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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. The preparation work is the most important step with shapeways wsf. 

    For these missiles I would do as follow:

    -clean with water and dish soap, let it dry

    -plunge it into floor polish and pull them out, clean the excess of resin in the ressess areas with a tooth pick and let it dry 24hours

    -sand a bit before applying primer. Let dry 24h then sand it smooth  

    Then the painting:

    -for the white missiles I would go with another layer of tamyia fine white primer, and a gloss coat Ts-13. Then panel pinning with red and light grey enamel wash.

    -for the grey missiles I would go with those AS spray cans from tamyia, AS-1 or AS-3 for the VHMM for exemple. I usually apply a thick layer, and tamyia lacquer paints just flatten perfectly when curing. Apply a satin spray to seal the paint


  2. Ok, now are the VHMM / PaCSWS-1G missiles. They come in a pack of 2, they have a cockpit and clear canopy that you can cut from any acrylic sheet (or any plastic container from your food store).

    They are compatible with the single missile pylons for your VF 31, 171 and SV 262. You will need the special Station 4 pylon to adapt them for the VF 25.




    08transparent sheet VHMM.jpg

  3. 2 hours ago, wmkjr said:

    Hopefully it passes the pilot program. As of now, it's currently the same price as WSF until further evaluations are completed. Did you try looking into the pilot extended WSF production for some discounts on your parts? 

    Always do, this is a permanent approx 17% discount :)

    arbit, you got a memory! I had to check at Anymoon review to confirm. I just need to dig the cave for the box.


  4. 1 hour ago, Graham said:

    That is amazing.

    You need to make a 1/60 pilot figure in Ex-Gear, so you can simulate the scene in episode 1 of Frontier, where a Vajra grabs and squeezes to death the original VF-25F SMS pilot, after he ejects out of the VF-25F,

    On a side note, this scene is the one that bothers me most in the whole frontier series because it is flawed.

    At the beginning, the Vajra grabs the pilot with its smaller leg, the one that has 3 fingers, and when he squeezes the pilot, there is a zoom in the hand that now has 5 fingers and the shape of the larger leg, but without the red carapace on it...

  5. I just made what I call "TMM 201", where the "T" stands for "Triangular shaped" missile so you can  reproduce the Master File cover picture of Hayate's VF-31. The TMM 201 come in a 6-pack, and you will need triple pylons to attach them.

    I also checked my SV-262, SV-171 and the pylons are good on these 2 aircraft too! But I don't remember if the knights used any exterior missiles ever ? I have to re-watch the whole Delta again ! -sigh-




  6. 15 hours ago, electric indigo said:

    Xigfrid, which variant is that?

    This is the VF 1 X ++ variant, my favorite VF 1 mainly because it is the technologically most advanced VF-1 using such exclusive features that only a few elite pilots as Hakuna can make it fly !


    10 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Not to add a ton more sanding and polishing of new parts to your situation, but would making new wings from scratch be an option?  If your goal is to make the set removable, that's stretching things a bit though, even if the wings are fairly easy to replace.

    Making the complete wing is an option, but because you need to sand a lot and that the wing is thin (then hard to smooth homogeneously), the result from WSF plastic would be a little "meh". I still can make the addon part to be glued on the wing though.

    The thing that really bother me are the armor plates on the chest, over the wings. I must find a way to attach them nicely, they are very important to me, because they contribute a lot to the VF 1 X++ look in battroid, making it more similar to a VF-25. Have a look to the pictures below.


    8 hours ago, Thom said:

    Wow, great looking mods! That'll look super!

    hehe, these are the supers parts! should look super :)



  7. I made a new shop category for these DX missiles and pylons adapters: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=Missiles+and+Pylons+DX+compatible&s=0

    Up to purchase:

    -set of 18x AMM 101 missiles (2 versions with or without clear tips)

    -set of single and dual pylons for the 18x AMM 101

    -set of pylons for custom HMMs

    -set of 4x HMMs for these DX pylons

    -set of 4x pylons that can attach the Reactive Missiles from the VF-25 armor packs (Alto or Ozma)

    -set of 2x dual pylons for the VF-25 Armor pack Reactive Missiles (would look like the VF-31J in Audio Armor Pack with reactive missiles on the forearms)

    -set of 4x pylons for station4 on VF-25

    -set of 4x single missile pylons for DX (VF 30, 31 and 171)

    -set of 4x flat section pylons for general use for VF 30, 31 and 171.

    On my todo list:

    -VHMMs which would be compatible with all the single missile DX pylons (including station4)

    -?? Sort of triangular missiles as per the cover of "Variable Fighter Master File VF-31"

    -DX adapter for the Arcadia YF-19 HMMs

  8. 36 minutes ago, mickyg said:

    Very good insight.  I was thinking it could be done in multiple parts to better deal with the sanding issues (the pink parts could be moulded to fit into the inside surface of the beam parts.

    But yes, if it's going to be that sort of money, there's not much point.  Even if I could just get the front parts done (the handle and body of the gun is OK) it'd still likely cost more than it's worth...

    Send me in PM a few pictures of your gun and what needs a replacement, if there is just a few parts it can be worth it. 

  9. Well you can try one of these 1:72 pilot kits, or preiser/Noch painted figures, by just adding the helmet with some putty. you will obtain a better result.

    The only good printer at shapeways for this kind of figure would be FUD or Black Acrylate HD with sprues, that means 10$ a pilot or printing a batch of 10/20 units and reselling these individually. 

    I don't know if EXO still make 1:72 figures, but he could help you find the pilot if you want to PM him

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