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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. I have been trying to make a few layers of white wash on these, probably I can try to add some red in it. I think I will give a try to the ts-27 first then probably the easiest way is to have the head and rear leg parts to be a light grey instead of white
  2. Ho... nice little thing! I have a question, generally for white i would stick with the White fine Primer as base and apply 2 gloss coat and call it a day. Unfortunately I am trying to color match the somewhat bright and pinkish white from yamato/Arcadia and found that the primer color is more in the yellowish compared to that white. I was wondering if I should go with Tamiya Ts-27 or this one will not be as near as VF-1 white? Or if I should reprint the whole Vf-1 in white primer...
  3. @arbit I got an "improved" copy made by @erikos0311 some time ago. He stopped making them but if there is demand, perhaps he can supply again ? Edit, just saw that you were on the selling thread. Did you got one in the end ?
  4. That small LED is a nice find! where does it come from ? Is your computer is back to normal, we still have a business to finish!
  5. Xigfrid

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    If it cannot be removed perhaps it can be masked. If this is a top coat issue, perhaps by spraying an acrylic satine coat over the whole part would make it disappear ?
  6. What mechamaniac said. Except that with SLS you don't have support so the bottom face is as nice/stepped as the top face. SLS will have stepping marks every 0.2 mm vertically approximately even if the horizontal resolution can be much higher.
  7. Nice paint derex, but I don't recall seeing a dark at-at do you have a screen caption of it or just a wish you had ? Your can is scary!
  8. I have to second that wish because Arcadia seems to have no plan to update its old mold.
  9. Nice tip! I will try that: the sun shine trick, I would be scared to put it in the oven and have the risk of my kids copying me later... Perhaps with a hairdryer, would it work?
  10. That's true, anyway I can make a triple pylon for station4
  11. I would like to make thin paint layers ala airbrush but most of the time spray cans just make them thicker than expected. Fortunately tamiya sprays self level when drying.
  12. Quick paint job, I like the canopy reflections and the look of the missiles even with the imperfections of the painting
  13. I will have a look but I wouldn't expect more than a 20% decrease.
  14. If you are ok to drill 1mm holes, you can use the "Station4" pylons. I can't see how to make removable hardpoints on wings apart using "station4" concept.
  15. In general wsf polished would be smoother and have a better finish, but as a designer I prefer to order the classic wsf and polish manually to see the issues beforehand. Black Hi-Def acrylate is promising, but I have yet to make a model to be printed in this material... I tried a few of my model already and they have been rejected because of the sprues. It should be good for the missiles but the price is too much (about 3x of wsf)
  16. Thank you, I would really like to make better paint job but spray cans only are allowed in the house
  17. Thanks, the VF-1X++ parts are all in this section: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/xigfrid3dshop?section=VF-1X%2B%2B&sort=
  18. Feet... sorry that's a classic!
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