so even if OOP valks are being KO'd and sold for cheap then that's less chance of Arcadia getting collector dollars.

    If i can pay the premium price for higher quality, I will do it. The question is when the KO quality reaches and goes beyond the original product like the MPP-10... would I also buy the original MP-10 that looks too small but is licensed and costs 4x the better KO one?

    Well the TF exemple is not a good one because the price difference also resides in the fact that the increase is due to local importer and resellers margins, that Arcadia doesn't have

  4. Seriously saburo?! Thanks god i got one copy coming already otherwise I would be urged to buy one. I don't know if this is the model or your simply you getting better at shooting macross stuffs, but this 262 is the best looking valk pictures ever.

  5. Wmkjr received a set that was clean of the sprues, and all the holes were pre-drilled. Generally it takes about 40min to clean the sprues, test fit the parts and drilling the holes, a few parts can be slightly curved or torn, they need to be heated with an air dryer and then straighten.

    For an experience builder, with a rotary tool (or nail sander + vice pin) this should be a piece of cake of course. 


  6. Hi all, I recently had a commissionned painted Ghost X-9, and I made the inventory of the remaining sets I got. I got one last complete set (unpainted, with landing gears and clear canopy) that I can sell at the standard price and 3 rough sets I am willing $50 USD each.

    Because it takes time to prepare the resin part to clean/sand/prepare for painting, I want to sold out the remaining rough sets. They are un-refined, with small injection sprues as it is pictured in 1st page within a plastic bag.

    In order to clean the set, it requires a good knowledge of the assembled ghost, I would make this deal with people who previously ordered a ghost so they can have a comparison/guide to clean up the set.

    The rough sets once assembled are a complete ghost X-9 with super parts, except for the clear canopy, all the opening traps would need to be glued in fixed position. Or if you are courageous, I can make the missing parts needed for the moving parts and landing gears available in plastic and steel at shapeways or printableb 3D file that you can print yourself.



  7. So far I don't know any alternative to replace only the lower triangle.

    The first link above is a replacement of the higher triangle with its bottom made flat so it partly replace the bottom triangle "visually". Unfortunately it can only be flat and not "dome-shape" because of the transformation. 

    If you find a better solution for this matter let us know!

  8. I wish that the reason behind these KO VF-1 is that Arcadia is fully committed in a complete new line, with new V3 molds and exiting features.

    That would explain why the old molds would eventually got sold and ended to be used by KO but Arcadia would still be ahead thanks to improved versions and safe from any copies of the current models. 

    Thats my wish.

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